英语七年级上学期 Unit 4 单元综合能力检测题

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英语七年级上学期 Unit 4 单元综合能力检测题_第1页
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英语七年级上学期 Unit 4 单元综合能力检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。1 . Its the most popular topic of conversation(谈话). For example, people may say to each other Isnt it a nice day? Do you think its going to rain? or I think it is going to snow. All these are the common ways to start a conversation. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like.2 . One man may say, Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It is going to rain tomorrow. But another man may say, Yes, its cloudy in the east, so we are going to have a fine day tomorrow.3 . When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it is going to rain; he wont believe other things. When people are having a picnic, but it begins to rain, they will be so sure about something that shows the weather is going to be fine very quickly.4 . They wont believe that they will finish their lunch in the rain.Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he does not always tell us what we want, and sometimes he makes a mistake.5 . APeople often hope for the weather they want.BHowever, he still probably comes closer to being correct than most people.CBut they dont always agree with each other.DEverybody talks about the weather.EThey often have the same opinion about the weather.二、完型填空The seasons in Australia are opposite(相反) to ours. _it is winter here, it is summer there. Australia is_the south of the world. June, July and August are the winter months. The summer is in December, _ and February. The north of the country is _ than the south. Australias main(主要的) problem is water. A _ large part of the country has no rain at all. But the east coast(海岸) has rain_ the year round. There are no dry months here. In March, 1982, there was a terrible drought(干旱) in Australia. The summer rain didnt _ . There were 138 million sheep in Australia that year. This was 14% of all the sheep in the world. Because there was not _ rain and the grass didnt grow well, the farmers _ to sell many of their sheep and many sheep _ , too. It was a great disaster(灾难)for Australia farmers.6 . ABecauseBSinceCWhenDFor7 . AinBonCtoDnear8 . ANovemberBJanuaryCMarchDOctober9 . AcolderBcoolerChotterDwarmer10 . AveryBsoCtooDmuch11 . AwholeBhalfCallDpart12 . AhaveBfallCgiveDkeep13 . AplentyBa littleCa lotDenough14 . AhaveBhadCmustDneeded15 . AdiedBdeadCdeathDdyingWhen you go to England,you can be surprised that _ people _ an umbrella(伞) or a raincoat(雨衣) _ them on a sunny morning.On a bus or a train,you can usually see _ is looking out of the window or _ newspapers.But they dont talk much.When you meet English people,they often talk about one thingthe _ is it so?Because the weather is changeable(多变的) in England.People there can have spring,summer,autumn and _ in one day.When they _ the bus,the weather is sunny and _ just like in spring.However,when they get out of the bus,it can be _ and cold.At noon,the weather will be _ and a little hot,and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England, people can also have summer in winter,_ have winter in summer.So in _ they can swim sometimes,and in summer sometimes you can see people _ warm clothes.16 . AmuchBmanyCa lots ofDlot of17 . AbringBgetCtakeDhave18 . AonBtoCforDwith19 . Amany peopleBeveryoneCall the peopleDsome of the people20 . AwatchingBseeingCreadingDlooking21 . AweatherBnewspapersCwindowsDbooks22 . AWhatBWhereCHowDWhy23 . ASundayBwinterCrainDsnow24 . Aget inBget offCget intoDget on25 . AcoolBhotCwarmDcold26 . AsunnyBhotCrainyDcloud27 . AsunBsunnyCrainyDcloudy28 . AorBandCsoDthen29 . AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter30 . AtakingBsellingCbuyDtakes三、阅读单选Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案):I had forgotten about wanting a dog until the school pet contest. The winners would choose a book from the bookstore. Two things I like: books and dogs. Mom and Dad would like to get me a dog, but they cant. We live in an apartment that has a no-pets rule. I like the apartment. Its right across the street from the park. Thats where I spend most of my free time reading