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石家庄市2019年七年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When do you usually celebrate Christmas, Mr. Wu?_ 7:30 _ the evening of December 25th.AOn; inBAt; onCAt; inDOn; on2 . There is something wrong with his _He cant see anything.AlegsBeyesCmouthDface3 . He was about to watch the live football match when the TV didnt work,which made him almost _.AcuriousBexcitedCmadDcreative4 . (2017. 长沙市长郡教育集团期末) Can you come to my party tomorrow? Its my_birthday.Sure.Athe twelfthBtwelveCtwelfth5 . Farmers need water to water the crops and vegetable on their farms,_ they?AneedntBneedCdontDdo6 . 一Would you like some?一No,thanksIm not thirstyAbreadBhamburgersCwaterDcakes7 . How muchdo you want?AhoneyBshoesCtomatoes8 . Jimismaking_kite.Hesgoingtofly_kitewith_brotherafterschool.Aa;the;hisBa;a;hisCa;the;himDthe;the;her9 . (昆明必做)The math problem is a_hot_potato(土豆)You can ask the teacher for help.Avery easyBvery difficultClike potatoDabout potato10 . Lucy likes drawing very much.She wants _ the art club.AjoinBjoinsCto joinDjoining11 . How niceweather is today? Why not go out and havewalk?Athe, aBa, theCa, aDthe, the12 . Id rather _ in the countryside because there is much pollution in the cities.AliveBlivedCto liveDliving13 . Things will be much easier if the teachers _ the students into groups in class.AkeepBfixCspreadDdivide14 . The _ girl can play computer games well.Aseven years oldBseven-years-oldCseven-year- oldDseven-years old15 . _ is the volleyball?I think its under the table.AHowBWhereCWhatDWho二、补全对话7选5下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。A:Hi, everyone!B:Hello, LiLi! 16 . A:Im watching the news of the 2nd National Youth Games.C:Such a big sports event in Shanxi! So it is. 17 . A:Me, too. By the way, Ill watch the opening ceremony. 18 . B:Of course. I wont miss it.C:LiLi 19 . I havent got a ticket.A:What a pity! 20 . C:I will. And I hope you can post(发布) some pictures here.AWhen is it?BIm afraid not.CYoure welcome.DWhat are you doing?EAre you going to see it?FIm so proud of our hometown.GBut you can watch it on your phone.三、完型填空完形填空Betty is Australian and Sally is _ Australian girl too. They are in the same school. _ houses are far from school. So they get up _ in the morning and _ the early bus after breakfast. Sometimes they have lunch in the _. Betty likes hamburgers and meat, _ Sally likes vegetables and fruit. She thinks they are _. After lunch Betty goes to play the _ and Sally goes to the classroom. She sings English songs or _ music. This weekend, they are going to have a picnic with John and Mike. They _ in the park at one oclock.21 . AaBanCtheD/22 . ATheyBTheirCThemDThen23 . AlateBlatelyCearlyDfast24 . AbyBtakeConDin25 . AhomeBrestaurantCshopDairport26 . AandBorCbutDalso27 . AunhealthyBhealthyCbadDwell28 . ApianoBbasketballCtennisDchess29 . AhearsBhears fromClistensDlistens to30 . Ais going to meetBwill meetCmeetsDis meeting四、阅读单选阅读理解。Here are three pieces of information about summer camps in 2016.Kids Fleet Camp 2016Kids Fleet Camp is exciting with rock climbing, golfing, swimming and creative activites.Camp Dates: June 20-24Age: 6-16 years oldCost: $ 135More information:Please call at (619)238-1233 for any questions. See more at: http:/www.rhfleet.org/events/summer-camp.Art It Out Social Skills Camp 2016We use art to teach children social skills in group, such as: listening and following instructions; making and keeping friends, improving self-confidence, etc.Campe Dates: June 13-17Call at 770-726-9589.For pricing information and details visit our website.1640 Powers Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30067Gwinnett Young Singers Music Camp 2016Summer camp is a lot of fun! Come and join in new and fun musical activitites! Children can learn so many kinds of musical instruments here.Camp Dates: July 18-29Camp hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.$150 each weekPlease call at 770-935-6657 or visit our website.31 . If you like sports, you can join _.AArt It Out Social Skills CampBKids Fleet CampCGwinnett Young Singers Music Camp32 . In Art It Out Social Skills Camp kids can learn how to _.Aget on with othersBclimb rockes, swim and play golf.Cimprove their language skills33 . To spend one week learning music in the camp, youll pay _.A$150B$135C$30034 . You can visit their website or call them up to _.Amake and keep friendsBsee the manager in personCget further information about camps35 . Kids will probably find summer camps _.Asafe and cheapBboring and dangerousCexciting and enjoyableMany of the students in my class join the art club. We learn(学习) many things in the club. Jennifer likes playing the guitar very much, so she learns to play the guitar. Now she can play three pieces (首) of music. Cindy likes dancing. She learns to dance every afternoon after school. Now she can dance well. Victor likes playing chess. He often plays chess with Mike in the club . He often beats (打败) Mike at chess. Michelle likes drawing pictures. She draws one picture a week. Now she has 16 pictures. Some of the pictures are very good. We can do what we like in the club, so we all like the club .36 . What club is it ?AA basketball club.BA guitar club.CAn art club.DA chess club.37 . How many pieces of (多少首)music can Jennifer play ?