英语七年级上册Unit 9 单元检测卷

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英语七年级上册Unit 9 单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ the population of your city?Its about 30 million.AWhats B. How muchBHow many2 . _ flowers are these? They are mine.AWhoseBWhoCWhatDWhere3 . -When did your uncle arrive _ China?-He got to Guangzhou _ the morning of the 16thof April.Ain; inBat; inCat; onDin; on4 . -When do you have science?-I have science Tuesday and Friday.AinBonCatDabout5 . They come from America. TheyEnglish.AspeakBsayCtellDtalk6 . - I cant afford the white dress. Can you show me something cheaper ?- What about the orange one? The price is a little .AdearerBlowerChigherDbetter7 . The accident happened_ a cold February evening. But luckily nobody was badly hurt.AinBatCforDon8 . Soft colors like pink and light blue make people _, so they spend more time _their meals.Arelax; eatBrelaxed; ateCrelaxed; eatingDrelaxing; eating9 . Practice football, and you will do better in the match.AplayingBplayCto playDplayed10 . When_you have the English test?_September 29th.Ado;InBare;OnCdo;On二、补全短文6选5请阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺, 并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置上。选项中有一项为多余项。Hi! Im Bill. 11 . My parents are John and Maria. I am thirteen years old. My birthday is on July, 16th. I have a little brother. 12 . He is five years old. I love him very much.Now I am in Beijing, a big city in China. 13 . There are 15 girls and 18 boys in my class. Mr. Zhang is my new Chinese teacher. 14 . My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite color is blue. I like making friends. 15 . Do you like sports? What color do you like? Can I be your friend? My e mail address is billread yahoo. com. Please write to me.AI am in Class One, Grade Seven in our school.BWhat about you?CI am an English boy.DHis name is Tony.EWhats your favorite subject?FHe is from Beijing.三、完型填空Dear friend,I am _ American school girl. _ name is Kate Green. I am twelve years old. I_two brothers. We_ students. We go to school_ Monday to Friday. We_have lessons _ Sunday and Saturday.My father and mother are both teachers. They_ China is great.I like reading. Now I _ a picture-book. Its very interesting(有趣的). I like footballand my brothers like basketball. What about you? Lets _ good friends.Yours, Kate Green16 . AaBanCtheD/17 . AMyBMineCMeDI18 . AhaveBhisCamDam having19 . Aare allBall areCall isDis all20 . AonBfromCtoDat21 . AnotBarentCdontDno22 . AatBinCforDon23 . AspeakBsayCtellDtalk24 . Aam readingBreadingCam lookingDam seeing25 . AareBisCamDbe四、阅读单选Welcome to My Q-zone!Hello, Im Wan Fang. I am a 14-year-old Chinese girl. My home is in Shanghai. I want to have friends from other countries. I like singing, dancing and playing the violin. I also like swimming, but I cant swim well. I like watching TV, but my parents only let me watch TV on weekends. I dont like playing computer games. I think they are boring.Do you like me? If you want to be my friend, please write to me. My e-mail address is lvyhappyyahoo.com.26 . Wang Fang likes _, but she doesnt do well in it.AsingingBswimmingClearning EnglishDdifficult27 . What does Wang Fang think of playing computer games?AFun.BRelaxing.CBoring.DDifficult.28 . From the passage(文章), we can NOT know Wang Fangs _.AlikesBfavorite subjectCdislikesDe-mail address29 . Why does Wang Fang write this passage?ABecause she wants to learn English.BBecause she wants to have more friends.CBecause she wants to know more about the world.DBecause she wants to tell others about her city.五、阅读判断Nine Square Diary(九宫格日记)is a new kind of diary. This is a page from Tiffany a middle school student. Happy thingsWent to my friends birthday party.Enjoyed myself.Helping othersHelped my cousin, Jack with his Maths.PlanMake a poster for the coming school art festival.Progress(进步)Did a good job on the English exam and learned how to ride a bicycle from Jack.22, June, 2016Feeling Mom and Dad told me about their jobs. Happy that they have their jobs they like.NewsEngland won a game in Euro(欧洲杯)2016.HealthFelt a little tired because of the final exams.DreamHave a good trip to Disneyland next week.30 . Tiffany went to her cousins birthday party.31 . She will have a nice trip to Disneyland in June.32 . Tiffanys parents love their jobs very much.33 . There will be an art festival in Tiffanys school.34 . Tiffany was very tired on 22, June, 2016.六、完成句子V. 完成句子35 . 他的爸爸去年把他送到美国留学。His father _ him _ the U.S. to study last year.36 . 他被称为21世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。He was _ the _ Chinese writers of the twenty-first century.37 . 在我们市中心你会看见这个漂亮的公园的。You can see this beautiful park in _ our city.38 . 我们从头到尾都做得很好。We did very well _.39 . 幸运的是,他去年得到了一个在北京的一所大学教英语的机会。Luckily, he got a chance to teach English _ in Beijing last year.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of phrases in the box.选词组并用其正确形式填空,其中有一个多余选项。for certain except for as long as after all break down complain about read ones mind come up with be enthusiastic about look forward to consist of40 . Our car _on the way to work and we had to pull it to the garage first. That was why we were late.41 . _youre not seasick(晕船). Youll surely enjoy our voyage on the ship. We offer all kinds of activities for both the old and the young.42 . No matter where go in life or how old you get. Theres always something new to learn about. _, life is full of surprises.43 . Jack_action movies, When a new one comes out, he will go to the theater and watch it three or four times.44 . Scientists predict that in the future there will be cars that can_. You just need to sit inside and think where you want to go. and then it will take you there.45 . Marian called the head waiter over and_ the terrible food and the poor service. She said she would never come to the restaurant again.46 . Enel has made great achievements in the first 10 years. And we _ faster development in the next 10 years.47 . The Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in 2014 is still missing. No one knows_ what happened.48 . We are experiencing an unusual winter this year. It has been really wet and cold_ a few fine days.49 . I dont think this plan is going to work out. I hope you can_ a better one as soon as possible.八、多任务混合问题Hello, boys and girls! My name is Dick. Im a boy. Im a robot(机器人). Please look here. These are my hands. My arms are long. I have no hair. This is my face. I have two big eyes,a long nose and a wide mouth, Here are my big ears. I have short legs and two big _ (foot). I can walk. I can speak Chinese,but I cant speak English. 我是你的好朋友。50 . Dick is a _ .51 . 请将处画线句子译为汉语。_52 . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。_53 . Does Dick have a nose?_54 . 请将处句子译为英语。_Hello. Im Meg. Im 12 years old. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 9 and my sister is only 4 years old. I like vegetables and salad. My brother likes tomatoes and my sister likes ice- cream. We love sports. Because doing sports is good for us. We all like tennis very much. Today is my mothers birthday. Today is January 21st. Theres a big birthday cake on the table._ _.55 . How old is Megs brother?_56 . What does Meg like?_57 . Does Megs sister like tennis?_58 . Where is the birthday cake?_59 . Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(请把划线句子翻译成汉语)_九、书信作文60 . 书面表达。假如你叫林涛,你的笔友Tom从英国给你写了一封信,信中谈了他在英国学校中的学习情况以及他本人的一些爱好。请你给他回信,信中谈谈你所在学校的学校情况,如:你在几年级、学习什么科目、你最喜欢哪门功课、最喜爱哪项体育运动等。不少于60个单词。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、书信作文1、

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