books. And the rent is cheap. Mom and Dad work hard. But they dont make all that much money. When I got home from school, I told Mom about the pet contest. That night, she and Dad had a long talk. The next night Dad came home carrying a big box. There was a dog inside. But the dog didnt bark or even move. Dad had gotten me a robot dog. He said he bought it from a guy at work. The dog was broken. So the guy sold it cheap. Dad is great at repairing things and he got the dog working again. I named the robot dog Robbie and taught it some tricks like sitting up and rolling over. I also taught it to go and get a ball when I throw it. Thats a hard trick. I cant throw the ball too far. Robbie wont be able to see it. Its camera eyes can see for only about 20 yards.When the day of the contest came, I took Robbie to school. There were pet dogs of all sizes and lots of pet cats. There were also pet fish and pet birds. Prizes were being awarded for the smartest pet, the biggest pet, and the most unusual pet. When the judges looked at Robbie, they began talking among themselves. Some of the judges said that the contest was only for live pets. But then one of the judges said that the rules didnt say that the pets had to be live animals. So Robbie did all his dog tricks. The judges were surprised. Robbie didnt win first prize. The judges decided that should go to a real live pet. But Robbie got a prize for most unusual pet. To tell you the truth, I would still rather have a real dog.31 . If I keep a pet, the owner of the apartment will probably_.Aremember about wanting a dogBask us to pay moreCchange the rulesDkick us out32 . One of my hobbies is_.Areading booksBcollecting booksCjogging in the parkDvisiting pet shops33 . My parents bought me a robot dog because_.Athey know I love dogsBthey knew I would win the contestCI asked them for a dogDI was good at training dogs34 . What may be the hardest trick for Robbie?ASitting upBRolling over on the floorCThrowing a ballDCatching a ball35 . The underline d word “live” in the fifth paragraph means_.AnaturalBfalseCrealDlovely36 . What is the right sequence(顺序)of the story? I started to teach Robbie some dogs tricks. My family moved into a nice little apartment. I was awarded for the most unusual pet. I showed judges what Robbie could do. School said that there would be a pet contest. Father bought a broken robot dog.ABCDRead the following poems.1. Stopped by Woods on a Snowy Evening-By Robert FrostWhose woods these are I think I know,His house is in the village though.He will not see me stopping here,To watch his woods to fill up snow.My little horse must think it queer(奇怪的),To stop without a farmhouse near.Between the woods and frozen lake,The darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness(马具)bells a shake,To ask if there is some mistake.The only other sounds the sweep,Of easy wind and downy flake(雪片).The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.2. Hope is the Thing with Feathers-By Emily DickinsonHope is the thing with feathersThat perches(栖息) in the soulAnd sings the tune without the woodsAnd never stops at allAnd sweetest in the gale(狂风)is heardAnd sore must be the stormThat could abash(使局促不安)the little birdThat kept so many warmIve heard it in the chilliest(最寒冷的)land And on the strongest seaYet, never, in extremityIt asked a crumb(少许)of me37 . In poem, the story probably happened in?AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter38 . From paragraph 2 of Poem 1, we can imagine .Aa man riding a horse is near a farmhouse in the darkBa man and a horse are between the woods and frozen lakeCa horse is looking at a man strangely on the darkest eveningDa horse is standing between the woods and frozen lake alone39 . Poem 2 mainly describes .AhopeBa birdCnatureDa horseThe cartoon series Bears Note熊出没is popular with people of ages in China at the momentBald strong,a logging(原木)team boss,came to the beautiful Heilongjiang forest to harvest logs with a boss,Lees trustBut the forest had hidden(已经藏着)two terrible rivals(对手) forest owner,bear brothers!Xiong Da and Xiong Er!Looking at the forest was destroyed,bear brothers decided to fight with Bald strong to protect the forestXiong Da