牛津深圳版英语九年级上 Unit 4单元综合能力检测题

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牛津深圳版英语九年级上 Unit 4单元综合能力检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选5Scientists have known for years that people who exercise can live longer than those who do not.1 . Some people might think that walking is not helpful enough to offer any health benefits(好处).They may say that playing sports or running hard would be much better because they burn more energy.When you stop and think about it, however, walking is one of the things that almost anyone can do at any time. Unlike many sports, you can enjoy doing it alone and you dont need any special equipment(装备). 2 . One of the best things about walking is that it can strengthen your heart. 3 . It will make blood move faster and give your circulatory system(循环系统) a workout. This also helps to manage blood pressure. As a result, you can lower the risk of having a stroke(中风) by up to 27%.4 . Even a short 30-minute walk at 3 kilometres per hour can burn off 75 calories for a person who weighs 60 kilograms. A daily walking routine can be a good part of a weight loss plan. To lose weight, a walking routine also seems easier to keep than other exercise.Finally, walking can make you a much happier person! Walking causes some helpful materials in the brain. 5 . Walking is an excellent way to make people feel less stressful and angry.AThey help to make you feel relaxed, more active, and happier.BPerhaps one of the best things we can do for our bodies is to simply take a walk.CWalking also has many hidden benefits that we are just starting to understand.DEven walking slowly will make your heart work better.EWalking can also help lose weight.二、完型填空It was Sunday yesterday. Henry wasnt_ home. He was on a _ to the zoo.An old man got on the bus. Henry stood up and _ to him, “Come and sit here, please.” He helped the old man _. “Thanks _, my boy,” the old man said. “Youre welcome, ” said Henry.The bus went on.Thirty minutes later, it stopped _ the zoo. Henry got off the bus and said_to the old man. The old man smiled at him in a friendly way.Henry went into the zoo. _ of the people there are students. He_ a lot of animals and birds, and he also took many photos. He spent a happy weekend _ he helped others and had a good time in the zoo.6 . AinBonCatDbelow7 . AwayBzooCbusDplane8 . AspokeBsaidCtoldDwatched9 . Ago forBget onCsit downDget off10 . Aa littleBa lotCa bitDa few11 . AnextBthroughCnearDacross12 . AhelloBgoodbyeCyesDno13 . AMostBEachCEveryDOther14 . AfoundBlookedCsawDwatched15 . AbecauseBbutCwhenDsoLast month some parents went to a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children. On the door, they _ a sign in capital letters: NO CHILDREN.” “Why cant we bring our children?”, “What on earth does the owner intend to do? The parents were surprised and complained_.So why did the restaurant put _ the sign on its door?Troy Taylor, the owner of _ pizza restaurant, found that_ parents couldnt control their children and many children couldnt have meals quietly, so they disturbed (打扰) _ customers. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr Taylor explained why he did so. He said that the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some danger if the parents didnt take _ care of their children. _ he made up his mind to ban(禁止) children from his restaurant.Others supported _decision. They said they were bored of noisy children in restaurants and now they _ finally have a place for adults only.In fact, many other restaurants have _ met the same problem. Some have done nothing and others _ to ban children during certain times of the day. Theres one restaurant in Italy. It has been creative in _ the problem. They reward well-behaved children with a family meal discount(折扣) _ parents to control their children.These methods may be _ for a while, but it is difficult to solve this problem completely.16 . AseeBsawCwill seeDhave seen17 . AangerBangryCangrierDangrily18 . AupBatCinDdown19 . AaBanCtheD/20 . AmanyBmuchCfewDlittle21 . AanotherBotherCothersDthe other22 . AgoodBbetterCbestDwell23 . AAndBSoCButDOr24 . AheBhimChisDhimself25 . AshouldBneedCmustDcould26 . AalsoBtooCeitherDneither27 . AtryBtriedChave triedDwill try28 . AsolveBsolvingCsolvedDto solve29 . AencourageBencouragedCto encourageDencouraging30 . AuseBusedCusefulDuseless三、阅读单选Guangzhou Shangri-la Hotel Service guideWe will make your stay here as enjoyable as possible. We hope we will give you the best service.Room ServiceWe offer the service 24 hours a day. Dining RoomYou can have three meals a day in the dining room.Breakfast: 8 a.m.- 9:30 a.m. (Tips: The room waiter may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7 a.m. If you need, please fill in a card and hang it outside your room before 6 a.m.)Lunch: 12 a.m. - 2 p.m.Dinner: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.TelephonesThere is a telephone in your room. Dial “0” before you make a call. We will tell you to wait a moment if the lines are busy.Shop & Coffee HouseBusiness hours:Shop: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Coffee House: 12 a.m. -2 p.m. 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.Other ServicesSwimming pool: Enjoy yourself at any time if you like. Its free.Hot water: It is offered 24 hours.31 . If you want to have breakfast at 7:30 a. m., what should you do?APhone the service desk.BGo to the shop to have it.CGo to the hotel dining room.DPut a card outside the room before 6 a.m.32 . If you want to have a 2-hour business talk in the coffee house you may go there at _.A10a.m.B11:30 a.m.C12 a.m.D1 a.m.33 . The service guide tells us that you can _ at any time in the hotel.Ago shoppingBgo swimmingChave mealsDgo to the coffee house34 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe hotel offers supper from 6: 30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m.BIf you want to make a call in the hotel, you must dial “0” first.CYou can go shopping at 5: 30 a.m. in the hotel.DYou can have breakfast without leaving your room in the hotel.35 . You can most probably see the service guide in _.Aa bedroom of a hotelBa hotel shopCa hotel dining roomDa coffee houseA scientist made an experiment. She divided people into three groups and asked them to walk to a village.The first group didnt know the name of the village or how far the village is. They