杭州市2020年(春秋版)英语七年级上册Unit 2 综合能力检测题A卷

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杭州市2020年(春秋版)英语七年级上册Unit 2 综合能力检测题A卷_第1页
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杭州市2020年(春秋版)英语七年级上册Unit 2 综合能力检测题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kitty has more books than , but my books are more interesting than .Amine, hersBI , hersCmine, hersDI , her2 . _ are his brothers.AItBThisCThese3 . This is Li Feng.is a kind man.AHimBHerCHeDHis4 . 一Jane, are your_teachers?No. My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor.AfriendsBsistersCbrothersDparents5 . ,English , math or Chinese?AWhat do you like bestBWhich do you like bestCWhat do you like betterDWhich do you like better6 . Why do you want to be a (an)_ ?Because I want to help sick people.AscientistBpianistCengineerDdoctor7 . Have a good day!_!AMe, tooBNice to see youCThanksDI can8 . Is Mike your brother?No, _ is my uncle.AsheBitCheDthat9 . - “Ive never found a better job.”- “_.”AI dont think soBToo badCCongratulationsDDont worry10 . Thoseher friends.AareBisCitDam二、补全对话7选5A:Hi,Linda!11 . B:Im fine. Thank you. And you?A:Im fine, too. Whats this?B:12 . . Please look at it!A:13 . B:Yes, he is.A:14 . B: No, they are my uncle and aunt.A:Is the girl your sister?B:15 . A:Oh, your family photo is good.B:Thanks.AYes, she is. Her name is Jane.BIts a book.CIs the boy your brother?DAre these your parents?EIs this your sister?FIts my family photo.GHow are you?三、补全短文5选5My cousin Betty is a smart girl. She is 14 years old. She comes from Shanghai, China. 16 . How lovely she is!17 . Her mother is very kind, she works in a chemical factory in Shanghai. Her father is a manager of a company. They work hard, they can make a lot of money by hard-working. They always come to Suzhou and visit my family. 18 . 19 . When she does something wrong, she always smiles and her parents dont get angry. She can eat a lot but get fat. She does not study very hard but can easily get good grades. For example, 20 . Ah! What a lucky girl she is!根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。AThey enjoy their life.BMy cousin always has a nice smile.CBetty has long black hair and a small nose and a small mouth.Dafter school she can finish her homework within 30 minutes while she listens to music at the same time.E. Betty has a happy family.四、完型填空Will you put others needs before your own?_will you get if you do? Here is an experience of mine.It was a wet day and I had a_time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. Whats more, I went to work without breakfast and I left my_at home. So I couldnt get lunch and was terribly hungry.When I_work,I called to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy_. Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my_meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.As I was halfway home, my wife told me by phone that a friend of ours was in_and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said,“I will help him_I get the meal.” But my mouth said,“All right, Ill give him a_.”He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how_he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his company but that day the_stopped him from making that journey because he didnt have an umbrella.There_a lot of traffic. A drive to him normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes.Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a_friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.I wonder if I will see this person again but I feel glad that I was there when he_me.So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you_more about others.21 . AHowBWhichCWhyDWhat22 . AfunBquietChardDgood23 . AkeysBglassesCwalletDnotebook24 . AfinishedBoverCcompleteDfinishing25 . AgiftsBclothesCfruitDdinner26 . AhotBfirstCsimpleDfree27 . AtroubleBdangerCfearDtreatment28 . AsinceBafterCbeforeDwhen29 . AchoiceBgreetingCrideDsuggestion30 . AsorryBthankfulCsurprisedDpleased31 . ArainBtimeCworkDtraffic32 . AhadBhaveCwereDwas33 . AnewBlovelyCcloseDcommon34 . AchoseBphonedCjoinedDneeded35 . AlearnBworryCcareDtalk五、阅读单选John is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His home is in a small village and its nearly five kilometers from the school. He has to get up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, he has to run to school and get there on time. His father hopes to borrow some money to buy a bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money on medicine. He doesnt agree with him and keeps running there every day. Now hes very strong and never late for class and his teachers often praise him.