英语七年级第一学期Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing单元测试卷

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英语七年级第一学期Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . As we all know, Xinjiang is _ of China.AwestBin the westCon the westDto the west2 . He wasto win the prize.Aenough luckBlucky enoughCenough luckyDunlucky enough3 . -Hello, may I speak to Linda, please?-_! Ill go and get her.APut onBPick upCHang onDHurry up4 . I cant go out _ school nights.AatBinConDby5 . What do you think of this movie?Its _ more interesting than that one.AmuchBtooCveryDquite6 . -Can you hear someone_ in the room?-Yes, its Tom.AsingBto singCsingingDsings7 . I am going to learn how to drive _ the end of August and plan to spend 3 months _ it.Aat forBat atCat onDon for8 . I saw some children _ kites in the park yesterday morning.AflewBfliesCflyingDto fly9 . Well stay in Beijing with Jenny _ the end of February.AuntilBinCforDon10 . She is playing _ her puppy in her bedroom.AonBwithCinD/11 . _ tourists want to know the history of China, _ they can visit the museum.A/ ifBBecause /C/ soDIf /12 . It would be very fun _ us _ art lessons at school.Afor; to haveBfor; havingCto; havingDto; to have13 . Could you please give me a hand?.AThats OK.BWith pleasure.CThats all right.DMy pleasure.14 . Sorry, but are these your biscuits?Oh, sorry. I just took them _. Mine are under the newspaper.Aby mistakeBin personCin troubleDby hand15 . My aunt enjoysin Shantou this city .AliveBlivesCto liveDliving16 . Max often knocks our books _ the floor when he walks _our desks.Aoff; passBonto; pastCinto; passedDof; passing17 . My little cat sleeps _ the day, but _ night he begins to work.Aat; atBon; inCon; atDduring; at18 . Mary decided tofor a job at an after-school reading program last year.Atry outBhand outCgive outDtake out二、完型填空Do you know how plants make their food? A plant makes its food in its leaves(叶). Leaves get water from the roots(根), and they have many _ holes(孔L) to help get air(空气).The green colour in the leaves uses the water and air to_ food for the plant. It also needs the_ to make food because plants can make food only when it is sunny. But not all plants need much_ . Some plants live in special places without much water. They can get water from their stems(茎).Plants are very_ to all the animals and people. Animals and people cant_without green plants. They both_ plants. Some animals like(像)_only eat meat, but the meat is from the animals eating plants.Plants_us food. They are our friends, so we should_plants well. Do you think so?19 . AsmallBbigCgoodDbad20 . AbuyBmakeCcookDput21 . AanimalsBpeopleCsunDmoon22 . AwaterBenergyCairDfood23 . AbeautifulBwonderfulCimportantDdifficult24 . AeatBliveCworkDexercise25 . AneedBcookCcleanDkeep26 . AsheepBchickensChorsesDtigers27 . AlendBshowCfindDgive28 . Alook atBlook afterClook forDlook like三、阅读单选Some of the worlds most famous movies, like The Sound of Music and Singin in the Rain(雨中曲), are musicals . These are both very old movies, though . It seemed as if musicals had gone out of fashion. But La La Land , a new musical by US director Damien Chazelle , 32 , has made the genre(类型) popular again . “Brilliantly written and directed , La La Land gives movie musicals life in the 21st century ,”Peter Travers wrote for Rolling Stone. Starring(主演) US actor Ryan Gosling, 36, and actress Emma Stone, 28, the movie was released in Chinese mainland on Feb 14. Set in the colourful world of Hollywoods film and music scene , the two characters a jazz musician and an actress sing and dance their way to love. It has made history as the first film to win seven Golden Globe awards. It has also been nominated(提名) for a record-equaling 14 Oscars. Other popular movies of today are often about violence(暴力), war , drugs(毒品) or politics(政治) . Thanks to Chazelles creative style , original music and wonderful lacation, La La Land has a light feel that will put you in a good mood. The opening scene , when hundreds of people in a traffic jam start singing , “ will be studied and swooned(着迷) over for years to come,”according to Travers. “The very fact that it doesnt have a strong political message , but is still good enough to win awards , is what makes La Lan Land so unusual ,”Nicholas Barber , wrote for the BBC . “It is intimate(亲切的) and personal and magical.”29 . What does Peter Travers think of La La Land?AIt is better than The Sound of Music.BIts genre is out of fashion.CIt is not a good story.DIt makes musicals popular again.30 . Which of the following is NOT true about La La Land ?AIt was directed by a 32-year-old US directorBIt starred US actor Ryan Gosling and actress Emma Stone.CIts a love story about a jazz musician and an actress.DIt has won seven Golden Globe and 14 Occars.31 . La La Land contains _.Aoriginal musicBwar scenesCviolent scenesDa strong political message32 . According to Nicholas Barber , La La Land _.Ais a very good movieBhas an impressive opening sceneClacks(缺乏) magic and personalityDneeds strong political messages四、句型转换句型转换33 . The boys enjoyed themselves at the party yesterday.