牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit7 Reading(2)课时测评卷

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牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit7 Reading(2)课时测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please call John _ 0321884.AatBinCforDon2 . -How do you usually go to Shanghai?-By_Ilike flying very muchAtrainBbusCairplaneDsubway3 . The film his novel tells us what in the past in China.Abased on; the life was likeBis based on; the life was likeCbased on; was the life likeDis based on; was the life like4 . Sometimes people dont _ how important something is until they lose it. For example, many people dont know how important trees are to people.AdescribeBrealizeChopeDreturn5 . When will the London 2012 Olympic Games start? It will start on July 27th. You can visit London this _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter二、完型填空“What is the meaning of life?” Have you ever asked yourself this _ ?A dog really did. And that dog plays the leading role in the movie A Dogs Purpose, based on the US writer W Bruce Camerons best-selling book. It is about a dogs several lives through reincarnation (再生) in different types of _ so that he can influence the lives of the human owners.The dog is named Bailey. He _ as a boys red retriever (猎犬), a lonely policemans German shepherd (德国牧羊犬) and a students corgi (柯基犬). Then he meets with his first owner again and gives the story a happy _ .The movie shows the unbreakable connection (联系)_ dogs and humans and how _ , not even death , can ever end that relation. It is heartwarming and soul-shaking. There are many scenes that_ the viewers. _ , when Bailey lived as a police dog , he _ to save a victim and he was shot in order to save his owners life.Interestingly, the story was told from the dogs view. The dog _ dies -He keeps being reborn, remembering each life, learning _ from each life that help him with the next one. He keeps looking for _ in each of those lives.Did he really find it? Finally, he comes to _ there must be a purpose, a reason for him to be born. Bailey knows the truth: lifes _ is best achieved when the word “love” is a verb.The message of A Dogs Purpose for viewers to take away is the importance of giving _to a pet as well as giving a home to that pet.6 . AexperienceBquestionCproblemDmatter7 . AdogsBvictimsCboysDowners8 . AappearsBadvertisesCreportsDintroduces9 . AmomentBdevelopmentCbeginningDending10 . AamongBagainstCbetweenDbeside11 . AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething12 . AbreakBshowCtouchDplay13 . AIn a wordBFor exampleCAbove allDIn general14 . AmanagedBrefusedCpromisedDagreed15 . AeverBneverConceDalways16 . AdreamsBanswersCmagicsDlessons17 . AmeaningBthemeCwonderDidea18 . AreceiveBreachCconcludeDinclude19 . ApurposeBprojectCdesignDchance20 . AfunBlifeCloveDwisdom三、阅读单选I always take my vacations at homeBut this summer,I want to do something differentIm going sightseeingNext week I am leaving for HainanI am staying there for two weeksThen Im going to TibetOf course,Im taking a lot of photosI cant wait!I think the best place for a summer vacation is the seaside(海滨)Im going to Hawaii on August 1stIt has fantastic beaches and I like the sand,the sea and the sunIm staying there for three weeksThere are lots of exciting things to do thereThis summer vacation,Ill be busyIm going to Europe to visit my grandparents in Paris and my uncle in LondonI plan to go to New York,because I want to meet my pen pal Tony21 . Li Hui is going to _ first for vacation.AHenanBTibetCHainanDTianjin22 . Molly is staying in Hawaii for _ weeks.AtwoBthree CfourDfive23 . Hector is going to Europe _.Ato visit his pen palBto go sightseeingCto take photosDto visit his relatives(亲戚)24 . Hectors pen pal lives in _.AHawaiiBLondonCNew YorkDParis25 . Which of the following is NOT true?ALi Hui is not taking his vacation at home this summer.BLi Hui is taking lots of pictures during the summer vacation.CThere are beautiful beaches in Hawaii.DHectors uncle lives in Paris.四、句型转换根据括号中的要求改写句子。(每空一词)26 . Shanghai is the biggest city in China.(改为同义句)Shanghai is _ city in China.27 . Its only ten minutes walk from my school to my home.(对画线部分提问)_ it from your school to your home?28 . The story happened one hundred years ago. (改为同义句)The story _ one hundred years ago.29 . She cant dance well. Its better for her to do something else.(改为同义句)She _ something else because she cant dance well.30 . Its important, so you shouldnt say it out.(改为同义句)Its important, so you should _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词31 . Dolphins(海豚)can play with balls.They are very s_.32 . Dont s_ in class, John.Sorry. I stayed up(熬夜)last night.33 . G_ have long necks and they are very tall.34 . An e_ has two big ears,a long nose and two small eyes.35 . He lives to the _(南)of the city.36 . Janes mother is a very_ (美丽的)woman.37 . I dont like _(老虎).What about you, Lucy?38 . The new student is from_ (澳大利亚).六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子,使句子通顺、正确point out,be famous for,pull off,wake up,any more39 . This city _its beautiful lakes.40 . I wish you wouldnt smoke _.41 . Whatever you do,do not _ this cap.42 . Do not be angry if someone _ your shortcoming.43 . I never remember my dreams when I _ in the morning.七、回答问题Im Adam and I live in California. I think the best movie theater in CA is the ArchLight, because it has the best environment and service. It opened on March 22, 2002.I still remember the first time I went there. The building was tall and beautiful. After I got in, I saw some workers walking on the floor to show the way to people. And it was very quiet. The workers there were friendly and helpful.The screen was big and the seats were soft. I found my row easily. Before the movie started, people talked a lot. But when it started, they were all quiet. People couldnt come into the room after the movie was on for 15 minutes. Of course this could be a little annoying (使人气恼的) for some of those late birds, but no one liked to be disturbed (被打扰) by late arrivers. So I enjoyed the wonderful sound of the movie a lot.Its really a good place, and I still love watching movies there now.44 . What does the writer think of the ArchLight?_45 . When did the ArchLight open?_46 . Is the ArchLight a tall building?_47 . What were the workers in the ArchLight like?_48 . Why couldnt people come to watch the movie after it was on for 15 minutes?_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、回答问题1、

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