牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 6 Study skills课时练习

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牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 6 Study skills课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There are lots of plays _ English _ the world.Awith; aroundBin; aroundCby; overDuse; all over2 . The woman wants her daughter _ English every morning.AreadBreadsCreadingDto read3 . I think you _ it in China before.Amay have seenBmust seeCcan have seenDcant see4 . There are many cars in the street. Its not _ for children to play there.AfreeBsafeCcrazyDuseful5 . -Tom, can you help me _ the homework to your classmates?-Of course. Id love to.Agive upBgiven awayCgive outDgive in6 . Did you notice him come into the hall?Sorry, sir. I _ with my friends online.Awas chattingBchattedCwould chatDam chatting7 . I preferred _the long jump rather than _ in the relay race in the school sports games.Ato choose; to runBchoosing; to runCchoosing; runDto choose; run8 . Walk _the house, turn left and youll see the big bridge _ the river.Apass; aboveBpast; overCpass; onDpast; above9 . Japan is _ the east of our country.AatBtoCinDon10 . I want tosome money from him, but he doesnt it to me.Aborrow; lendBlend; borrowCborrow; returnDborrow; borrow11 . Thewomaninred_ateacher.Sheworksinahospitalnow.AusedtobeBisusedtobeCwasusedtobeDis12 . Lets go shopping at the new mall.Why not shop online? Its _.AexpensiveBmore expensiveCless expensiveDthe most expensive13 . - What are your plans for the coming weekend?- I have to _ at home. You know there will be an important exam next week.Alook after my sisterBgo over my lessonsChelp with the houseworkDturn on the radio14 . -When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports center?-_tomorrow.AUntil the work will be doneBUntil the work is doneCNot until the work will be doneDNot until the work is done15 . -Which city is the capital of Thailand?-_ is the capital of Thailand.AShanghaiBTokyoCBangkokDBeijing16 . Do you need _ to read on the train?Aspecial anythingBspecially anythingCanything speciallyDanything special17 . There is little rain this summer , _ ?Ais thereBisnt thereCis itDisnt it18 . (题文)More and more people like shopping online. They mostly receive what we buy by_.AInternetBairCexpressDtrain二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示完成句子19 . What d_ is it today? Its Monday.20 . Its S_. Tomorrow is Sunday.21 . The first day of the week is S_.22 . Its Monday. Tomorrow is T_.23 . T_ is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空A)用所给词的适当形式填空。24 . A dictionary tries to tell the different _(mean) of a word.25 . _ (west) people are very good at making chocolates and desserts.26 . The film_(it) is good, but I felt bored because of its lengthover three hours.27 . The light music often makes me feel_(relax)28 . Before you read, remember_ (choose) a good book.四、完成句子完成句子根据汉语完成句子29 . 安娜最终发现那个老人是个杀手.Anna finally _that the old man was a killer.30 . 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film_ that one.31 . 过去,爷爷常去河边钓鱼。My grandpa _ go fishing by the river.32 . 汤姆在暑假期间去了农村的祖父母家.Tom visited his grandparents _ during his summer vacation.33 . 在大学里,他学会了做很多事情。He _ lots of things in the university.第二节将下列句子中汉语翻译成英语, 注意使用恰当的形式。斜体部分为单词或短语注释,不用翻译。34 . People around the world all agree that _ are the two subjects of the world.(和平与发展)35 . Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful, and _ tourists come to enjoy the nice parks and delicious local food every day.(数以千计的)36 . Most of teenagers nowadays like using _ when they write composition, however, some of the words are not accepted (接受) by others.(网络语言)37 . Two girl students from Mile won the first prize in Smart Robot Engineering Challenging Competition For Teenagers(青少年智能机器人工程挑战赛) in KunMing on 30 th March, 2019,they will take the National Final Competition(全国总决赛) in July and August in Shengzhen and Chongqin, we_ them.(为感到自豪)38 . On 31 st, March, 2019 thirty firemen lost their lives when they managed to _ the forest fire in Muli, SiChun. They are heroes and will live in our hearts forever.(扑灭)五、填空Hi Jenny,I enjoy my new school. It has lots of clubs and activities. One of my favorite clubs is the Community Volunteers. The club gives us a chance to help people.This term were helping out at a charity for disabled children. Im helping to organizegames, reading stories to the children and helping with the music group. Mrs. Brown organizes our club. She says that Im really good with the children. I think that is because I have two little sisters. Next term were going to visit some older people. Some of the older people are blind and they want us to help them to read letters and books.Lots of clubs and activities are about having fun but in the Community Volunteers we help other people and have fun.Everyone in the club is very friendly and its a great way to make new friends at school.See you soon.MayWhat does May do this termShe is ready to39 . disabled children and look40 . them .She likes 41 . games, reading stories and helping with the 42 . group.What will May do 43 . termShe will help some44 . people.Some of them are blind and 45 . her to read letters or books to them.46 . does May feelIts 47 . to help others and 48 . new friends.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、2、五、填空1、

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