英语七年级第一学期Decemer Examination (Unit 6-Unit 9)阶段性测试卷

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英语七年级第一学期Decemer Examination (Unit 6-Unit 9)阶段性测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We have English _ eight.AatBonCinDto2 . The man _ his coat behind the door, then sat down_ the meeting.Ahanged, thought aboutBhung, thinking aboutChangs, thinking3 . Look at the child. Dont make any noise and cover him with a blanket.AasleepBsleepingCsleepyDslept4 . _ you _ your homework yet, Tom?Yes, Mom. Ive already done it.ADo; finishBHave; finishedCDid; finishDAre; finishing5 . Have you seen _ TV series Nirvana in Fire (琅琊榜), Mum? Yes, its quite _ interesting play, so I have seen it twice.Aa; theBthe; anCa; aDthe; the6 . Simon goes to schoolevery day. Its only 5 minutes walk from his home to school.Ain a busBby planeCon footDby coach7 . _I hand in the paper now, Mr. Luo?No, you neednt. You _finish it after school.AMay; canBMust; mustCMust; canDCan; must8 . I often saw you _ basketball during the summer holiday.AplayingBplayCto play9 . Good morning! ?Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.ACan you help meBCan you come to my partyCWould you like itDCan I help you10 . -You have a beautiful voice. I love your songs. -_ANo, Im not.BThank you.CIts OK.DThats all right.11 . -What did you do yesterday?-My brother took two friends of _ to play chess with us. But I dont know_ of them.Ahis; allBhim; bothChis; eitherDhim; neither12 . We will have a new classmate _Tony next week.AcallsBcallingCcalledDcall13 . The food in this restaurant is delicious. _, the price is quite reasonable,AIn additionBIn addition toCAs well asDBeside14 . -_does your school have a soccer game? -Once a month.AHow oftenBHow longCHow many15 . I think Jessica is truly _.Yes, she can play the piano, and she can also dance beautifully.AseriousBpoorCoutgoingDtalented16 . The suspect was seen _ across the street with a bag at 11 oclock last night.AwalkingBwalkedCwas walkingDwalk17 . Tony cant find his dictionary.Maybe took it away by mistake.AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDnobody18 . Tina sold her car _ because the car was too old and broken .Aat a high priceBat a low priceCat an expensive priceDat a cheaply price19 . Mary used to_ to work, but now she gets used to_ to work.Aride a bike, taking a busBriding a bike, take a busCriding a bike, taking a busDride a bike, take a bus20 . - I usually go to school by bike. - _.ASo did IBI did soCSo do IDSo I do二、完型填空Hello,everyone!Im your guide today. Now lets _Moonlight Town together. Moonlight Town is a new _in Beijing. Its not far from the centre of Beijing. It takes about 50_ by underground. There are many trees and green hills in our town,and the air is so fresh. There is also a_park in the town,and people can go_ in the park for exercise in the morning. In the park we can see a lake,and some people like to_ boats on it. OK. Now lets go to do some shopping. There are _ shops here. Most things are not expensive,and you can buy wonderful presents _your family and friends. Oh,I feel a little hungry now. _you?There are some good restaurants nearby. Would you like to _some Beijing duck?Lets go!21 . AfindBvisitClookDsee22 . AcityBcountryCtownDplace23 . AdaysBhoursCminutesDseconds(秒)24 . AbeautifulBslimCstrongDlucky25 . AshoppingBlivingCwashingDjogging26 . AwatchBrowCfishDfix27 . Alots ofBlot ofCa lots ofDa lot28 . AtoBfromCforDat29 . AHow areBWhat areCWho areDWhat about30 . AlikeBwatchCdrinkDtry三、阅读单选Recently,my students couldnt get on well with each other,so I decided to have them play a game. I told each student to bring a plastic bag with a few tomatoes in it to school. Each student would name their tomatoes after the people they did not like. Therefore,the number of tomatoes would be different depending on how many people each student disliked.The next day,all of the students brought their tomatoes to school. Some of them had just one or two tomatoes,while others had as many as five or six. I then told the students that they would have to carry their tomatoes with them wherever they went for one week.Several days went by. Some of the students started to complain,as their tomatoes started to rot (腐烂) and smell bad. The students who carried more tomatoes also complained about how heavy their bags were.One week later,the game was over. I asked,How did you feel about carrying your tomatoes for a week?The students complained once again. I simply smiled and said,This is what its like to carry hate in your heart. You have to carry it with you wherever