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.38 . When does Cindy learn to dance ?AIn the morning.BIn the afternoon.CIn the evening.DWe dont know.39 . What does Mike do in the club ?AHe dances.BHe draws pictures.CHe sings.DHe plays chess.40 . How long is Michelle in the club ?AAbout four months.BAbout two months.CAbout ten weeks.DAbout seven weeks.Trip 1 Luoji MountainBring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of Luoji Mountain.You can find many kinds of wild flowers in this area.Time:July 23July 26Tel:3598432Adult:120.00 dollars Child:60.00 dollarsTrip 2 Beihai ParkThis is a beautiful park with different kinds of plants.Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here.It is a good place for fishing.Time:July 21July 22 Tel:3597543Adult:20.00 dollars Child:FreeTrip 3 The Big ValleyPut on your warm clothes,and come for a night walk along the Big Valley.Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.Time:July 15July 21Tel:3497243:Adult:180.00 dollars Not for childrenTrip 4 The Beautiful Lugu LakeWear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine.You can take the boat to different islands for sightseeing.Time:July 20July 29 Tel:3497432Adult:200.00 dollars Child:100.00 dollars41 . Nick has a vacation for 2 days.He can goAhiking in the mountainBfishing in the parkCswimming in the lake42 . Mr and Mrs.King want to stay in Luoji Mountain with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter.They need to payfor the tripA240 dollarsB300 dollarsC360 dollars43 . Lily likes the animals which can only be seen at night.Which of the following is her best choice?ATrip 2BTrip 3CTrip 444 . Youd better takefor the sightseeing in Trip 2Aa sun hatBa digital cameraCwarm clothes45 . You should callif you want to enjoy the sunshine in one of the tripsA3497432B3497243C3597543五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(改写句子,每空格限填一词):46 . She put a lot of money in the bank last year. (否定句)She _ much money in the bank last year.47 . Maggie has already written some books about India.(改为一般疑问句)_ Maggie _ any books about India yet?48 . Id like a flat with big windows. (对划线部分提问)What _ flat would you like?49 . We will move to the new flat on Nov. 20th .(对划线部分提问)_ you move to the new flat?50 . I want to live near the underground station.(保持句意基本不变)I _ want to live _ away from the underground station.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。51 . _ (clean) your room please. Its too dirty.52 . How many_ (apple) do you want?53 . _ (one), peel some pears, and then cut them up.54 . _ (not play) computer games, Mike.55 . It is going to rain. Dont forget_ (take) an umbrella with you.56 . Do you like_ (tomato)?Yes, I do.57 . _(not turn) on the blender before you put bananas and grapes into it.58 . How many_(piece) of paper do we need?59 . Its time_ (have) dinner now, children.60 . They study English by_(read) English books.七、语法填空Do you want to know my school day? On weekdays, I 61 . (get) up at 6:20, and have breakfast at 6:40. 62 . I go to school. I usually go to school by bike. I get to school at about 7:20. Our 63 . (class) start at 8:00. I have four lessons in the morning 64 . two in the afternoon. I like music(音乐) best 65 . I love singing(唱歌). I usually have lunch 66 . home. In the afternoon, the school classes finish at 4:30. I go 67 . (home) at about 4:45 pm. In the evening I do 68 . (I) homework. After that I often watch TV, 69 . sometimes I read some 70 . (book). I go to bed at about 10:00 pm.八、回答问题Hello, my name is Kate. Im in a middle school. This is my schoolbag. Its black. What is in it? There are two books. Are these books mine? No, they arent. They are my teachers. What are those? They are two pens. One is red, and the other (另一只) is blue. The red pen is mine. The blue pen is Lilys. There are some keys and a map in my schoolbag, too. They are not mine. The keys are my moms. Whose (谁的) map is it? Oh, I can see a name on(在上) it, M-I-K-E. Its my good friend. I can call him(他). His phone number is 456-9898.71 . What color is Kates schoolbag?_72 . Is the blue pen Kates?_73 . Whose(谁的)mapisit?_74 . What are in Kates schoolbag?(写出所有物品)_九、书信作文75 . 假如你是Sarah,Peter是你新认识的美国网友。他最近发给你一封电子邮件,询问你的个人情况。请根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。写作内容:1. 你的爱好或特长;2. 你的日常生活习惯(至少两点);3. 你主要的上学方式;4. 谈谈你的家规或校规。要求:短文的内容要涵盖全部信息;60词左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Peter,Thanks for your e-mail. I am very happy to tell you something about myself. _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、语法填空1、八、回答问题1、九、书信作文1、

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