牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 3 Trouble单元测评卷

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牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 3 Trouble单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Did you hear the news about the fire in that building?Yes. It took the firemen two hours to_ .Aput out itBput down itCput it downDput it out2 . Its important for us to know how to the problem.Ashare withBdeal withCkeep up withDpoint out with3 . Because of the terrible earthquake, some people became homeless and they had to _the tents for the night.Aput awayBput upCput offDput down4 . The visitors took some photos _ they walked around the new town.AsoBbutCforDwhen5 . What _news made them so down? Im worried about them.AsadBhappyCexcitingDgood6 . Kate, _ girl, wants to be a teacher.Aa 8-year-oldBan 8-years-oldCa 8 years oldDan 8-year-old7 . All living things _ the sun for their growthAdepend ofBfill withCfull ofDdepend on8 . Im _. I cant find my home.AloseBlostClosingDloses9 . He had left his wallet on the table, so I went after him. The underlined word in the sentence means _.AfollowedBlooked afterCwent toDreturned10 . Could you help me to solve this problem?Wait a moment, please. I _ a letter to my boss. Ill help you later.Ahave writtenBam writingCwroteDwas writing11 . At the party, Lucy _ as a pirate to make us _.Adressed up; laughBdressed up; to laughCdressed on; laughDdressed on; tot laugh12 . -He is _ in class and has _ for two hour.-He is so tired these days preparing for the mid-term exam.A slept; asleepBsleepy; sleptCsleeping; been sleepyDasleep; been asleep二、完型填空完形填空On the eve of graduation, many classmates were busy looking for jobs. So was I. Its very difficult to find a job in the big city. I had been_for many times until I found a want ad for an editor (编辑). If you could find more than 10 _ words in the newspaper, you can work for us as an editor. I loved _ and had written several little articles for the newspaper. So I decided to have a _. It was the final date when I saw the newspaper. I told one of my roommates the news happily. After he _ what I said, he smiled and said, Today is April Fool s Day. It may be just an April Fools _. A fool may take it seriously. I was very _ after hearing that, but I still wanted to have a try. It _ me the whole morning to find twelve wrong words in the newspaper. I _ at the editorial department in the afternoon and got the job.I got a lesson from the experience: something that others said was_ may be not impossible. As long as you believe it, you may make impossibility possible.13 . ArefusedBconsideredCexpected14 . AimportantBcorrectCwrong15 . AreadingBwritingClistening16 . AlookBtryCchance17 . AreadBsawCheard18 . AjokeBnoteCresult19 . AexcitedBunhappyCbored20 . AspentBtookCcost21 . AgotBreachedCarrived22 . ArealBimpossibleCpossible三、阅读单选Tinas town offers two projects in summer. Both of them will be fun. Tina is athletic. She plays softball and soccer well. She likes to swim, too. Tina also likes to draw, and she wants to learn how to paint. She is reading about what activities the two projects will offer.Art WeekCome to ART WEEK and meet some artists who have fun ideas. You will learn lots of different ways to create art. You can also work on a new project of your own. You can choose your own idea or one of ours. You will be amazed at what you can do.You will learn how to make action figures from cans and bottlespictures from strawspuppets from paper bagsAnd more!On the last day of the week, there will be a big art show. All your friends and family can come.Camp Pine LakeCAMP PINE LAKE invites you to have fun in the sun!Spend four days with us. Our teachers will help you safely enjoy new activities. Learn how to paddle a canoe (用浆划独木舟). Learn how to swim. Enjoy food in a whole new way. Explore the woods while listening to birds singing.CAMP PINE LAKE also offers campfiresriding horsessongbooksWe will end the project with a picnic. Invite your family to meet your new friends at CAMP PINE LAKE!根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。23 . When could Tina go to Art Week?AIn autumn.BIn spring.CIn summer.DIn winter.24 . Tina might choose Art Week because she likes to.AdrawBcookCcanoeDswim25 . People can do the following EXCEPTat Camp Pine Lake.Apaddle a canoeBlearn to swimCenjoy foodDset birds free26 . People who go to Camp Pine Lake willin the end.Asing some songsBhave a picnicCget a nice puppetDplay fun games27 . Which of the following is NOT true?ASome artists with fun ideas will go to Art Week.BYou can have fun in the sun at Camp Pine Lake.CEveryone can visit the art show at Art Week.DYou can spend seven days at Camp Pine Lake.四、句型转换句型转换28 . My mother likes purple.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother like?29 . I want two boxes of lemons.(对画线部分提问)_ of lemons do you want?30 . I spend much money on books every year.(改为同义句)I _ much money _ books every year.31 . Whats the price of the teddy bear?(改为同义句)_ is the teddy bear?32 . It isnt difficult to pay over the Internet.(改为同义句)_ over the Internet _ difficult.五、根据音标写单词Write out the words according to the phonetic transcriptions (按音标写单词33 . My parents have opened a _ to sell bread and cakes. bek()r34 . I often go _ with my parents at weekends. sakl35 . I have made _ new friends in my new school this term. sevrl六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . When Jane woke up after a dream, she found _ under the bed. (she)37 . Dont be _! Please think about what I said first. (patient)38 . Although this piece of classical music is very serious, it has a _ (last) value.39 . Peter doesnt like playing computer games. So he does it _ ( simple)to relax.40 . Friends should share happiness and _ (sad) with each other.