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西安市2020版九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ do you go to work every day? Take a bus.AHow farBHow longCHowDHow much2 . 找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词AblogBhobbyCoverDnot3 . As one of the “People Who Moved Qinhuai”, his work goes _ teaching.Yes, the teacher always thinks of the children first and takes good care of them.AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween4 . How much should I pay for these magazines?The first one is free, _the second one costs five yuan, Sir.AwhenBwhile Calthough5 . The film Song of Youth reminds me of my English teacher, Miss Li. I agree! Miss Li is _ Mr. Miao. She always encourages us and loves us so much.Aas good asBas soon asCas well asDas much as6 . The big noise often makes me _.AjumpBjumpingCto jumpDjumped7 . To my surprise, _ a little boy can draw _ many beautiful pictures.Aso, soBso, suchCsuch, so8 . Marys ambition is _ around the world by boat when she has enough money.AtravelsBtravelCto travelDto travelling9 . Iin this city since Ifive.Ahave lived ; wasBlive ; wasChave lived ; have beenDlive ; have been10 . What is twelve and five?Its _.AfifteenBsixteenCseventeenDeighteen11 . He raised his voice _ everyone in the room _him clearly.Ato make , to hearBmaking , hearCto make , hearDmaking, to hear12 . She has a pen in one of her hands, but whats that in her_ hand?AoneBanotherCthe otherDother13 . _ of them went crazy (疯狂的) when the big star came out and smiled at them.AEvery oneBNo oneCEveryone14 . Why are there so many plants in your flat?I want them to_harmful gases because I just bought some new furniture.Atake overBtake inCtake up15 . If you have to catch the first bus tomorrow morning, choose this hotel. Its very_ the bus station.Aclose toBgood forCdifferent from16 . Haze(雾霾)has been a serious problem in our city in the past of few months.Yes. And the situation will be worse if nothing to fight pollution in the future.Ahas doneBwill doCis doneDwill be done17 . _is it from your house to your school? Its ten minutes walk.AHow longBHow farCHow often18 . Mary has got _ invitation from her best friend for her birthday party.AaBanCtheD/19 . Who climbs, Jim, Peter or Sam?Athe higherBhigherChighDhighest20 . I want to see the movie The Mermaid. Do you know the _ of the ticket?Its not very expensive. Its well worth seeing.AnumberBpriceCkindDname21 . Do you mean that he should prepare for his exam one month ahead of time ?Sure,Anyway,_.Aactions speak louder than wordsBbetter late than neverCa good beginning is half doneDthe early bird catches the worm(虫子)22 . -Could you tell me _ the music?- He used traditional Chinese music art and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell.Ahow he madeBhow did he makeCwhy he madeDwhy did he make23 . How was the weather yesterday?It rained _. We could _ drove on the road.Ahard, hardBhard, hardlyChardly, hardly24 . _ is correct(正确的).Aei H J K LBu: R Q U WCi: B E T VDe A F L N25 . Tony, do you like watching Ace to Ace(王牌对王牌)?Its so funny! Yes! _ I _ my mum likes it.ANeither, norBNot only, but alsoCEither, orDBoth, and26 . The news that Linda has gone to Paris _ be true for I just saw her five minutes ago.AmustntBcantCmight27 . Which stress of the following words is different?ATranslate.BRealize.CAlmost.28 . Mary has _ bedroom in the new flat.AshesBhersCher ownDher owns29 . _,when Marx was already _,he found it was important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.AIn 1870s, in his fiftiesBIn 1870s, in fiftiesCIn the 1870s, in fiftiesDIn the 1870s, in his fifties30 . _number of spaceships have been sent to_ space.AThe; theBA; /CThe; /DA; the二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。A: Good morning, Sally! Could I ask you some questions?B: Good morning, Daming! Of course, please.A: 31 . B: I was born on May 18,1987.A: Were you born in Britain?B: 32 . And I spent my childhood there.A: 33 . B: I lived there for about nine years. I had lots of friends in Britain and we had fun.A: 34 . B: Because my father found a job in China.A: 35 . B: Yes, were enjoying living in China.A: Thanks for answering my questions. See you later, Sally!B: Youre welcome. See you, Daming!AAre you enjoying living in China?BWhy did you move to China?CHow long did you live there?DYes, I was.EYes, I did.FWhen were you born?GWhat do you think of China?