英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(3a-3c)课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(3a-3c)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Our English teacher is kind. She always talks to us with a smile _ her face.AatBtoCofDon2 . 一How long can a person a shared bike (共享单车)for free in Nanjing?一For an hour.AkeepBgetCborrowDlend3 . The public hospital nearby can provide medical care local people.AforBwithConDto4 . (成都中考改编)Teachers Day is_ September 10.AinBonCatDof5 . During the summer holiday, many students _ swimming to relax.Atake upBmake upClook upDget up6 . Its so _ that there are no staff in the bank at this time.Dont you know its the first self-service bank in China?AstrangeBawfulCunlucky7 . They have science_Monday.AatBinConDfor8 . If you want to meet people and work for a magazine, we have a job _ a reporter.AwithBofCasDfor9 . my surprise, I got the first in the math competition.AToBIn c. WithCOff10 . Children shouldnt get so much/ stres / from both their parents and school.AstressBstreetCstrictDStudent11 . I will wait here _ my friend arrives.AtillBbecauseCsoDif12 . Excuse me, is it my turn now?Not yet. Please wait on the chair _your name is called.AbutBtillCalthoughDsince13 . Jack often _ music after class. Alistens toBlistensClisten toDlisten14 . What will the future _?In a word, our life will get better and better.AlikeBbe likeClikesDliking二、完型填空Every April, there is a special day in China. It is called Qingming Festival,also called Tomb -Sweeping Day. on that the day,people_and honor (纪念) their ancestors (祖先).Qingming is a(n)_Chinese festival. It has a long history. It began over 2,000 years ago.A famous poem_the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day: “Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by(行人) with lowered sprits go.”Tomb-Sweeping Day has been a public_ on the Chinese mainland(中国大陆) since 2008. On this day,_bring flowers, food and wine to their ancestors tombs (坟墓). They put food like cakes and fruits in front of the tombs. After that, they_the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members._ do Chinese people do this? Thats because people think that visiting tombs to _ respect (尊重) to their dead family members.However, Tomb-Sweeping Day is not only about this. During that time, the weather is becoming_. People are also able to garden (从事园艺)and enjoy outdoor activities. Families often _ for outings (远足) or fly kites at this time.15 . ArememberBmeetCseeDfind16 . ApopularBfamousCtraditionalDunhappy17 . AforBbyCwithDas18 . AweekendBweekdayCjourneyDholiday19 . AclassesBfamiliesCfriendsDgroups20 . AturnBkeepCsweepDgo21 . AWhyBWhenCWhereDWho22 . AbringBshowCmakeDtake23 . AwarmerBcolderCcoolerDshorter24 . Ahave funBwork hardCpull togetherDget together三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词25 . The main c_ in SteamboatWillie is Mickey Mouse.26 . My English teacher Ms.Wang was ill last week,so Ms.Li took her p_ to teach us.27 . Mulan d_ up like a boy and fought in the army.28 . He is very helpful and he is always r_ to help others.29 . I watched a f_ last week with my friend and it was very interesting.30 . The house with a beautiful garden costs me 10,000,000 yuan.How r_ you are!31 . After the _(讨论),we decided to have a picnic on Saturday.32 . The singer often _(出现)on TV. We know her very well.33 . How about your last weekend,Jim?Quite _(毫无意义的).I helped my parents do the cleaning the whole day.34 . Never give up(放弃). Then you can be _(有成就的)Fill in the blank with the proper word.35 . Crowds of screaming people came onto the road in all d_.36 . H_in the mountains is her favourite because she loves nature.37 . Did you receive the w_of heavy rain this morning? Be careful if you go out!38 . Youd better read the i_on the bottle before taking the pills.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)39 . Theres no doubt that smoking is _to your health. (danger)40 . I love volleyball, but I wasnt _ for the school team. (choose)41 . _, all the places of interest in Yangzhou will soon be open to local people for free.(hope)42 . The complete Manchu Han Imperial Feast includes 134 hot dishes, 48 cold ones as well as_ and fresh fruits. (dry)43 . I dont agree with zoos because animals need to be in their _ habitats. (nature)44 . Do you know what the exact _ of China is?(人口)45 . A _ voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.(妈妈)46 . He designed a necklace for his wife to celebrate her _birthday.(四十)47 . He had difficulty _ how the accident happened.(描述)48 . What are the best new products or_ that most people dont know about?(发明)五、完成句子. 根据汉语提示完成句子49 . 请给我看看你的照片。Please _ your photos _ me.50 . 我认为京剧很难理解。I think the Beijing Opera is difficult _.51 . 不要放弃,最终你会取得成功。Dont give up and youll succeed _.52 . 这个故事发生在50年前。This story _ fifty years ago.53 . 在1980年他爸爸送他上师范学校。His father _ him _ a teachers school in 1980.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择适当的词语填空,有一个词语是多余的。promises / make up / normal / prepare / without / take up54 . Problems and worries are _ in life.55 . He only had a few days to _ for the exam.56 . They are going to _ a hobby like playing the guitar.57 . If we make _ to other people, we must keep them.58 . Jill left quietly _ saying goodbye.七、回答问题A man did two cool things at one time- magic tricks(魔术)and skydiving(跳伞).Martin Rees. 28. is from the United Kingdom. On November 14, he set a new Guinness World Record. He finished the most magic tricks in one skydive. He jumped from a height of about 4,572 meters. And he did 11 magic tricks before landing(落地). Rees did is raise(筹集)money. He will use the money to help children in hospitals.59 . How old is Martin Rees?60 . Where does Martin Rees come from?61 . What did Martin Rees do in one skydive?62 . How high did Martin jump from?63 . Who will Martin help with the money?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、回答问题1、

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