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牛津译林版九年级下册第三单元单元综合测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Why do you look worried?Fred left the company half an hour ago. His workunfinished since.AleftBwas leftChas leftDhas been left2 . When she heard the news, she wasangrysay a word.Avery, andBsuch, thatCso, thatDtoo , to3 . He _early any more because the robot would do all the things for him.Adidnt need to get upBdidnt need get upCneednt to get upDdidnt need getting up4 . Can he _ the kids_ English ?Ahelps , withBhelp , toChelp , withDhelp, as5 . Its reported that a charityshow _in our school last Sunday.Ais heldBwill be heldCwas heldDHeld6 . You maymy computer, but you mustntit to others.Alend; lendBborrow; borrowClend; borrowDborrow; lend7 . That robot was named Robonaut R2A.It _ outer space by NASA(美国国家航空航天局)。A.used to exploringAwas used to exploringBwas used to exploreCused to explore8 . Life can be hard _, but you must keep your head held high and stay positive. Never letanyone bring you down.Aat all timesBall the timeCat a timeDat times9 . (易错题)The organization can _ the poor _ food and drinks.Aoffer;withBoffer;toCprovide;forDprovide;with10 . The cars _ yesterday sell very well.Awhat I sawBthat I seeCwhat I seeDthat I saw11 . (题文)_ you use your English-English dictionary often, you can have a better understanding of the new words.AWhetherBIfCThoughDWhile12 . The physics problem is very difficult. Can you _?Awork out itBwork it outCwork it on13 . sunshine! Shall we take a walk in the garden?AWhat a beautifulBWhat beautifulCHow a beautifulDHow beautiful14 . -I called you yesterday morning ,but no one answered.-Oh, I in my garden.Awatered the flowersBam watering the flowersCwas watering the flowers15 . It that Joan had no chance to be a teacher at that moment.AtastedBlookedCseemedDsmelt二、完型填空A robot is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that can follow instructions(命令). _ it is a machine,it seldom makes mistakes or gets tired. And it _ complains(抱怨),unless you tell it to!Robots are around us. Some robots are used to _ things. For example,robots can help make cars. Some robots are used to explore(勘察)dangerous places. Some robots can help clean your house. Some robots can even _ human languages. They can be used to help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like _,but most robots do not. They just look like machines.Long ago,people imagined _.Over 2,000 years ago,Homer,a famous poet(诗人),imagined robots. His robots were made of gold,but they were not _.Nobody was able to make a real robot at that time. The _ real robot was made in 1961.It was called Unimate.In the future,we will have even more robots. They will do things that we cant do,or that we dont want to do,or that are too _ for us. For example,robots will help us fight fires and illnesses and _ things. They will help make our life better.16 . AAlthoughBIfCBecauseDSo17 . AoftenBneverCsometimesDever18 . AmoveBfindCgetDmake19 . AbelieveBunderstandCwasteDforget20 . AhumansBplantsCcarsDplanes21 . AgodBspaceCrobotsDstars22 . AstrongBsmartCgoodDreal23 . AnextBotherCfirstDlast24 . AdangerousBeasyCcomfortableDstrange25 . AchangeBdiscoverCgiveDeat三、阅读单选Inventions make the world better,smarter and a little more fun.The folding bike helmet(头盔)People hate to wear a helmet because its thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的) enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.Shoes that tie themselvesAfter we see the movie Back to the Future, almost everyone wants a pair of selftying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.The smart alarm clockHello SenseAn alarm clock, called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.Sweet potatoes that could save livesThe lack(缺乏) of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses for illnesses. In subSaharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them fight against some illnesses.26 . The folding bike helmet is _.Athick and heavyBmade from metalCnot as strong as a traditional oneDflexible enough to fold almost flat27 . Which company makes selftying shoes?AAdidas.BKappa.CNike.DLiNing.28 . The smart alarm clock can NOT _.Aimprove our sleepBcontrol our weightCrecord our sleep cyclesDcontrol the temperature in the bedroom29 . If a child has a poor eyesight,he may be in the lack of _.Avitamin ABvitamin BCvitamin CDvitamin D30 . You can find the passage in a _.AnewspaperBstory bookCguide bookDcookery bookWhere are you going in the winter vacation? Do you want to travel to other countries? Maybe you dont have enough money. Now with Google Earth, you can fly to many countries for sightseeing with no money.Google earth is a free program for Google, a search engine company(搜索引擎公司) in the USA. It has photos of places around the world. These photos are taken from planes or satellites(卫星).With these photos, people can “fly over the earth and look down on any place they like.Most of the photos are clear. You can see buildings, roads, trees and even cars. Some people can even find their houses on Google Earth. Google Earth also tells some information about the places. For example. if you fly to Berlin, the capital city of Germany ,you will see lots of small marks in the photo. They are hotels, restaurants, parks and rivers. If you click on(点击) a hotel mark, you can even find its telephone number.31 . What is Google Earth used for?ASearching many countries photos for sightseeing.BTravelling to other countries.CSearching photos around the world.Dtaking photos around the world.32 . Where are the photos taken from?AAround the world.BOther countries.CPlanes or satellites.DGermany.33 . Are these photos clear enough for people to find their houses?AYes, they arent.BNo, they are.CYes, they are.DWe dont know34 . What are the small marks in the photo of Berlin?AHotels and rivers.BRestaurants and parks.CBuildings and rivers.DBoth A and B,35 . What information can you get if you click on a hotel mark?AIts telephone number.BIts location (地点).CIts parks.DIts restaurants.阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A,B, C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。From May 20 to May 24 Science Week is coming!Science Club May 9, 2019Black HolesOn April 10, people around the world got their first look at a real black hole.Want to know more? Come and enjoy a film about black holes at 3 p.m. on Thursday in the school hall!Why cant we grow to be 3 meters?Speaker: Doctor Hu Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.Day: FridayPlace: Biology (生物) Lab Two5G is coming! Come and experience what it is like!Time: 2:30 p.m.-4:30p.m.Day: MondayPlace: Science Center Teachers: Miss Yang, Mr. Zhu3D-printed products must bring you different feelings!Time: 8:20 a.m.-10:20a.m.Day: TuesdayPlace: Computer Room Four Teacher: Miss Wang36 . You can enjoy a film in _on Thursday afternoon.Athe school hallBComputer Room FourCBiology Lab TwoDScience Center37 . _will tell you why we cant grow to be 3 meters.AMr. ZhuBMiss YangCDoctor HuDDoctor Zhu38 . At 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, you can_.Awatch a filmBenjoy 3D-printed productsClisten to a talkDexperience what 5G is like39 . The passage above is probably a _.AnoticeBpoemCmapDstory四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。40 . You have to wear the_(校服)in our school.41 . The teacher is very _(严格的)with his students.42 . Its very cold_(外边). Please put on more clothes.43 . Dont l_to music in class.44 . We must keep _(安静)in class.45 . Its very _(重要的) to follow the rules.46 . Dont leave the dirty dishes in the k_.47 . I cant _(记起)the boys name.48 . Our classmates feel sad about the_(可怕的) news.49 . The students should not be n_ after class.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词)50 . The manager took us to the entrance_, which impressed us a lot. (person)51 . _ with my good friend at school is a good way to relax at noon. (chat)52 . The _ boy on the left comes from France. (five)53 . With the sense of _, you can see the flowers. (see)54 . Sheshan state Resort is one of the most _ spots in shanghai.(scenery)55 . Were all _ with your progress. Keep it up. (please)六、单词填空People use robots everywhere. They are playing an important 56 . (作用) in our life. Scientists are now studying nanorobots(纳米机器人). They are different from the 57 . (普通的) ones. They are pretty small in size, so they can even go into our blood vessels(血管). Nanorobots will be good helpers of doctors. Every year a lot of people 58 . (死亡) of cancer(癌症). With nanorobots help, however, cancer will never be terrible. These robots are able to carry 59 . (药) into the human body. They will find out cancer cells(细胞) and kill them 60 . (没有) touching healthy ones. Scientists are 61 . (惊讶的) that they can find their way out after they finish their work inside the human body. Maybe it 62 . (似乎) like a science story, but you can 63 . (相信) it will come true some day in the near 64 . (未来). Will you be interested in working with a nanorobot when you grow up? Just get 65 . (准备好的) from now on. Everything is possible.七、填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后的表格内填入一个最恰当的单词。每个空格只能填一个单词。New Energy in the Twenty-first CenturyEnergy from the windWind is a kind of clean energy, and there is lots of it, But, if theres no wind, there is no wind energy.Energy from the waterWhen water moves from a high place to a lower place, it can make electricity(电)without pollution(污染). However, people have to build dams(水坝) to use this energy, and building dams is very expensive.Energy from the earthThere is heat in the rocks under the earth. Scientists use the heat to make geothermal(地热的)energy. This kind of energy is cheap, but it is only possible in a few places in the world.Energy from the sunSolar panels (太阳电池板) on the roofs of houses can turn energy from the sun into electricity. Solar power is clean and plentiful(丰富的), but when the weather is bad, It doesnt work.New Energy in Twenty-first CenturyAdvantages(优点)Disadvantages(缺点)Wind EnergyIts 66 . . There is a lot.It works with 67 . .Water EnergyIt makes electricity without68 . the earth.It is expensive.Geothermal EnergyIts cheap.69 . in a lot of placesSolar EnergyClean and plentiful.It depends (依靠) too much on70 . weather.八、汉译英:整句翻译下列句子71 . 这条鱼已经死了三个小时了。_.72 . 我们忍不住地和那些著名的足球运动员们拍照。_.73 . 除了冬天之外,我们可以在任何季节去那里。_ .74 . 当公交车以高速行驶时你不能下车。_.75 . 在寒冷的雪天爬山是很危险的。_.九、书信作文76 . 假如你是刘瑞,你现在有了一台新的平板电脑。请你根据以下提示写一封英文邮件,向你的美国笔友Peter介绍一下这台平板电脑。提示:1这是你父母送给你的生日礼物;2这台中国制造的平板电脑运行速度很快;3它可以存储照片、音乐、电影等资料;4可以用它上网查资料、玩游戏等。要求:1语句通顺,意思连贯,无语法错误;2英文邮件须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥,80词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:tablet computer;run fast;store lots of information;surf the InternetDear Peter,_Yours,Liu Rui第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、汉译英:整句1、九、书信作文1、

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