is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easilyXiong Er is not as clever as his brother but his brute force(蛮力)But the cunning(狡猾的)head cannot leave so easilyFor a long time home defense(防 御)lasted and Bald strong tried different thoughts to beat bear brothers and cut down logs,but every time he failedFinally Bald strong lost Boss Lees trust and got nothingAs the saying says,doing good will be repaid and doing evil(罪恶)will be punished(被惩罚)The cartoon story shows us an active topic in laughter,and two bears facing the failure feel hopefulIt also tells us to protect forests,protect the environment,protect ecological balance(生态平衡)in our everyday life40 . is popular with people of ages in China nowAMickey MouseBWinnie the PoohCBears NoteDThe Snow White41 . Who do you think destroyed the forest?ABald strongBXiong DaCXiong ErDXiong Da and Xiong Er42 . Can Xiong Er sometimes also beat Bald strong with his brute force?AYes,he canBNo,he cantCNo,he canDYes,he cant43 . The story showsAan active topic in laughterBtwo bears facing the failure are hopefulCmore to encourage people in pleasureDall of above are right44 . From the cartoon television series,we knowAbear brothers decided not to fight with Bald strong to protect the forestBdoing good will be repaid and doing evil will be punishedCXiong Er is so clever that he can beat Bald strong easilyDit tells US that we should not protect forestsIn most parts of the world there are four seasons. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. In different seasons people wear different clothes and do different things. For example, in summer the weather is hot, so people usually wear cool clothes and do things like swimming, boating or surfing(冲浪). But near the polar regions(极地), there are only two seasons: winter and summer. In winter, nights are long. For more than two months(两个多月) you cant see the sun. In summer, days are long and the sun is always in the sky. There are no nights. The people living near the North Pole(北极) are called Inuit(伊努伊特人). In summer they live in tents and catch deer for food. In winter they live in small round snow houses. They can build(建造) a snow house. They make holes(洞) in the ice and catch fish and seals(海豹). They eat much meat but not many vegetables.45 . How many seasons are there in most parts of the world?ATwo.BThree.COne.DFour.46 . In summer, people usually wearclothes and do things like swimming, boating or.Acool; skatingBwarm; flyingCcool; surfingDcold; flying47 . Inuit live in tents and catchfor food in summer.AdeerBdogsCfishDseals48 . There are two seasons near the polar regions. They are.Asummer and springBfall and winterCsummer and winterDsummer and fall49 . Which sentence is right?AWe can skate in summer.BInuit build snow houses in winter.CInuit eat little meat but many vegetables.DThere are four seasons near the polar regions.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词50 . If he comes _(回来)from London,please let me know.51 . Please say it _(再一次)I couldnt hear clearly.52 . Its b_for your health to eat too much junk food.53 . What is your mother doing?She is walking in the _(公园)with her dog.54 . I cant find our English teacher. Can you take a m_ to her?55 . Could you help me wash the dishes?Sure,no p_.56 . Mom is busy cooking in the kitchen r_ now.57 . It is _(下雨)heavily,but they are still having the soccer game on the playground.58 . Susan talks on the p_with her friend every day.59 . Its c_.There are many clouds in the sky.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子60 . 新计划预计三天后出台。The new plan _ three days.61 . 这是一个关于一个战土的成长的电视节目。This is a TV show about a soldiers _ .62 . 金银岛讲的是一个男孩出海并发现了一个满是珠宝的岛的故事。Treasure Island is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island _ .63 . 这个女孩儿迫不及待地要告诉她妈妈她获得了一等奖。The girl cant wait _ her mother that she _ first prize.64 . 你还有什么东西要买? 没了,我已经买了很多了。 _ do you want to buy? Nothing. I _ a lot.六、话题作文65 . 请以 “Four Seasons”为题,根据以下提示介绍我国的四个季节,讲述你最喜欢的季节并说明理由。词数:60左右。提示:1.春天温暖多风,人们喜欢郊游、放风筝;2夏天天气炎热,最适合游泳;3秋天晴朗干燥,是收获的季节;4冬天寒冷,北方经常下雪,孩子们最喜欢打雪仗、堆雪人。要求:1.必须包括所有的提示信息,可适当发挥;2讲述你最喜欢的季节并说明理由。提示:harvest 收获;snowball fights 打雪仗Four Seasons_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、话题作文1、

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