英语九年级全册Unit 3单元测试卷

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英语九年级全册Unit 3单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They have met each other, _?Awont theyBdont theyCdidnt theyDhavent they2 . 一Have you got the tickets for the concert?一Not yet,I didnt realize difficult it was the tickets.Awhat; to getBwhat; gettingChow; to getDhow; getting3 . Today is Millies birthday. We share a big cake _ her at her birthday party.AofBtoCwithDon4 . He knew nothing about the accident _ his friend told him.AifBsinceCuntilDbecause5 . He is funny. He always makes us _.AlaughingBto laughClaughDlaughed6 . What did the doctor say to you?-He asked me _.Athat I had a bad cold.Bwhether did I need to drink some waterChow long I had been like that.Dif there is something wrong with me7 . Is this kind of pet a pet dog these days?Aas trendy asBmore trendier thanCmuch trendy thanDnot so trendier as8 . He spent all his free time _ the old man.Acaring forBcaringCcaring afterDcaring of9 . _ in the classroom. Sorry, Miss Gao.ADont eatingBNo eatCDont eatDDoesnt eat10 . I hear Tom is working at physics very hard. Im he will pass the physics exam this time.AafraidBrightCcertainDupset11 . The English word WTO _ “The World Trade Organization”.AstandsBstands forCinstead ofDtidy up12 . Can they play basketball with us?No, they are not _. They have to meet friends.AbusyBfreeCangryDtime13 . The movie was wonderful I wanted to see it again.Atoo; toBso; thatCvery; thatDtoo; that14 . In many eastern European counties, you are supposed to _ your gloves before shaking hands.Atake offBshut offCcut offDput off15 . I was _ to find that he couldnt speak English well as an English teacher.AsurprisingBsurprisedCsurpriseDto surprise16 . The math teacher got angry with me because I did not _what he said in class yesterday.Alook forBtake careCpay attention toDfall asleep17 . _ pretty skirt youve bought for me!Im glad you like it.AHow aBWhat aCHowDWhat18 . Jack _ allowed to go to the movies with me yesterday eveningAareBisCwereDwas19 . You did a good job.Please _ my best wishes for your success.Thank you very much.ArefuseBdeleteCacceptDshake20 . What _ fine weather we have these days!AaBtheC/Dan二、完型填空Ever since I was ten years old, I have decided to do everything on my own though I couldnt really understand them.When I was young , I always _ the summer holiday with my grandfather at the mountain farm in Western Norway (挪威). _ my grandfather had to work all day himself, he could spare some time for me.One day my grandfather said to me, “Come. I have a toy boat for you.” I followed him to a workroom _. However, nothing like that was there _ a block of wood. “Is that the boat.?” I asked curiously. “No one can give you what you do for _. With your own hands, youll make it out of wood. Then it will be the _ boat in your heart.” Finally, I finished it with his help. Seeing the boat _ in the lake Storvassdal, I felt _ and thought everything nice around me.Good times dont last long. I had to _ to America. Feeling sad, I hid my boat under a big rock at Storvassdal. Moreover, I didnt know that was the _ time I saw my grandfather.Years later, I returned to the mountain farm with my parents and children. I searched for my boat, but _ . I was about to _ when I touched something different under a big rock. Luckily, I found the boat which _ grandfather and me. Holding it, I felt my grandfather was there and we _ were together again.As time went by, each time I held the boat, I carved (刻) the year. My grandfather seemed _. I went on the last trip to the farm with my grandchildren. High in the mountain, I hope they would understand the importance of the boat and its simple sign of self-reliance (自立).21 . AspentBtookCpaidDcost22 . AUntilBWheneverCThoughDBecause23 . AcarefullyBunwillinglyCunhappyDexcitedly24 . AwithBexceptCwithoutDbesides25 . AmyselfByourselvesCyourselfDhimself26 . AhardestBbestCfastestDcheapest27 . AfallingBjumpingCswimmingDfloating28 . AinterestedBterribleCworriedDproud29 . AreturnBenterCreachDleave30 . AfinalBfirstCnextDanother31 . AsucceededBfailedClostDworked32 . Alook upBset upCgive upDpick up33 . AmixedBseparatedCconnectedDcontacted34 . AfiveBfourCthreeDtwo35 . AdeadBfarCnearDalive三、阅读单选We do everything we can to keep ourselves away from the sun in summer. Some wear hats, others buy umbrellas or sit under trees. But can you imagine what it would be like to have two suns over your head? Well, the Kepler47 system(星系) does have two stars in its sky. It is about 5,000 lightyears away from us. One of the stars is similar to our sun, but the