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. John ran faster than any other boy and won the boys 800 meters, 1,500 meters and 3,000 meters. The whole school knew him. He was very happy. He told his grandma about the good news as soon as he got home.“I broke two school records today, Granny.” called out the boy.To his surprise, the old woman wasnt happy. She thought for a while and said, “Im sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them, you know!”36 . John began to study in a middle school at the age of _.AnineBelevenCthirteenDfifteen37 . John runs to school every day in order to _.Akeep healthyBwin the boys raceCmake his teachers happyDget to school on time38 . John doesnt ask his father to buy him a bike because _.Ahe doesnt like riding a bikeBhe doesnt like his fatherChis home is near the schoolDhe knows his father doesnt have enough money39 . John _ after the school sports meeting.Aran fasterBworked harderCbecame famousDgot a bike40 . Johns grandma wasnt happy because _.Ashe thought John had broken some things and they had to pay for themBshe thought John hadnt done well in the school sports meetingCJohns father couldnt afford to buy a bikeDJohns mother was ill and they spent much money on herOne day Jone saw an ad in a newspaper,and then he went to the job interview(面试)。When he arrived,he came into a large ,busy room filled with noise,including(包括) the sound of telegraph(电报).Jone sat in the room with seven other people waiting for the interview.After a few minutes,Jone stood up and walked into the office where the interviewer(主考官) was.The other people were very surprised.They all thought that the young man made a mistake.Ten minutes later,Jone and the interviewer came out of the office and the interviewer said to others,“Thank you very much for coming, but he has got the job.”The other people were surprised,and one said,“Wait a minute!I dont understand.He was the last to come in, but we never even got the chance to be interviewed.Yet he got the job.”The interviewer said,“I am sorry, but while you were sitting here,we sent a telegraph message that said,If you understand this message,then come right in.The job is yours.None of you heard it or understood it except Jone.So the job is his.”41 . How did Jone know there was an interview?AHis friend told him.BHe saw an ad on the internet.CHis parents told him.DHe saw an ad in a newspaper.42 . From the passage,we knowpersons wanted to get the job.AfiveBsevenCeightDnine43 . How long was Jones interview?AFive minutesBTen minutesCFifteen minuteDTwenty minutes44 . Jone got the job because.Ahe had a good educationBthe interviewer was his friendChe knew most about telegraphDhe was the only one who listened carefully45 . Whats the best title of the passage?AA job interviewBHow to find a jobCHow to telegraphDThe kinds of telegraph六、句型转换根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。46 . Jenny likes playing tennis. (改为一般疑问句)_ Jenny _ playing tennis?47 . That boy in green is her cousin. (对划线部分提问)_ that boy in green?48 . Grace likes math best. (改为同义句)Graces _ is math.49 . 你的书不在这儿,去问老师要。(完成译句)Your book is not here. Go and _ the teacher _ it.50 . 电脑对我来说的确很简单。(完成译句)Computer is really _ me.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。51 . Who is_(下一个)?52 . My father isnt_(在这里). He is in Shanghai.53 . Bruce is my _. He is my fathers brother.54 . Mr. Green is Jennys father and Jenny is his_.55 . This is Tonys_. Tonys father is her son.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。56 . My pen and my pencil_ (be) black.57 . Betty _ (think) Mr. Green is a good teacher.58 . He is_ (we) Chinese teacher.59 . There are some_ (tape) on the desk.60 . Here are 20 _ (chair). They are for students.九、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。61 . 我能问你关于你的家庭情况吗?Can I _ you _ your family?62 . 她弟弟上午就只吃水果沙拉。Her brother _ fruit salad in the morning.63 . 我需要一些时间来考虑这个问题。I need some time to _ this question.64 . 杰克是在学校吃午饭吗?_ Jack _ lunch at school?65 . 你们想吃什么呢?汉堡包怎么样? What do you want to eat? _ hamburgers?十、看图作文66 . 看下面的图片,根据所学的内容编一组对话,不少于8句A:B:A:B:A:B:A:B:A:B:A:B:第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、句型转换1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、答案:略九、完成句子1、十、看图作文1、答案:略

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