英语九年级上册Unit 3 Creativity测试题

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英语九年级上册Unit 3 Creativity测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old man asked the girl to take another seathe wanted to sit next to his wife.AbecauseBso thatCso2 . -Look at the machine in the corner. I havent seen it before.-It _ examining the patient.Aused toBused forCis used toDis used for3 . Being not farthe sea, London is famousits fog.Afrom; withBfrom; forCaway; withDaway; for4 . your new sweaterme, please.AShow; toBGive; forCHave; forDShows; to5 . Does he _ you when you meet him?Ashake hands withBshakes hands withCshake hands toDshakes hands to6 . The maths problem is_ hard for me _.Aso;cant work outBenough;to work outCtoo;to work outDtoo;to work it out7 . Its time for bed, Mary.Oh, Mum, I cant go to bed_ I havent finished my homework.AsoBuntilCsinceDif8 . Mark isnt coming to the concert he has got too much work to do.AsoBuntilCalthoughDbecause9 . The panda eats bamboo leaves.Aas well asBas good asCalsoDtoo10 . (题文)The work is not difficult.I can finish it _.AlateBeasilyCbackDhard11 . -Peter has changed a lot these years.- Yes, he _ be short , but now he is as _ as me .AIs used to , tallBUses to ; tallestCused to ; tall12 . Be careful that if you dont hand in your homework on time, the teacher may _ you.ApraiseBhelpChitDpunish13 . - How manyare there in your class?- 40Aa studentBstudentCstudentsDstudents14 . Tom didnt go to school yesterdayhe was illAasBsoCbecauseDwhile15 . In 1969, the first men landed on the moon._, I was twelve.AAt a timeBAt timesCAt that timeDAt one time二、补全短文7选5短文7选5(5选5等) The professor always tried so hard. He had tons of brilliant ideasbut they never worked. Time after time, he would dream up an amazing idea that was sure to change the worldand then it didnt. 16 . A time machine! he shouted. The professors dream wasnt just any old time machine. 17 . But his wife wasnt so sure about the professors great idea. Itll never work. You cant make time, she doubted. The professor disagreed. 18 . If you can make money and save money, why cant you do the same with time?In his workshop, the professor drew lots of plans for his new time machine. He soon lost track(轨道) of time. He created model clocks of every shape and size. 19 . Finally, he made an amazing discoverya way to save time and give him lots of extra(额外) time. Ive got it! he cried. If I give up my time machine project, Ill have plenty of time for other things!ATime is money.BHis invention would allow people to create time.CHe tried every way he could think of.DThe professors idea became famous.EOne day, an idea hit him suddenly.三、完型填空The rubber coat(橡胶外套)was invented by an Englishman named Macintosh.In 1492,Columbus,a well-known Italian voyager(航行者),_ the New World-America. He brought a lot of things to Europe from South America. Rubber was one of them,_ people didnt know its use at that time. In 1770,people found that rubber could be used _ erasers.Macintosh was a worker in an eraser factory in Scotland. One day he spilled(洒出)some rubber liquid(液体)over his coat _ when making erasers. He was too busy to clean it and went back home wearing the _ coat. On the way home,it rained heavily. When he got home,he _ the wet coat. To his surprise,the area of the _ with rubber over wasnt wet. Why not make a rubber raincoat? Macintosh thought. The next day he brushed the rubber liquid all over his coat. He wore the rubber coat on _ days and took a walk outside to test if it _ really keep off the rain. _, the clothes inside the rubber coat werent wet at all. The rubber raincoat was created in this way.Year after year, people kept improving the raincoats. Today raincoats are widely used in our daily life.20 . AinventedBcreatedCdiscovered21 . AandBbutCor22 . AasBtoCfrom23 . AslowlyBquicklyCcarelessly24 . AdirtyBoldCclean25 . Atook offBput onCtook out26 . AbodyBcoatChouse27 . AcloudyBwindyCrainy28 . AmightBshouldCcould29 . AEspeciallyBSuddenlyCSurprisingly四、阅读单选During the novel coronavirus outbreak, hospitals all over China have used smart technology to care for patients and make work easier for doctors. The outbreak will help smart healthcare develop faster in China, according to Xinhua.Robots lend a handRobots are being used to fight the virus. For example, medical workers at the Third Peoples Hospital of Shenzhen are using robots to do routine (常规的) medical tasks.Developed by Chinese AI company UB Tech, these robots can offer medical advice, deliver (递送)medicines and disinfect (消毒) wards (病房) and other areas. They can also check temperatures, according to China Daily.Liu Yue, head of the hospitals fever outpatient services (发热门诊), said the robots have made work much easier. “It greatly reduces our burden (负担), and it can also prevent us from missing infected patients,” Liu said.Remote (远程的) healthcare servicesIt can be dangerous for medical workers and patients to come into contact ( 接触 ) with each other. But with remote medical services, doctors at different hospitals can share photos and videos to come up with the best treatment. Chinas three biggest telecom companies are providing hospitals across the country with 5G support. This allows them to transfer(传送) large amounts of data (数据) quickly.For example, on Feb 27, doctors in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou used 5G technology to treat a severely (严重地) ill 67-year-old patient in Wuhan, according to China Daily. By diagnosing (诊断) patients remotely, doctors can protect both themselves and their patients.AI makes work more efficient (高效的)Ask Bob is an AI-powered consultation ( 咨询 ) platform. Developed by Ping An Smart Healthcare, it can provide users with information about the virus, help people do medical self-checks, check their mental ( 心理的 ) health and choose the right face masks, according to China Daily.Ping An Smart Healthcare has also developed AI software that can read CT images and provide accurate ( 准确的 ) analyses (分析) to doctors. This can speed up the diagnostic process and allow doctors to give faster treatment.