other is much smaller and less than 1 percent as bright. In fact, systems with two stars are quite common. “Unlike our sun, many stars are part of multiplestar(多个恒星的) systems where two or more stars move around one another,” said a scientist from NASAs Research Center in the US. Scientists are more surprised that there could be two planets in the Kepler47 system because it is very hard for planets to form in such a difficult environment. One of the planets, Kepler47b, is closer to the stars. Its three times larger than the Earth. The other one, Kepler47c, is about 4.5 times the size of the Earth. Most importantly, Kepler47c is neither too close nor(既不也不) too far away from the stars. It means the planet wont be too hot or cold. So, scientists believe there could be water on it or even life.36 . According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, the two stars in the Kepler47 system _.Aare similar to our sun in sizeBare quite close to the EarthCare as bright as each otherDalways move around one another37 . Which is TRUE about the planets in the Kepler47 system?AKepler47b is five times as large as the Earth.BKepler47b is farther away from the stars.CKepler47c is neither too hot nor too cold.DKepler47c is a good place for humans to go to.38 . The passage mainly tells us _.Asome facts about the Kepler47 systemBthe stars and planets of multiplestar systemsCthe different systems in space and their historyDthe special environment of our solar systemAmerican boys and girls love watching television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on the weekend.Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn both bad things and good things from them. Some programs help children to understand the news, and others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television, a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime(犯罪活动) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them find other interesting things to do.39 . Some children spend eight hours or more_on the weekend.AstudyingBplaying card gamesCwatching TVDhelping their parents40 . On television children can see_.AgamesBbig animalsCoceansDalmost everything41 . Children usually spend_a day in school.Asix hours Bmore than eight hoursConly a few hoursDfour hours42 . Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is_ for children.Aa bad programBan animalCa gameDan uninteresting film四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意或汉语提示的单词完成句子。43 . Is this a _ (绿色的) pencil?44 . Linda is my good _(朋友).45 . This is his_ (被子).46 . Can you _ (拼读)“pen”? Yes, P-E-N.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意和提示, 在横线上填写适当的单词, 使句子完整、正确。47 . Mary can play volleyball very_ (good).48 . Do you like_ (strawberry) ?49 . My brother wants_ (play) soccer with me.50 . I think carrots are_(health) food.51 . Here _ (be) some bread on the table .52 . I have a big and happy_(家庭).53 . His f_ name is Jack and his last name is Brown.六、回答问题Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):Steve is only seven years old. He comes from Canada. He is very brave and clever.Steve woke up at four oclock last Sunday morning. Suddenly he felt something strange. He looked around and found that the kitchen was on fire. His parents were still sleeping. He went to wake them up as quickly as he could. Then he made a phone call to the fire station. At the same time, the smoke became thicker and thicker (越来越浓) and they could only stay in the bedroom. His father tried hard to take some wet towels out of the washroom. And then he asked Steve and his mother to cover (盖住) their mouths and noses with the wet towels, and lie down (平躺) on the floor and wait for (等待) the firefighters. Several minutes later, the firefighters arrived. They put out the fire in time.“My son did what I had taught him. He kept very calm(冷静的) and stayed brave when he found the fire. He saved the lives of our family. He is really great. Were proud (骄傲的) of him,” said Steves father.Now, Steve is a hero in many peoples hearts.54 . Where does Steve come from?_55 . What time did Steve wake up last Sunday morning?_56 . Where could the boys family only stay when the smoke became thicker?_57 . Who put out the fire?_58 . What does the writer think of Steve?_59 . Is Steve the hero in many peoples hearts? Why?_七、材料作文60 . 书面表达请根据本市学生道路伤害事故原因调查统计图表,写一篇英文短文,向刚来你校的外国交换生介绍这些事故的最主要的两项原因,并针对调查结果提出几点保障出行安全的建议,最后,表达你对他们在这里安全,愉快生活和学习的良好祝愿。文章首句已给出。Road safety is important for every student.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、

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