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文请根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。slowsend with good until childsomething get break chocolate when quickIt was sunny yesterday. My son and I went to the cake store to buy a birthday cake for his birthday this Sunday. In front of us in line was a little girl with her mother. The little girl was asking her mother for a box of41 . . The little girls voice almost42 . the mothers heart. “Im sorry, honey. We have no money to buy it.”My son was watching the mother and daughter all the time. At that time, he43 . newspapers to make money to buy himself a new bike. As he watched the mother and the daughter leave the store, he ran44 . to the salesman and bought a box of chocolate45 . his own money. Then he ran out after the little girl and her mother, and gave them the box. He came back and said to me, “All46 . should have a box of chocolate because it can make them happy 47 . they are sad.”I was so excited that I bought another box of chocolate for my son. I told him that he was 48 . boy in the world and I was proud of him. But he replied, “But Mom, you always do nice things for people and you never get 49 . for it.” Hearing what he said, I kissed my son and felt really happy. In fact, when you do something nice for someone, you shouldnt expected50 . anything. But when you do get something, you should be very thankful.八、单词填空Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)“Cant hold a candle to” is a p51 . expression. It is from the time before electricity, when people used candles for light. Someone who lived in a big house would have a servant light his way by holding a candle. The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle to you is not fit even to be your servant. Now, it means such a person cannot compare or compete. In the following song, singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare with him.A52 . expression is “hold your tongue”. It means to be still and not talk. “Hold your tongue” is not something you would tell a friend. But a parent or teacher might use the expression to quiet a noisy child.“Hold out” is an expression one hears often in sports reports and labour news. It means to refuse to play or work. Professional football and baseball players hold out if their team refuses to pay them what they think they are worth. Members of labour unions(同盟)hold out and refuse to work until they get the work agreement they want.The expression “hold up” has several different m 53 . . One is a robbery. A man with a gun may say, “This is a hold up. Give me your money.” Another meaning is to delay. A driver late for work may tell his boss, “I was held up by heavy traffic.” Someone who was robbed on the way to work might say, “Sorry, boss, I was held up by a hold up.”Still another meaning of the expression is for a story to be c54 . true after an investigation(调查). The same driver late for work could say, “My boss did not believe a hold up held me up. But the police confirmed(坚定的)what I said so my story held up.”“Hold on” is another expression. Often it means wait or stop. As you leave for school, your brother may say, “Hold on, you forgot your book.”Hold on is used to ask a telephone caller to wait and not h 55 . up his telephone. If you call a library to ask for a book, the librarian might say, “Hold on w56 . I look for it.”Our final expression is “hold the line.” That means to keep a problem or situation from getting w 57 . , to hold steady(稳定). For example, the president may say he will hold the line on taxes. He means there will be no increase in taxes.九、回答问题回答问题(共5小题;阅读下而有关出国留学的文章.根据所提供的信息,用完整句子回答下列问题。Overseas education consulting (海外教育咨询) companies are always busy during the summer. Thats because many students are not interested in the majors in their college entrance exams. They want to experience studying and living abroad.Li Qing. A Chinese student, said. “In order to enter a better university, I have decided to go abroad. I think it will give me a better development.”According to the companies data, the number of the students who want to study abroad has increased by 40%n the last few years.Most of the students who want to go abroad are high school graduates. More and more parents now realize the advantages of sending their children to study abroad. its becoming a popular choice for many well-off (富裕的) )families.Many students apply for (申请) world-famous universities. 40% has applied for the top 50 universities in the US. 70% applied for the top 30 in Britain, and 50% applied for the top 8 in Australia.Countries like Britain. Australia, Japan, Russia, Germany and France are still the favorite for students. Schools and colleges in nearby Malaysia and Singapore are also popular.58 . When are overseas education consulting (海外教育咨询) companies always busy?_59 . Why does Li Qing decide to go abroad?_60 . Has the number of the students who want to study abroad increased?_61 . Are most of the students who want to go abroad high school graduates or middle school graduates?_62 . Which countries are the favorite for students?_十、话题作文63 . Writing (作文) Write at least 60 words on the topic “Warmth in winter”. (冬日往往会令人联想到寒冷和不适。当你遇到“冬天”的时候,何人或何事让你感到温暖,像冬日的暖阳照耀在你身上?请以“冬日里的温暖”为题写一篇不少于 60 词的短文,标点符号不占格。)The following words are just for reference:difficulty unluckily bravetrouble unfortunately confident注意:短文中不得出现真实姓名和校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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