牛津译林版英语七年级下册单元复习测试卷Unit 8

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册单元复习测试卷Unit 8_第1页
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牛津译林版英语七年级下册单元复习测试卷Unit 8姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What made him so worried? _.ALosing his walletBBecause he lost his walletCHe has lost his walletDLost his wallet2 . We know it _ . It enjoys the music _.Avery well;very wellBvery much;very muchCvery well;very muchDvery much;very well3 . _you come to my party on Sunday? Sure,Id love to.AMustBCanCShouldDNeed4 . Miss Wang is always patient _me.AtoBaboutCwithDin5 . We were just ready to play football _it began to rain.AafterBas soon asCwhenDbefore6 . Everyone in the room can get a piece of cake. Oh, we are all happy to hear that.AAll the peopleBSome peopleCMany people7 . I dont like chocolate because it is _ sweet and is bad _our health.Atoo much; toBmuch too; forCmuch too; toDtoo much; for8 . This pair of glasses _ me 1, 000 yuan.AtakesBcostCspentDtook9 . _ is the schoolbag? Its under the bed.AWhereBWhatCWheresDWho10 . What do you think of _ cartoon Coco寻梦环游记?Well. Ive never seen _ more interesting one. Its worth _ again.Aa, a, to watchBthe, the, to be watchedCthe, a, watchingDthe, the, watching11 . Since you are _ music, why not go to some live concerts during summer holiday?Asurprised atBafraid ofCready forDcrazy about12 . 小华想给妹妹买一件小号的衣服,她应该选择_号的。ALBSCMDT13 . -Which do you like _ , apples or pears?- I like pears.AbestBgoodCwellDbetter14 . I need a red pen now, mom.Oh, Im busy now, let your fatherone for you.Ato buyBbuyingCbuysDbuy15 . He _ his homework at home and his brother had to _ it to school.Aleft; takeBleft; bringCforgot; bringDforgot; take16 . 一When shall we go to the Slender West Lake, this Saturday or Sunday?一_ is OK. Im free on the weekend.ABothBNoneCAllDEither17 . How _!The children are shouting so loudly outside.AnoisilyBhappyClovelyDnoisy18 . I believe that there are many ways _our love to our parents.Ato showBshowCshowingDshows19 . This kind of bamboo is not suitable _pandas _eat.Afor; forBfor ; toCto ;toDto ; for20 . Dont _ your pet _ food.Afeed;muchBfeed;manyCfeed with;muchDfeed with;many21 . He thinks Han Mei is one of DJs at the TV station.ApopularBmore popularCmost popularDthe most popular22 . Crum, help yourself to the fish my mother cooked!Thank you. En, it looks_ and tastes_.Abeautiful, good.Bbeautifully, well.Cbeautiful, well.Dbeautifully, good.23 . -Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival (桃花节)?-Yes. The flowers were beautiful. Bees were flyingthem.AinBamongCbetweenDthrough24 . We are in the _ school, but in _ grades.Asame, sameBdifferent, differentCsame, differentDdifferent, different25 . are Jim and Cake from? They are from England.AWhereBWhoCWhich二、句型转换按要求改写句子26 . Can he play chess or play the drums?(选用chess进行回答) He _.27 . She can sing and dance. (否定句)She _ dance.28 . Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑问句)_ Li Lei _ the violin?29 . She wants to join the music club. (就划线部分提问)_ she_to join?30 . My sister wants to swim . (一般疑问句) _ sister _swim?三、用所给单词的正确形式填空31 . Screen City has the _big) screens.32 . He never missed a days work through _(ill).33 . The main reason to build the Great Wall was to _(protection) China.34 . I join the book club and I _(read) five books already.35 . The teacher tells a funny story, and the students burst into_(laugh)第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、句型转换1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、

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