牛津上海版英语九年级上学期Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers单元检测卷

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牛津上海版英语九年级上学期Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . She took her son in her arms and looked at him _.AhappyBhappilyChappinessDunhappy2 . Lets see how the young man will escape _ the burning house.AfromBtoCinDout3 . When Daniel is in a bad mood, he likes wearing orange to _.Awake himself upBgive himself upCcheer himself upDpick himself up4 . I wanted to know _, but nobody could give me a direct answer.Aif is there a flight to France tonightBwhy so many people rushed to buy saltChow he will get to the airportDhow many times has he been to Japan5 . This is _ used car. Its much cheaper than a new one.AtheBanCaD/6 . Its _ you to help her with her English.Aeasy ofBkind forCkind ofDkind to7 . Liu is a_ girl and she doesnt like talking too much.AoutgoingBcarelessCactiveDquiet8 . Are you going to the cinema _ underground? No. I am going there _ a car.Atake; inBby; takeCby; inDby; by9 . - The business failed because of _ management. (管理)AsickBillCgoodDsickness10 . The 24th Winter Olympicsin China in 2022.AholdBwill holdCare heldDwill be held11 . Cats usually sleep all day.Theyre _AlazyBfriendlyCsmartDcute12 . -Tony likes reading books.-But Betty enjoys _for things on the Internet.Ato lookingB1ookC1ookingDto look13 . The population of China is _ larger than that of Australia.AsoBveryCtooDmuch14 . Lets open the window and enjoy some _ air.AfriendlyBfreshCfreeDfamous15 . The river near our village is _. Its dangerous to swim in it.A10 meters deepB10 meters deepC10 meters deepD10 meter deep16 . I often go to school _.Aby busBby a busCby the bus17 . Maria, I have some exciting newsyou, Well go to Hong Kong to travel.How wonderful!Ato tellBto talkCtalling18 . He plans to have a good rest _ hell have enough energy to continue his work.Aso thatBin order toCas soon asDnow that19 . Sam, my iPhone is in my bedroom. Could you _ it here tomorrow?No problem.AbringBarriveCtakeDcarry20 . - Could you tell me you did it so well?- With my parents help.AwhoBhowCwhenDwhat二、完型填空Today, as I was riding a transit bus from Unicity to downtown, I did not realize that I would see something _.The ride was, as usual, long and peaceful, until we _ the corner of Portage and Main Street. Then the bus _ down and stopped on the side of the street. This, of course, surprised all of the _ on the bus. But what happened next still brings tears to _ eyes.The bus driver jumped off the bus to _ with a man that looked to be down on his luck, most probably, a _ man. I first thought the driver was going to offer the man a ride until our driver _ his own shoes and gave them to the man on the sidewalk.That is when I saw the man that the driver _ with was barefoot (赤脚的). There was a _ in the bus. I think we were all surprised and speechless. As we rode on to our next stop, one of the passengers got _ to speak to the driver.“That was the most amazing thing I had _ seen. Why did you do that?”“I just couldnt stand the thought of that poor man walking without _,” the bus driver answered.Wow. Without saying anything else, it was just, “Here, sir, you need these more than I do.”There wasnt a dry _ on the bus. All the passengers were moved by _ the driver did. Now, a homeless man will have shoes for his feet because of a bus drivers act of kindness.21 . AunpleasantBrelaxingCdangerousDsurprising22 . AreachedBarrivedCgotDwent23 . AslowedBturnedCfellDbroke24 . AmenBpassengersCwomenDdrivers25 . AyourBhisCmyDher26 . AwalkBtalkCdrinkDsmoke27 . AsickBlazyCspecialDhomeless28 . Atook offBturned offCgot offDcut off29 . Awas talkingBtalkedCtalkDto talk30 . AsoundBcryCnoiseDsilence31 . AbackBupCinDoff32 . AeverBstillCalsoDnever33 . AclothesBfoodCmoneyDshoes34 . AhandBnoseCeyeDmouth35 . AthatBwhatChowDwhich三、阅读单选Trip 1 One Week in The mountains Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountains.You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing.This is also a protection area for wild animals.You can find many kinds of animals living in this area.Time:May 8thMay 14th Tel:64639818Adult(成年人):110.00 Child: 55.00Trip 2 Three Days in the country There are many beautiful gardens.Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight in Hunter Valley.It is a good place for fishing and horse riding.You can also find different kinds of flowers here.This is also a great walk for birdlovers.Time:May 20thMay 22th Tel:63986432Adult: 50:00 Child: 25.00Trip3 Flashlight Adventure Put on your warm clothes,bring a flashlight(手电筒)and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley.It is a trip full of adventure(冒险).A guide will lead the tour.Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.Time:May 16thMay 18th Tel:63875629Adult: 30.00Not for childrenTrip 4 Five Days By The Sea Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening.Our hotel is next to the sea.We have our own boats too.You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool.Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming.Time:May 23thMay 27th Tel:67538293Adult: 80.00 Child: 40.0036 . What number may you call if you and your friends want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside?A67538293B63986432C64639818D6387562937 . Sam wants to stay in Hunter Valley with his wife,his five-year-old daughter and his sevenyear-old son.How much will it cost?A25B50C100D15038 . Lucy is a college student.She is quite interested in science.She wants to know something about the life of plants at night.Which trip will she choose?ATrip 1BTrip 2CTrip 3DTrip 439 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the four advertisements?ABCD四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子)40 . I get pocket money from my parents once a week.