牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 7 Reading (Ⅱ) 同步练习

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牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 7 Reading () 同步练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Im very sad because I got into a fight with my best friend._ say sorry to him?AWhat aboutBHow aboutCWould you likeDWhy dont you2 . Before taking the medicine, you should _ the instructions on the bottle.Alook afterBlook forClook upDlook through3 . Jack helped her neighbour_ a big fire.AoutBoffCout ofDout for4 . Where did you get these old doors? From the old houses which were_by the workers.Ataken downBpulled downCturned down5 . I like these photos and they can _me _the life living in America.Athink; ofBLet; downCremind; ofDwake; up二、完型填空There was an island where all the feelings lived. One day, the island would sink, so they_the island quickly. But Love decided to stay. When the island was sinking, Love asked_help.Love asked Richness, “Can you bring me with you?” Richness answered, “No. There is a lot of gold in my boat. There is no_for you.”Love asked Vanity(虚荣), “Vanity, please help me!” “I cant help you, Love. You are all wet and might make my boat_” Vanity answered.Love asked_, “Please let me go with you.” “Oh, I am_sad that I need to be alone!”Happiness passed by, but she was too_to hear Loves voice!Suddenly, there was a voice, “Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love felt so excited that he_to ask his name.When they arrived at a safe place, the elder_Love asked Knowledge, “Who helped me?”“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “But_did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled and answered, “Because only Time can understand how great you are.”6 . AleftBleft forCsetDset out7 . AwithBforCofDwithout8 . AhouseBroomsCplaceDbuilding9 . AcleanBdirtyCheavyDlight10 . ARichnessBKnowledgeCSadnessDTime11 . AveryBmuchCsuchDso12 . AimpoliteBhappyCsilentDcareful13 . AforgotBrememberedCencouragedDchose14 . Awent awayBran awayCput awayDtook away15 . AwhenBhowCwhyDwhere三、阅读单选Kindergartens(幼儿园) may teach you very important things you need to know. Bob, a 5-year-old boy, saved his fathers life with the skills he learned.The boys father became seriously ill on the way home. He couldnt speak and could hardly move, but he tried hard to stop the car safely. At that point, Bob used his fathers phone to call his mother for help. The 5-year-old boy tried his best to give her mother the useful information, and he was able to tell where they were. Just as he had learned in the kindergarten, Bob read the letters he saw on a nearby store sign: F,U,R,N,I,T,U,R,A But that wasn t enough for his mother to find them. Then he added that they were near a bridge. Finally, his mother understood he was talking about a store called Furniture 22 on New Jerseys Route22. The mother called 911 and the father was saved in time.He just thought his dad needed help, Bobs mother told the reporter. She also pointed out that her husband was a hero, too.It is surprising for him to get off the highway(高速路)and get himself and his child to safety even when he was so sick, she said.Shine, head of the kindergarten, felt proud of his pupil.Bobs spelling skills helped him seize the moment, he said. And thats the real value(价值)of education.16 . When the father became seriously ill, he and his son were_.A. on the highway B .at home C. in a shopping center17 . Bob called_for help when his father couldnt speak.A. Shine B. 911 C. his mother18 . The Chinese meaning of the word seize in this passage is probably_.A. 成功 B. 抓住 C. 救援19 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Bob drove his father home.B. The reporter was really a hero.C. Bob saved his father with his spelling skills.20 . The writer writes this article in order to show_.A. The boys father was really a hero.B. Kindergartens teach us more than middle schools.C. Its important to use skills learned to get out of trouble.四、句型转换21 . Its important for us to spend time with family and friends.(改为同义句)_time with family and friends_ important to us.22 . Would you drop in at my house when you are in town?(改为同义句)Would you _ my house when you are in town?23 . You are supposed to be there at 6:00.(对画线部分提问)_I _ to be there?24 . Parents should let their children know some good manners.(改为同义句)Parents _ let their children know some good manners.25 . What are you supposed to do? Do you know?(合并为一句话)Do you know_to do?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空A)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。26 . Miss Zhao is a teacher. She teaches _ (we) English.27 . We do eye _ (exercise) every day. They are good for our eyes.28 . Look at the schoolbag over there! It is one of the football _ (play).29 . It is said that a cat has nine _ (life).30 . Take your _(shop) bag with you when you go to the supermarket.六、回答问题I am a little fish. I live in a small river. Its dark there, but I am not afraid. There are many fish living near me, and I have a lot of friends. We often play games together.I feel happy that I am a fish because I love swimming. My mother often tells me something about the sea. I hope I can swim to the sea one day. My mother is very worried about me. She often wants me to be careful. I know she is right. Mother loves me and I love her, too. These days the water of the river is getting dirty. People often throw litter into the river. We have to move to clean water.31 . Is the fish afraid of living in a small river?_32 . Who does he usually play with?_33 . What does the fish hope?_34 . Why is the river dirty now?_35 . What do the fish have to do?_七、汉译英:单词/短语. 汉译英:36 . 早上好_37 . 打开你的书_38 . 合上你的书_39 . 听_40 . 画_41 . 起立_42 . 坐下_43 . 举起你的手_八、汉译英:整句句子翻译将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题纸上标有题号的横线上。44 . 她很有耐心,能成为一名优秀的教师。45 . 在阅读周将要结束时,我们在课堂上与同学讨论一些有趣的书。46 . 在世界公园里,有来自世界各地一百多个名胜古迹的模型。47 . 美国学生放暑假的周数比英国学生要多得多。48 . 昨天,他主动提出将他的自行车借给我。第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、回答问题1、七、汉译英:单词/短语1、八、汉译英:整句1、

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