英语九年级上册Unit 3 Family life

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英语九年级上册Unit 3 Family life姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You can make sound pollution when you watch movies with your cell phone. So remember to _ after the movie is on.Aturn on itBturn it onCturn down itDturn it down2 . My classmates dont like the sport.They think it is _.AfunBrelaxingCboringDinteresting3 . - When we hurt those who are close to us, we had better make an _ first.- Yes. But sometimes we want to save our face so we may keep _.Aagreement; stillBadvantage; quietCapology; silent4 . I want to make some pizza, but we are out of _.Ill get it on my way home tomorrow.AvegetablesBapplesCflourDice cream5 . Look! There is another chair over there, so you dont have tothis chair with me.AsitBhaveCshareDget6 . Now class, were going to watch a cartoon film. Please _ carefully and tell me what you _.Alisten, listenBlisten, hearChear, listenDhear, hear7 . Our teacher often advises us not to read _ books.AuseBusefulCuselessDusefully8 . Dad is very angry with me. I dont _ to speak to him now.AmanageBregretCdareDfail9 . Miss Zhou _ rides a bike to work. Riding keeps her thin and fit.AneverBeverCusuallyDhardly10 . Boys and girls, when you finish your paper, dont forget to _ the answers carefully.AcheckBstopCcause11 . Who _ the computer? Sorry, Ive no idea. But it has changed the world greatly.AinventedBdiscoveredCmadeDplayed12 . The air pollution is a serious_in our country. Our government is trying to solve it.AchoiceBprogramCproblem13 . -Can he _ well?-Yes, he is in the swimming club.AswimBto swimCdanceDdancing14 . (题文)You speak too fast, Mr. Lee. Most of us cantfollowyou.AlookBlistenCknowDunderstand15 . - What do you think of Eat-up Campaign (光盘行动)?-I think its really necessary. It is reported that the food that Chinese peopleevery year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.AeatBhaveCwasteDmake二、补全对话7选5补全对话。Completing dialogues.AThe style is all right.BHere is your receipt.CIm just looking at these jackets.DCan I change it if he doesnt like the colour?EHe prefers simple styles.FA boy should wear something lighter.GSure.A: Can I help you?B: 16 . A: May I know who it is for? Maybe I can give you some advice.B: 17 . Its for my son.A: How about this one?B: 18 . But Im not sure about the colour. He looks good in dark colours.19 . Let me thinkA: Thats very easy. Here, there are different colours: dark blue, greenB: Well, 20 . A: Of course.B: I think Ill take the dark blue one.A: Very good. Thats fifty-nine dollars. 21 . Thank you, madam.三、完型填空I was driving around downtown(市区)one afternoon in the winter. I came up to a red light and stopped. As I was_ ,I saw a young guy standing on my left. He was _ in the face and holding a cardboard (纸板) sign with some writing on it. When you are in the center of downtown, its very _ to see homeless people asking for money. Usually, I would pass them, but this time when I glanced ( 瞟, ) over the sign, I _I cant remember what the sign said exactly, but it was something like, _ money/food, have stomach cancer, homeless, anything helps. I didnt know why, but for some_ this particular sign struck ( 打击) me. The_ had just turned green, and there was too much traffic behind me. I was thinking a hundred times in the next second about whether I should do something.Should I help? Drive on? Should I do something? _ , I did nothing.The traffic moved forward and I went with it. About a block or two away, my heart had sunk (沉)simply for this guy. I felt _ for him. So, I decided to go back and ask him_I could buy him lunch and hear his story. It took me about five minutes to go _ on to the same street where I had seen him. It was just five minutes-but he was_ Where did he go so fast? I wondered. There was _ left to do except driving on. If you really want to do something, _ do it. Dont_ out-for yourself and for that other person.22 . ArestingBwalkingCwaitingDtalking23 . AdirtyBexcitedChappyDproud24 . AunluckyBrareCspecialDeasy25 . AlaughedBreturnedCcontinuedDstopped26 . ASpareBNeedCKeepDCollect27 . AreasonBpurposeCgoalDcondition28 . AfaceBsignClightDcar29 . AHoweverBAlthoughCAndDSo30 . AproudBsorryCinterestedDexcited31 . AwhenBwhereChowDwhether32 . AawayBbackCaroundDup33 . AgoneBcaughtCdeadDblind34 . AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything35 . AjustBonlyCevenDso36 . AmissBmakeCforgetDfind四、阅读单选Life in 20 years will be very different from the life today. Between then and now many changes will happen. But what will the changes be?The population will grow fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live much longer than people live now.People will not