you go. If you cant stand carrying rotten tomatoes for one week,can you imagine having hate in your heart for a whole lifetime?It can be exhausting to carry hate in your heart for a whole lifetime. Forgive others and move on with your life.31 . The number of tomatoes the students were asked to carry depended on _.Athe size of the tomatoesBthe name of the tomatoesCthe weight of the tomatoesDthe number of the people they hated32 . What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 5 refer to?AThe student.BHate.CHeart.DThe tomato.33 . Why did the students start to complain after several days?ABecause the game was over.BBecause they hated the tomatoes.CBecause the tomatoes started to rot and smell bad.DBecause carrying tomatoes made them look stupid.34 . What is the writers opinion in the passage?ALearn from the people you like.BStand the hate as long as you can.CThink more about the people you like.DForgive others and make your heart light.四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 完成下列句子, 每空格限填一词):35 . Lets have some sandwiches. (改为反意疑问句)Lets have some sandwiches, _?36 . Id like fruit with ice cream. (改为否定句)I _ fruit with ice cream.37 . They will have tomato and egg soup. (对划线部分提问)_ soup will they have?38 . The beef cost me 30 yuan. (对划线部分提问)_ did the beef cost you?39 . What would you like for dinner tonight? (保持句意基本不变)What would you like_ for dinner tonight?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空词语运用A.用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子40 . Little Tom has just celebrated his_ birthday(nine)41 . I offered my seat to an elderly man,but he refused_(polite)42 . LEGO is one of the_ that can develop childrens creativity(toy)43 . I dont use my mobile phone a lot at night,as its blue light is_to my eyes(harm)44 . MrZhang,your_is excellent!Have you ever studied abroad?(pronounce)45 . Visitors are asked not_much noise in the National Gallery(make)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。price,come,like,long,find,girls,sell,welcome,purple,sportsHi,boys and girls!46 . and have a look at our clothes store!We 47 . trousers for only $18.Do you 48 . sweaters?We have sweaters in yellow,red and 49 . for $21.For boys,you can buy 50 . shoes for only $25!The 51 . Tshirts are on sale for only $17 and the short ones are $11.For 52 . ,we have skirts at a very good 53 . only $15.54 . to our clothes store!You can 55 . what you want here.七、单词填空Amaniswalkingthroughaforest.Hehasafewcapsinhish56 . Intheforesttherearealotofm57 . Thedayishot, sohedecidestohavearestunderatree.Heputsonecaponhisheadandl58 . downtosleep.Whenhewakesup,hecantfindhiscaps.Wherearemycaps?Hecriesandlooksup. Heseessomemonkeysinthetree.Eachhasacaponi59 . head.Givemeb60 . mycaps!shoutsthemantothemonkeys.Butthemonkeysdontu61 . him.Theyo62 . jump,laughanddance.HowcanIgobackmycaps?hethinkshard.Intheendhehasanidea.Hetakesoffhiscapandthrowsitontheg63 . Thelittleanimalsdothes64 . things.Happilythemanpicksupallthecapsandgoesonhisw65 . 八、回答问题根据下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。One day,when Sunee reached her house,she saw a brown package(包裹)She ran inside the house with her package and showed it to her grandmotherSunee opened the packageAs she did,she noticed there was Thai writing on the boxThis package had come from her aunt in ThailandInside the box,Sunee saw something uncommonIt was a red silk umbrella She had never seen anything like it! Next to the umbrella she found a silk purse(钱包)They were both beautifulShipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time, said Grandmother Packages traveled by train and shipIt could take many months to get a package from across the ocean How long did your package take to arrive?Sunee and her grandmother looked at the postmark(邮戳)It showed that the package had been sent eight days ago Thats fast! said SuneeHer grandmother agreedWe have resources (资源)now that we didnt have years agoNow,packages are flown across the oceanBecause airplanes travel so fast,packages arrive very quickly Now our economy(经济)depends on fast delivery(快递)!66 . How did Sunee know that the package had come from Thailand?_67 . What did Sunees aunt send her?_68 . Why did it use to take many months to get a package from across the ocean?_69 . How long did Sunees package take to arrive?_70 . Did Sunees package travel by airplane?_九、话题作文71 . 第三节书面表达请用first, then, next, finally描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。要求:1、过程准确无误;2、书写规范整洁。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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