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。30 . What did robots do during the epidemic?a.They delivered medicines.b.They disinfected wards.c.They transferred patients.d.They checked temperatures.AabcBabdCacdDbcd31 . What happened to the severely ill 67yearold patient in Wuhan?AHe was treated remotely.BHe was treated by robots.CHe was transferred to Beijing.DHe was not diagnosed with the virus.32 . The AI software developed by Ping An Smart Healthcare can help_.Asave treatment costsBcollect and transfer dataCdevelop a vaccineDreduce doctors burdens33 . Which of the following statements is WRONG?AAsk Bob is an AIpowered consultation platform, which is developed by Ping An Smart Healthcare.BBy diagnosing patients remotely, doctors can protect neither themselves nor their patients.CWith remote medical services, doctors at different hospitals can share photos and videos to come up with the best treatment.DMedical workers at the Third Peoples Hospital of Shenzhen are using robots to do routine medical tasks.34 . The story is mainly about_.Ahow smart technology is developing in ChinaBwhy China was slow to control the epidemicChow smart technology helps doctors during the outbreakDwhich smart technologies are being developed in ChinaRobotic PetsI am going to predict how people are going to be with future technology in their life. I think robotic pets are going to be increasingly popular as the technology develops. At least I am going to build what I think is a strong case for this prediction.From a neurological point of view, I do not see anything in theway to people bonding (纽带) fully with robotic pets. The humanbrain can attach (赋予) emotions to things and respond to emotional signaling. Being alive is simply not required. From how objects move, our brains infer that they are able to act with their own willand purpose. If they move in a way that cannot be explained simply as passive (被动的) movement, then they must be moving on their own. Therefore, theycan connect to the emotional centers in our brains. We either fear them, or love them, orhunger for them, or whatever. We can respond emotionally with cartoon creatures, withanimals, and yes, even with robots. Our brains treat things that act alive as if they arealiveno different.One of the opposite points that people often bring up is that they love the way their pets behave, not just look. This gets to AI, which has been developing at a fast pace. We have AI that can beat world masters in chess and go. I have no doubt we can build AI to mimic (模仿) the behavior of dogs and cats, if not now then probably within a generation.So we will have no problem fully emotionally bonding with a robotic pet. But this doesnt mean we would prefer such a pet. One argument against robotic pets is that they will be expensive compared to a live petbut this is likely not to be true forever. Living pets need to be fed, and they need at least basic medical care, and they may need to be boarded at times. Also, people spend hundreds of dollars on pets, _or thousands of dollars on purebred species. Robotic pets will finally cost less in total than biological ones.But lets get to the real reason people will prefer robotic pets at last. The possibilities for building in useful technology are endless. An advanced robotic pet could also serve as a defensive and alarm system. You could recharge your cell phone off their batteries. They could be a walking cell phone. They would be excellent companions for the elder, affording them more independence for longer. This in itself would be a huge cost savinganything that keeps people out of a nursing home is cost effective.Imagination is really the only limitation, once you have the basics of a working robot. When the technology crosses a certain limit, this will be a thing. Future generations may consider keeping a living animal in your home as primitive (原始的) and cruel. They may have a point.35 . Why can we bond fully with robotic pets?AThey can respond to our reactions.BThey can move actively and freely.COur brains can treat things differently.DOur brains can attach emotions to them.36 . According to the passage, we know that .Arobotic pets will be cost effective in the futureBpresent AI can mimic all the behaviors of live petsCthe elder prefer to have robotic pets as companionsDthe young think it primitive and cruel to keep live pets37 . The writer probably agrees that .Alive pets will serve us betterBit is easier to keep live pets at homeCtechnology ensures robotic pets a bright futureDimagination limits the development of robotic petsCHANGSHA-Chinas first way for smart driving buses on open roads began its trial operation (试运行) in Changsha on Friday. The test bus line is 7.8 km long with 22 stations on the two-way trip. During the trial operation, four smart driving buses will be put into use. They need to pass through traffic lights, make turns and stop at the stations. One of the smart driving buses successfully finished the whole trip. It went along the planned road on Friday morning without a driver.CHONGQING-The first Reading and Writing Project with Famous Writers on Campus is going on at Chongqing No.1 Middle School on December 14th and 15th. The school invited ten famous writers like Bi Feiyu, Ouyang Jianghe and Li Er. They had a talk with the teachers and students about