三、补全短文5选5第三节语篇补全Are you happy with your looks? Some teenagers are not.Body image anxiety (对自身形象的焦虑) is common among teenagers. According to Huxiu News, as much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.Boys dont usually talk about body image problems as much as girls, but that doesnt mean they dont have them. 36 . According to a recent survey in the United States, 15 percent of boys in high school are trying to lose weight. More than 40 percent of boys in high school regularly exercise with the goal of getting bigger muscles (肌肉).37 . They will help you look and feel your best.1.Accept your body: Dont make harsh comments (胡乱评论) about your own body. This can hurt just as much as if someone else said it. Be kind to yourself, even if you feel like you have things to work on.2. Like your body: No one is perfect, but you can always find things to like about yourself. Maybe you like your hair or shoulders. 38 . 3. Pay attention to what your body can do: 39 . When you play a sport, dance, or give someone a hug, you can feel the strength and beauty of your body.4.Take care of your body: Having good living habits can make you feel more confident about your looks. Eat healthy foods, get the right amount of sleep and be active every day.ANo one needs to dress like a super star every day, but it is not a bad idea to be clean and tidy.BYour body is there for you when you stretch (拉伸), climb, or jump for joy.CIf you feel unhappy about your looks, you may want to read these tips.DThey can struggle(挣扎) with body anxiety as well.EWhat about your eyes or your smile?四、完型填空(B). There is good news for the children in the countryside . We may still remember the girl_big eyes. Her big eyes are _us her dream: I wish to_. In China, there are still _ girls and boys like her. They want to go to school, but their _ are too poor. If the family has two or three children , it is harder to _the money for all the children. So the parents often ask _ to stay at home, and boys to go to school.Now they neednt_ the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free in some poor places. They dont have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government to make their life _. Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the mews. It is_ great.40 . AwithBonCto41 . AsayingBtellingCspeaking42 . Ago to workBgo homeCgo to school43 . Aa lotBlot ofCa lot of44 . AschoolsBfamiliesChouses45 . ApayBtakeCbuy46 . AteachersBgirlsCboys47 . Alook upBturn onCworry about48 . AbetterBshorterCworse49 . AnotBneverCreally五、阅读单选Im Amy.Last vacation I took my kid to Paris.We started with one of those famous places and food of the city,for example,a visit to the Eiffel Tower and eating French ice cream and French fries.We were very excited when we visited the Eiffel Tower.We learned from a guide that its the tallest building in Paris.It has a long history and its name comes from its designerGustave Eiffel.The tower is the most famous symbol of both Paris and France.Of course we took many photos there.I didnt take my kid to any restaurants,but my friend with us shared her advice:eat what the French eat only.So we had noodles with marinara sauce (意大利番茄酱),the ice cream at Buvette des Marionnettes and outdoor (室外的) coffee in the Luxembourg Gardens.But my daughter liked going shopping more than eating.So in the afternoon we also bought some beautiful clothes for our family members.At last we chose a hotel to have a rest quickly.My brother went here several months ago and we had already got some information about the hotel from him before we arrived in Paris.50 . What is the most famous symbol of France?AFrench food.BMarinara sauce.CThe Eiffel Tower.DLuxembourg Gardens.51 . Who gave the writer the information about Eiffel Tower?AThe guide.BGustave Eiffel.CHer friend.DHer brother.52 . How many people went to Paris with the writer?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.53 . What does the underlined word “designer” mean in Chinese?A探索者B科学家C领导者D设计师54 . Whats best title for the passage?AA Famous BuildingBA Happy Trip to ParisCThe History of the Eiffel TowerDRestaurants in ParisIn 1845, a deadly disease struck the farms of Ireland, killing all the Lumper potato plants. In another place or time, the death of single crop species (物种) might not have been so important. But in Ireland, in 1845, people depended almost solely on the patato for food. The death of one species caused a terrible famine(饥荒). Now, some scientists are worried that such a famine could happen again, but on a much wider scale.Over the centuries, farmers have discovered thousands of different species of food crops. Each species has special qualities. Some can be grown in very hot or cold climates. Others are not affected by certain diseases. However, you wont find many of these species in your local supermarket. To