are made to follow the guide. Some people started to say they were unhappy to continue and show their dissatisfaction when they walked halfway. After then, most of them gave up walking on.The second group were told the name and the distance of the village. When they walked halfway, they still had the courage to keep on. However, while they were walking to three quarters of the way, some people were tired and bored.Not only had the third group gotten to know the name and the distance, but also there were some stones which showed how far they were from the village. They sang and talked along the way and finally got to the destination happily.From the experiment, we found that the first group had the hardest time in reaching the destination because they didnt know where the village was. However, the third group reached the village easily because they had goals on the way. People are more likely to succeed when they have their goals on the way of achieving their dreams.36 . The first group began to show their unhappiness _ when walking to the village.Aat the beginning of the wayBon the halfwayCon the three quarters of the wayDat the end of the way37 . Which of the group was the most difficult of all to reach the village?AThe first group.BThe second group.CThe third group.DAll of the above.38 . How did the second group feel when they were walking to three quarters of the way?AHappy and excited.BBored but satisfied.CTired and bored.DTired but happy.39 . We can infer from the passage that _.Athe scientist likes camping and making experimentsBthe second group walked a different way from the first groupCthe first group didnt want to follow the guide because they could do it by themselvesDthe third group felt excited when they arrived at the village40 . The author of the passage wants to tell us that _.Athe scientist is a great personBthe third group is the most excellentCpeople should have goals of achieving their dreamsDthe village is not as far as we thinkLearning How to Learn $24.50Children who read this book show great interest in study. There are many pictures in the book. And these pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.How to Use a Dictionary for Children $35.00Read this book, and children can learn how to find words in a dictionary and how to read words correctly. They can also learn what the different marks mean in a dictionary.Whats more, youll just pay 50% for the two books before July 1.41 . According to the ads, these two books are for_ .AparentsBmenCchildrenDwomen42 . “” can tell you the meaning of the different marks in a dictionary.ALearning How to LearnBStudy Skills for LifeCLibrary Instruction for PeopleDHow to Use a Dictionary for Children43 . If you buy the two books on June 25, youll just pay_for them.A$59.5B$29.75C$47.25D$42.00Scientists have always believed that snails are not able to find their way home. But Briton Ruth Brooks, a retired teacher, has found that it is not true. Brooks began an experiment on snails after she got mad with the snails in her garden.The snails had eaten her vegetables. She didnt want to kill them, so she took them to another place. But she found they always seemed to come back. Brooks did an experiment. She marked the snails in her garden with nail polish(指甲油).She placed the snails in the area around her home and made notes of their movements. She found that snails have a strong homing instinct(本能); the longest returning snail traveled back 90 meters. Brooks has been named Britains best amateur(业余的) scientist after her work won the BBC Radio 4 project, So You Want To Be A Scientist. She said, “Ive always wanted to know whether the snails that eat my plants just come back when I move them and if they do, what is their homing distance?”“I would say on the evidence(证据) that it would be safe to take your snails away beyond 100m or even further. If you put them somewhere nice with some food, you can be almost certain that they wont come back.”44 . Why did Brooks take the snails to another place?AShe wanted to kill them there.BShe wanted to know about their growth.CShe is retired and has a lot of free time.DThe snails ate her vegetables.45 . She marked the snails to find out _.Awhich one ate her vegetablesBwhether they could come backCwhich one is the strongestDhow many snails there were in her garden46 . According to Brooks, which of the following is TRUE?ASnails are good at finding their way home.BThe snails only eat vegetables.CIts impossible to stop snails from coming home.DSnails can travel anywhere and come back.47 . What might Brooks advice be for keeping snails away?AYoud better kill them.BTake them to scientists.CMark them with nail polish.DMove them to a nice place with food.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)48 . Lets p_ the pictures.49 . I like football very much. I want to j_ the football club(俱乐部).50 . Washing the dishes at home every day is very b_.51 . All the guests arrived at the party but the host didnt s_ up.52 . We need some more actors for the t_ show.53 . Liu Huan is a f_ Chinese singer and he sings very well.54 . Canadians can speak English and F_ in their country.55 . What l_ can you speak?I can speak Chinese and a little English.56 . Do you have to practice the g_ every day?57 . You like documentaries. I a_ like them.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子, 每空一词58 . 那个女孩紧挨着妈妈坐着听故事。The girl sat _ her mother, listening to the story.59 . 如果有问题的话, 你可以亲自来问我。You can ask me _ if you have any questions.60 . 她低头看了看我, 没说什么。She _ at me, saying nothing.61 . 他从来不向别人请求帮助。He never _ help from others.62 . 首先, 我向你们解释比赛规则。First of all, I will _the rules of the game_you.六、书信作文63 . 假如你是 Han Mei,下面是你的英国笔友 Alice给你发来的一封邮件,请你根据邮件的内容用英语给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。Dear Han Mei,I m afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me something like “Be careful while crossing the street.” “ Put on more clothes. ” “Did you do a good job at school?” and so on. Im annoyed. What shall I do?Alice注意(1)回信内容须针对来信中所涉及到的相关内容进行回复,可适当发挥。(2)词数80左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。(3)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。Dear Alice_Yours,Han Mei第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、补全短文5选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、书信作文1、

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