(对划线部分提问)_ do you get pocket money from your parents?41 . He was very nervous. He couldnt go on with the job interview.(合并为一句)He was _ nervous _ go on with the job interview.42 . Most of the sportsmen on the team are tall and fat.(对划线部分提问)_ do most of the sportsmen _ like?43 . Mum asks me to prepare breakfast after I get up.(改为被动语态)I am asked _ breakfast after I get up.44 . You mustnt take photos in the museum.(保持句意不变)You _ to take photos in the museum.45 . The governments set up a new modern hospital for the farmers.(改为反意疑问句)The governments set up a new modern hospital for the farmers, _ ?46 . left, the lights, he, in a hurry, and, the office, turned off(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)47 . Dont be so _ to your brother, and you should love each other. (kind)48 . Help _ to some tasty cakes, boys and girls. (you)49 . What is Toms _? (nation) He is German.50 . After hearing the good news, I felt much _ than before. (happy)51 . My brother Jimmy lives upstairs, the _ floor. (nine)52 . 1 will call my mother when I arrive _. (save)53 . The police are searching everywhere for the _ child. (miss)54 . The teacher wanted to find out who was responsible for the _ windows. (break)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文AthatBwhereCsoDhowEbecauseKyra Komac, 28 years old, now has 25 furniture stores all over the country. The new store, in Londons Camden High Street, takes her back to 55 . it all started. She tells us about 56 . the business began.When I was little, my mother began selling flowers in Camden Market. She couldnt leave me at home on my own, so I had to go to the market with her.To begin with, I didnt have to do anything. I just sat there, and my Mum told me jokes and stories 57 . I didnt get bored. When I got older, I gave my Mum a hand and I really enjoyed it.Then, one year, my grandma gave me a book for Christmas. It was all about making candles and I loved it. I was 14, and I didnt have to go to the market any more 58 . Mum could leave me at home on my own. I spent my free time making candles of all shapes and sizes. I made hundreds of them.schoolbuyinbymanylikeopensbreakfastshoptoI work in a small shop. It is near an English59 . . Every day students come to60 . things inthe shop. 61 . the morning, I get up at six, and then I have 62 . . I go to work 63 . bike. I getto the shop at about six forty. The shop 64 . from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We sell many things65 . food and drinks. We have school things, too. So there are 66 . people in our 67 . from morning68 . evening.七、单词填空The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the 5th day of the fifth month of the lunar c69 . . It is one of the most i70 . Chinese festivals, with the other two the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year. Now all Chinese students have a day o71 . on that day. It has been celebrated, in all kinds of ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the west, it is well k72 . as the Dragon Boat Festival.The festival is in memory of Qu Yuan. He was an honest minister who was always worried about people in his country. However, the emperor and the government didnt b73 . his words. At last, he jumped into Miluo River and killed himself. People didnt want fish to eat him so they t74 . some food into the river to get the fish away. The Dragon Boat Festival formed.The festival is famous for its dragon-boat race, e75 . in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. The traditional food is n76 . rice dumplings. They are usually made of glutinous rice, meat and so on. Nowadays, you can eat d77 . kinds of rice dumplings. They are very delicious. To c78 . it, people always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon-boat race on that day.八、回答问题There are many things in the world that we dont understand, and know little about. In 1832, an explorer traveled to the Himalayas (喜马拉雅山脉). The people there told him stories about a strange animal called yeti (雪人). “It lived in the snow,” they said. It was very tall, and much bigger than a man. The explorer didnt believe the stories. “These people have probably seen a big monkey,” he thought.But the stories about the yeti continued. A lot of explorers went to the Himalayas. They wanted to find the yeti. Some of the climbers told stories about a strange animal in the snow, but nobody could prove (证实) they had seen it.In 1925, a photographer named Tombazi said he saw a yeti when he was climbing. It was about 300 metres away from him. He was with some other people, and they saw the yeti, too. Tombazi tried to take a picture, but the yeti was gone! Tombazi went to look at the snow and he found footprints. They were huge!The best clue about the yeti comes from a scientist called Gene Poirier. He traveled to Himalayas and collected pieces of hair. When people examined the hair, they found something amazing. The hair did not come from any normal animal. Maybe its the first real proof (证据) of the yeti!79 . In which century was the explorer told there lived a yeti in Himalayas?_80 . Has anyone got a picture of a yeti yet?_81 . The yeti runs very fast, doesnt it?_82 . What may be the first real proof of the yeti?_83 . Put the sentence “The best clue about the yeti comes from a scientist called Gene Poirier.” into Chinese._九、话题作文84 . A good book is important to me要求:1. 紧扣主题,意思连贯,语言通顺,书写规范。2. 不得使用真实姓名和校名,如需使用名字,请用Mike, Gina等英文名字; 校名统一使用Guangming Middle School。3. 词数不少于60。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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