feed the seven billion people on Earth, most farmers today are growing only species of plants and farming only species of animals that are easy to produce in large numbers.For example, in the Philippines, there were once thousands of varieties of rice: now fewer than 100 are grown there. In China, 90 percent of the wheat varieties grown just a century ago have disappeared. Scientists believe that over the past century, we have allowed more than half of the worlds food varieties to disappear.One solution to this problem is to collect and store the seeds (种子) as many different plant varieties as we can before they disappear. The idea was first suggested by Russian scientist Nikolay Vavilov. In the 1920s and 1930s, he collected around 400,000 seeds from five contients. More recently, others are continuing the work he began.In the U.S. state of Iowa, Diane Ott Whealy wanted to protect historic plant varieties, like the seeds her great grandfather brought to the U.S. from Germany more than a hundred years ago. She and her husband started a place called Heritage Farm, where people can store and trade seeds.More importantly, the people at Heritage Farm dont just store the seeds; they plant them. By doing this, they are reintroducing foods into the marketplace that havent been grown for years. These food species are not just special in terms of appearance or taste. They also offer farmers food solutions for the future, from the past.55 . What is this passage mainly about?AThe need to protect different food species.BHow to increase the number of food species.CThe fact that many food species are dying out.DHow to prevent food species from disappearing.56 . Why are some scientists worried that such a famine could happen again?ABecause people depend on certain species of food crops.BBecause the same deadly disease may attack crops again.CBecause the worlds population is larger than that in 1845.DBecause farmers grow the same potatoes as those in the past.57 . The following sentence would best be placed at the end of _.Meanwhile, thousands of other species are dying out.AParagraph 1BParagraph 2CParagraph 3DParagraph 458 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe disease spread very quickly and killed thousands of people in Ireland.BAround 80 percent of the rice varieties in the Philippines have disappeared.CPeople have been storing seeds to save plane varieties for less than 100 years.DHeritage Farm is the first place in the U.S. for people to store and trade seeds.六、阅读判断Have you ever had problems in your life and dont know how to be happy? If so, you will find Being a happy teenager by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful. In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers. The book says we should stop being angry. The book also tells us about some useful skills. For example, if you want to make our memory better, you can put what youve learned into pictures in your mind. Many teenagers think that happiness comes from good grades or praise(表扬)from other people. But you can still be happy when there are no such good things. Success comes from a good attitude(态度). If you learn from problems, you will have success in the future. Some school boys have problems such as being too tall or too short, but Mathews tells us happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的) way. If you are tall, you can get a better view; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews most important lesson: You choose to be happy!根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F).59 . Matthewss book Being a happy teenager is helpful for those who feel unhappy.60 . Matthewss book Being a happy teenager answers questions of teenagers.61 . Many teenagers think good grades are not so important.62 . If you think in another way, an unhappy thing may become a happy thing.63 . According to Matthew, a tall boy has more advantages(优势) than a short boy.七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。64 . 那时大家都在等着过马路。At that time, everyone _.65 . 不要在阅览室里听音乐。_ in the reading room.66 . 事故发生时我正骑着自行车沿街道行驶。I _ when the accident happened.67 . 我们应该考虑一下怎么到那里。We should _ how to get there.68 . 那支钢笔一直在我的口袋里。That pen was in my pocket _.