英语七年级上册Unit 9Section A (3a—3c)课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语七年级上册Unit 9Section A (3a—3c)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语七年级上册Unit 9Section A (3a3c)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him.Alook atBlook forClook afterDlook like2 . For my homework I have to write a(n)_ about the wonders of the world.AmusicBpictureCcompositionDexam3 . _ shoes would you like? Size 40.AWhat kindBWhat kind ofCWhat sizeDWhat size of4 . Does she study Maths at school?AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, she does.DNo, she does.5 . May I speak to Lynn?- _ Lynn.AI amBThis isCIt was6 . It was really kind of him to take the cat to the animal centre _a rainy night.AinBonCatDof二、完型填空完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Once again, I was at a new school_was a girl in my class named Paris. That was where the similarities ended.I was tall and she was small. I was one of the_in the class while she was the youngest. My hair was thick, short and ugly while hers was long and beautiful. I couldnt stand her, considering her my_But she wanted to be friends.One day, she invited me over and I said yes I was too_to say no. Actually, no one had invited me over to_before. But this girl, who wore the latest fashions, wanted to see me.When we got to the_she shared with her sister, she took out a big case of Barbies which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. But we sat on the floor of a walk-in cupboard_as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. Thats when we_that we both wanted to be writers when we were older. We both had wild_We had a great time that afternoon. Our jaws (下巴) ached from smiling so much. She_me her outfits, which had mostly come from a designer clothing store. The woman who owned it sometimes used her_a model for her newspaper ads and gave her clothes in exchange.Paris charmed the whole neighborhood. The_owners lent her fashion magazines down the block, the movie theater gave her free passes and the pizza place let her_free pieces. Soon I was included in her_world. We slept over at each others houses and spent every free moment together.Paris, my first real friend since childhood, helped me get through my tough teenage_and taught me an amazing thing about making friends: Your “worst enemy” can turn out to be your best friend.7 . A. So B. Neither C. Either D. Or8 . A. oldest B. strongest C. tallest D. smartest9 . A. leader B. angle C. hero D. enemy10 . A. surprised B. satisfied C. stressed D. worried11 . A. study B. play C. chat D. sing12 . A. kitchen B. balcony C. bedroom D. garden13 . A. talking B. thinking C. shouting D. laughing14 . A. broke out B. worked out C. took out D. found out15 . A. instruction B. imagination C. information D. interest16 . A. sent B. showed C. provided D. passed17 . A. for B. with C. as D. by18 . A. supermarket B. museum C. bookshop D. community19 . A. sell B. have C. borrow D. make20 . A. magic B. natural C. simple D. funny21 . A. weeks B. months C. seasons D. years三、阅读判断第一节根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的涂“T”,错误的涂“F”。并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置。Mr. Green is a man with short curly black hair. He comes from Canada. He is forty years old. He teaches us English. He is very friendly to us. He often tells jokes and interesting stories to the class. After school, he often plays footballs with us. He can speak a little Chinese and he can also sing a few Chinese songs. He often asks us to tell him something about our school. We all like him very much.22 . Mr. Green has long curly hair.23 . Mr. Green teaches Chinese.24 . He loves to tell jokes.25 . Mr. Green works as a teacher in China.26 . He often tells us something about our school .四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the passage with suitable verbs(用恰当的动词形式填空):Yesterday, Alice27 . (go)on a trip to Suzhou. When she28 . (get)on the bus, she29 . (see)some signs. One says No smoking, another says that people mustnt30 . (eat)or 31 . (drink)soft drinks inside the bus. Of course, people can32 . (drink)water. When she33 . (get)off the bus, she34 . (notice)the third sign. It says 35 . (be)Careful. Alice knows that these signs 36 . (be)very important in our daily life.五、完成句子37 . 在老师的帮助下,李萍生活和以前一样快乐。With the teachers help, Li Ping lives_ before.38 . 杰克,我们期望尽早收到你的来信。Jack, were looking forward to _ you as soon as possible.39 . 他问露茜正在做什么。He asked Lucy what she _.40 . 请告诉我在哪里我能买到T恤衫好吗?Could you please tell me_ buy a T-shirt?41 . 我们今晚要么去看电影,要么去购物。We will _ go to the movies _ go shopping tonight.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空42 . America,France and England are_(west) countries.43 . Mr Smith is angry(生气的) because the classroom is very_(noise).44 . Eating dumplings is a_(tradition) custom in China.45 . My English teacher has a different way of making her class_(live) and interesting.46 . I like this music because it is very_(beauty).六、多任务混合问题任务型阅读阅读下面的短文,并完成短文后的任务。httpb1.comHello, friends! My name is Frank. Im an American boy. I live in China now. Im a middle school student. Do you want to know about my school life(生活)in China?I go to school from Monday to Friday. School usually starts at eight oclock in the morning. I have four classes _the morning and two in the afternoon. (A)_1_. I like Chinese very much. Its difficult but interesting. (B)_2_Because I can learn to play the violin and the drums in the music class. And I really like my music teacher, Mr. Liu. He is very kind. My favorite day is Wednesday. Do you know why? Yeah! Because I can have music _ Wednesday morning.My last class is _ four oclock. After class, I dont have much homework. I can do lots of things I like. I join the art club and the swimming club. How do you like my school life in China?47 . 在文中空格处填入适当的介词:_ _ _48 . 将(A)处划线句子译成汉语._49 . 写出(B)处划线句子的同义句。_50 . How many classes does Frank have every school day?_51 . Whats Franks favorite day? Why?_七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。6. whose, those? 7. he ,is 8. look,same 9. these,not, theirs 10. these, hers?52 . _?53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、完型填空1、三、阅读判断1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、2、六、多任务混合问题1、七、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、

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