how to improve their reading and writing skills. Both the writers and the listeners said they learned a lot because of the activity.38 . There are _ smart driving buses being put into use during the trial operation.AfourteenBfifteenCtwenty-twoDfour39 . The school invited famous writers to talk with teachers and students about how to _.Abecome famousBimprove reading and writing skillsCdrive smart busesDimprove learning skills40 . You will most probably see the passage in _.Athe newsBa travel magazineCa story bookDa dictionaryNews One: The first quantum communications satellite (量子通讯卫星)developed by China is expected to launch(发射) in July of this year. It means that a quantum communications network will be formed, and quantum communication between the satellite and the ground will be achieved for the first time anywhere in the world.News Two: Shanghai Disney Resort(度假胜地) opened in a trial run(试营业) last week to prepare for its official opening on June 16. A one-day visit to the resort for a family of three will cost at least 2,600 yuan, which covers entrance ticket and three meals as well as shopping, while a two-day trip will cost no less than 6,000 yuan in total, which is too expensive for most visitors.News Three: More and more people get interested in running. The number of runners is increasing, and the economics(经济) of running is growing with it. Runners are always going to need shoes and they are always going to be looking for races. Both of these markets have just developed during the past 30 years or more.News Four: Overweight students at Nanjing Agricultural University are having a special sports course. The more weight they lose, the higher marks they will get. The course is not for everyone, but just for the students who needs to lose weight to keep healthy. There are 3 or 4 specially designed sports classes every week and each class lasts 90 minutes.41 . When will the quantum communications network be formed? _.ABefore July of this yearBAfter July of this yearCIn July of next yearDIn July of last year42 . How much will it cost a family of three for a day in Shanghai Disney Resort? _.ALess than 2,600BMore than 2,600 CLess than 6,000DMore than 6,00043 . From the passage we can learn that _.Athere are fewer and fewer people interested in runningBthe economics of running develops fast, because of the growing number of runnersCevery one at Nanjing Agricultural University can enter the special sports courseDthe students having the special sports course will get higher marks if they study harder五、根据首字母、中文提示填空词语运用44 . Whats your t _number? Its 555-0192.45 . - What are you doing? - I am studying for the English e_.46 . I had a p_in my head last night, but now I feel better.47 . I beg your p _ because I have no idea about your words.48 . If you support us, please c_ for our team.49 . The old man looked a bit _(苍白) than usual after the operation.50 . A list of 100 good books for teenagers came out. Books on history and science are all _ (包括).51 . It will be a dangerous trip. Are you sure you want to take the_(风险)?52 . Miss Weston is having difficulty in _(控制) the children in that class.53 . Dont smoke in a_(公共的) place.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。54 . Youd better not eat too many candies . Its bad for your t _.55 . You had better drink lots of b _ water.56 . Xiao Lin likes reading in the sun for a long time , so he often has s _ eyes .57 . The boy doesnt like to brush his t _ . He usually has a toothache.58 . There are many interesting films on the I_ .59 . She has s_eyes because she often stay up too late.60 . If you dont feel well, you should go to see a d_.61 . Jim looks pale. He feels t_.62 . We should b_ our teeth every day.六、完成句子根据汉语提示填空63 . When I saw my grandson using the Internet,it _(吸引了我的注意力).64 . A few months ago I _(收到来自的消息)someone I once met.65 . The man _(闯入)the bank,with a gun in his hand.66 . There was something wrong with the mans car,so he stood by the side of the road to _(请求帮助).67 . We _(被推进)a room and then the door was locked.七、回答问题Answer the following questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)Have you ever recycled? To recycle is to take rubbish and make it into something new. Recycling makes rubbish into something useful, so it is good for our environment. Recycling often helps to clean up the litter that makes our streets dirty.We can recycle all kinds of things. The most common materials like glass, plastic, paper, metals, cloth are all recyclable. Sometimes these things are broken down (降解) to make the same kinds of things. An example of this type of recycling is using paper to make more paper. Rubbish can also be broken down to make completely new things, too!We can recycle some materials forever. Glass is one of them. We use glass things, then break them down and use them again and again. Aluminum cans (铝罐) are one of the most useful recycled metals. We can recycle them again and again. We have recycled nearly 60% of all aluminum can.A family of four can make nearly 2,000 pounds of rubbish each year. As time goes on, we have fewer places to put all the rubbish in. Recycling is one way to limit (限制) the amount of rubbish we need to put into the land.The next time you throw a can or bottle into the rubbish bin, look to see if there is a recycling sign on the label(标签)or on the bottom.68 . Why is recycling good for our environment?_.69 . According to the passage, can we recycle glass bottles forever ?_,_.70 . How many aluminum cans have we recycled?_.71 . What can be the best title for this passage? ( In no more than 10 words) _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、

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