take money with them when they go out. There will be a chip(芯片) in their body. All the information about the person will be put into the chip. You neednt pay cash(支付现金) or use a bank card when you buy things. You can just stand in front of a special electric machine to finish your payment. Intelligent robots will be everywhere. You will have fewer things to do, because the robots will be able to do almost everything for you, even drive a car or sweep the floor. Maybe well be much more relaxed then and have more free time. There will be changes in our food, too. People will eat compressed foods(压缩食品) and they will offer more energy and nutrition(营养). You neednt eat too much. It will keep you healthy and strong.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。37 . Life in twenty years will be _ the life now.Athe same asBdifferent fromCworse thanDas awful as38 . There will be _ in twenty years.Amore peopleBfewer peopleCno robotsDless food39 . People wont have to _ with them when they go out in 20 years.Aeat anythingBtake moneyCgo to bedDdo anything40 . You will _ in 20 years.Ahave more things to doBhave fewer things to doChave nothing to doDdo anything you like41 . People will eat _ in the future.Amore breadBmore riceCcompressed foodsDmore fruitsA student got a C in cooking class and didnt like it. She didnt like it so much that her dad complained that her cooking teacher, who is white, looked down upon his daughter, who is black. He went to the school to ask the cooking teacher to change her grade from a C to an A. Virginia Brown is in the ninth grade at Ashley High School. Since her first year in school, she has been a perfect student and all her grades have been As. Virginias father said her heart was broken when she got the C. “She cried the whole weekend,” he said. “She wouldnt come out of her room. Her eyes were red. My little girl hasnt been so sad since her cat got run over by a car when she was six years old. ”Virginia is a model student. Shes the class president. Shes on the swim team and the volleyball team. She is a member in the chess club. The cooking teacher is 28-year-old Jessica Smith. This is her first year teaching. Ms Smith said that she didnt look down upon Virginia Brown. “Some of my best friends are African-Americans and we have been getting along well with each other,”she said. The schoolmaster, who grew up in India, said that he fully supported Ms Smith. He said that Virginia is an excellent student who would have no problem getting into the best universities even with a C in cooking. “She wont have any difficulty finding a great university, but she might have problems finding a husband,” he laughed. “Shed better look for a man who likes to eat out a lot.”42 . When he knew his daughter got a C in cooking class, Virginias father was very angry with _.Aher daughterBthe cooking teacherCthe school masterDhimself43 . Virginia was so sad that. _.Ashe cried the whole weekendBshe asked the teacher to change her gradeCshe thought the teacher looked down upon herDher cat got run over by a car44 . What can we infer from the story?AVirginias cooking teacher is Jessica Smith.BVirginia Brown is six years old.CVirginias father has no work and stays at home.DVirginia has wide interests.45 . Which of the following is NOT right?AThe school master didnt think Ms Smith was right.BVirginia Brown is a top student in the school.CIt is the first year for Ms Smith to teach.DTheres no problem for Virginia to get into the best universities.46 . From the story we know that the school master is very_.AstrictBtallChumourousDcreative五、用单词的正确形式完成句子C. 请根据句意用所给动词的适当形式填空,使句子通畅。do run fly not watch dance47 . The rock music makes the little boy _ happily.48 . His mother would like _ some cooking at home this weekends.49 . Lets go _ to the playground with them.50 . Her cousin Judy usually _ to Beijing on holiday in October.51 . My parents with me _ TV on Saturday evening.六、单词填空Today is Sunday. It is the 52 . (第一)day of the week. Uncle Li goes to the supermarket to buy some meat, 53 . (水果)and vegetables in the morning. He has a 54 . (小的)basket in his hand. He buys some 55 . (西红柿). They are very cheap. He wants to buy some 56 . (牛肉), but it is 57 . (昂贵的). He doesnt take enough money. He also 58 . (挑选) several apples. They look 59 . (美味的). On 60 . (他的)way back home, he goes to the 61 . (图书馆)nearby and reads books for an hour. At noon he goes back home.七、话题作文62 . 假如你们学校要组织一次以“My Best Friend”为主题的班会活动,请根据以下提示来写一篇发言稿来介绍你的一位好朋友。提示:1、谁是你的好朋友。2、你的好朋友与你的相同之处与不同之处。3、你的交友观。要求:1、80词左右。2、文中不能出现真实的校名或人名。3、包含所有的要点,可以适当发挥。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、话题作文1、


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