(改为同义句)The boys _ at the party yesterday.34 . It was nine oclock when we reached Paris.(改为同义句)It was nine oclock when we _ Pairs.35 . You need to take a bus there.(改为同义句)You need to _ there _.36 . Did you have much money with you at that time?(改为同义句)Did you have _ money with you at that time?37 . I bought a lot of things during my stay in Hong Kong.(改为同义句)I _ during my stay in Hong Kong.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空单句语法填空38 . Ioftengoshopping_(two)aweek39 . Weshouldgetenoughresttostay_(health)40 . Youshouldtakesometimetothink_(careful)aboutyourfuture41 . Makingagoodplan_(be)halftheworkitself42 . Hedecides_(buy)anewbike六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。have win bring work enjoy Miss White is my favorite teacher at school. She43 . in our school for four years.Miss White is from America. She44 . reading books in her spare time. She is kind and helpful. And she is a successful teacher. Two months ago, there was a teaching competition in our school. Miss White45 . first prizeMiss White stays with us every day. She is the most popular teacher in my class. Next Friday is her birthday. Weve decided46 . a surprise party for her. Miss White47 . to the party without knowing about it. Im sure well have great fun at the party.从方框中选择适当的单词填空earlier At chores it goodearlier At chores it good48 . the age of six, our kids began to help us with the 49 . They helped clean the house Now my daughter Cindy can do a lot of things Last week, she even helped me cook dinner We were happy because50 . was very delicious I think doing housework is a51 . way for them to learn a lot of life skills The 52 . kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their futureA根据首字母补全单词Yesterday was a terrible day My alarm didnt go off,so I woke up l53 . I had a quick breakfast and I ran to the bus stop, but I was still late for school My teacher was angry w54 . me I felt bad and kept in s55 . all day After school I got home by bus and did my h56 . carefully .Luckily, my mum made lots of delicious food for me A 57 . a hot shower, I went to sleep quickly七、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。How can we be healthy? Thats a really good q58 . . I think sports and good eating habits canh59 . us be healthy.Playing ball games is good for us. We can play them after school. Its r60 . . Then you cant be fat if you always do sports. You can find a ball game. Then you can play it w61 . your classmates or friends. Its a healthyh62 . .E63 . well can help us be healthy, too. We can have eggs and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, we can eat rice, chicken and v64 . After dinner, we can have some fruit like apples and bananas. They areh65 . food. Dont eat too many hamburgers. They arent good for us.Do you want to be healthy? Lets play sports and eat well.八、回答问题研读一篇广告, 根据广告所提供的信息, 对后面的问题简要作答。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。LEMONADELUCKY DRAWWIN a brand new car.WIN a free trip to BANGKOK for 3 Days/3 Nights.WIN a wonderful LEMONADE T-shirt!1st Draw: 100 wonderful “Lemonade”T-shirts to be given away.Date/Place:25 June 2019. Score Villa2nd Draw: 2 free trips to Bangkok to be won.Date/Place: 27 June 2019, Mode Shopping Centre.3rd Draw: 1 brand new car to be won.Date/Place: 29 June 2019, Rose City To enter, just buy 10 worth of “Lemonade” products and e-mail your completed entry form and receipt to: whluckydraw qq.com All unclaimed prizes will be given away to charity.(All prizes to be claimed by 30 July 2019.)Name:_Address: _Tel: _ Age: _Occupation: _Closing date:23 June 2019Notes: draw 抽奖; entry form报名表; receipt收据; claim认领66 . When is the last day to enter the Lemonade Lucky Draw”?_67 . Where will the draw for the car take place?_68 . Which one is more possible to win, a free trip to Bangkok or a brand new car?_69 . If you want to enter the Lucky Draw, what should you e-mail to whlukydrawqq. com?_70 . How will the Lemonade T-shirts be dealt with if they arent claimed by 30 July?_九、话题作文71 . Writing(作文)Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “My trip to _”Suggested questions:(1)Where have you been to?(2)What have you seen there?(3)What do you like most there? Why?M: Well, Chinese people eat a lot of chicken, pork and beef, and vegetables as well. But Chinese people cook food in a very different way from the English!第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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