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) A.spend B. future C. hard D. live in E. talk to What do you want to be when you grow up? Many of us often hear this question. We need to start to think of our 69 . .I want to be a marine biologist (海洋生物学家) when I grow up. I love cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants (海绵宝宝) very much. SpongeBob and his friends 70 . the underwater city Bikini Bottom. The sea creatures (生物) in the cartoon all look very cute.I have great interest in those sea creatures. I want to know what they look like and learn more about them. Moreover, I like to 71 . time in or near the ocean. Working in the ocean or on the beach is special.There are thousands of different types of fish and plants in the ocean. The field of marine biology is really exciting. I will study 72 . to make my dream come true.九、填写适当的单词补全对话A: Good morning, Miss Yang! You look worried. Whats the matter?B: Good morning, Paul. Just now Helens father 73 . me and said Helen got the flu.A: Is she serious?B: Nothing much. But on the phone he said Helen had to ask for a weeks 74 . .A: Im sorry to hear that.B: Dont worry. I read the newspaper last week. Its75 . that lots of students in China have got the flu these days.A: Does it give us a(n)76 . why this is happening?B: Sure. Flu always happens between the77 . of seasons. Now as winter comes, it is getting 78 . . Less fresh air and sunshine available makes the situation more terrible, especially for kids and the old.A: Oh, I see. So, if we want to find ways to79 . the flu, what should we do? Keep warm or exercise properly?B: Thats good but not enough. First, we have to know that flu 80 . mostly through air and physical contact(接触),so a safe distance from people who got the flu is necessary. Second, we should often wash our hands with warm water and soap.A:Thats to say its also important to keep81 . from virus(病毒) and keep clean.B: You are right. Third, drink enough hot water and let some fresh air in every hour in the places like classrooms and homes. And youd better not go to82 . public places often.A: You mean the places with lots of people?B: Yes. Oh, Im sorry. The bell is ringing. I must leave.A: I have learned a lot from you. Thanks very much.B: Youre welcome.十、填空In 30 years from now, what will we eat? Will the food still be the same as it is now?The United Nations says that there will be over 9 billion people in the world by 2050. Our food needs will grow by 70%. What we eat now may not be enough for humans in the future. That is to say, well have to turn to something else. But what else can we eat? Here are a few possible choices.Veggie (Vegetable) meatA new kind of hamburger is now popular in the US. It looks the same as any other hamburger, and so is the taste. But its actually a “beef” burger made out of plants. The company behind the burger, Impossible Foods, uses peas and potatoes to make the “beef”. They take coloring, protein (蛋白质) and fats from these plants and mix them together.Making meat out of plants uses less water and land than raising animals for meat. It also creates fewer green house gases. Some food companies are making chicken, pork and other meat out of plants, too-follow the same steps as making the “beef”.InsectsInsects take up little space and dont make much waste. They also have more protein than beef, chicken and pork. This makes insects another possible food of the future.Its common for people in some places to eat whole insects. But most people probably wont want to see the insects they eat. So in the future, people will first turn insects used for food into powder (粉末). Then they can use the powder to make other foods like chips, protein bars, biscuits and so on.AlgaeThe BBC says algae farming could become the worlds biggest farming industry in the future. They point out that algae is cheap and grows very quickly. Also, its very nutritious (有营养的). It has much more protein and oil than many other plants.Besides eating algae as a dish on its own, people may also use algae oil and algae butter in the future. Some algae has a strong taste. The UK scientists are trying to use algae to take the place of salt.Reason:Traditional food may not 83 . of people in the future because of the rising population.Result predictions:Humans will have enough food.Future food is good for both 84 . .Veggie meatInsectsAlgaeAdvantageshas the same looks and tastes as any other 85 . uses less water and land than raising animalscreates fewer green house gasestake up little spacemake less wastehave more proteincheap and grows quicklyrich in protein and oil for humansused to get oil from and make butterpossible to take the place of salt because of its 86 . Producing processes1st: take coloring, protein and fats from plants2nd: mix coloring, protein and fats together1st: turn insects used for food into powder-to avoid making people feel 87 . and 88 . when eating2nd: use the powder to make other foods十


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