牛津上海版英语九年级第二学期 Unit 5 单元测试卷

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牛津上海版英语九年级第二学期 Unit 5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Every night, Tom sleeps _the window open.AwithBforCtoDin2 . We always say please whenever we ask someone to do things. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/plz/B/plez/C/pli:z/D/pls/3 . Sorry,Tommy. Ive lost your dictionary. _Ive got another one.AYoure welcome.BI hope so.CThats all right.DOf course not.4 . After a while, he went on _.AdrawingBto be drawCdrawDdraws5 . Most of the guests _ for almost an hour when David arrived at the party.Ahad been awayBhad leftCleft6 . He said he _ the film already.A. had seen. B, has seen. C. have seen. D saw7 . Though he often made his little sister _ , today he was made _ by her.Acry; to cryBcried; cryingCto cry; cryDcry; cry8 . This is the bag _my mother bought yesterday.AthatBwhoCwhomDthis9 . The farm provides our shool_fresh vegetables.AwithBforCtoDin10 . Miss Li looked_ and she looked_ at Tom.Aangry,angryBangrily,angryCangrily,angrilyDangry,angrily11 . You have never done farm work, ? No, I helped my uncle work on the farm when I was young.Ahavent youBdid youChave you12 . _ is a good idea to hold the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup in winter.AThisBThatCItDOne13 . To save water, the parents told their children _ their teeth under a running tap.Ato brush Bnot brushingCnot to brushDbrushing14 . How soon will you leave?Im not sure,probably in_ten minutesAOtherBothersCanotherDthe other15 . -Would you mind _ the window? - _.Aclose, Not at allBclosing, Not at allCto close, Of courseDto closing, Not at all16 . Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on _ in their life.AsometimesBsome timeCsome timesDsometime17 . She was so pleased when she saw the painted fence that she gave Tom a large cake. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?A/fens/B/fns/C/fns/D/fens/二、完型填空All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of_ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of_in their yards.Swimming is one of_forms of exercise. It can_hearts and bodies strong. It can also help blood circulate(循环). Handicapped(残疾的)people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming_they cant enjoy sports._is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做到) that their children learn to swim_an early age. So their children will_it for the rest of their lives.There are many rules for water safety. These rules can help save not only your life_the life of a friend. First of all, know_Many schools_swimming lessons to children. Adults(成人) can learn to swim at public pools._rule to remember is never to swim_Always swim with a friend and know_in the water at all times. It is best to swim_in safe places if you are beginners. If every one learned to swim and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing(溺水) could be avoided.18 . AallBanyCsomDboth19 . AthemBtheir ownCtheirs ownDtheir owns20 . AgoodBbetterCbestDthe best21 . AhelpBletCmakeDshow22 . AthoughBasCsoDuntil23 . .AThatBThereCThisDIt24 . .AoverBduringCatDon25 . .AlearnBenjoyCstopDknow26 . .Aand aimBstillCand yetDbut also27 . .Ahow to swimBwhy swimmingChow swimmingDwhy to swim28 . .AhaveBtakeCgiveDmake29 . AThe other oneBOtherCOthersDAnother30 . AaloneByourselfClonelyDtogether31 . .Awhat person isBwhere that person isCwho is that personDwhere is that person32 . .AnearlyBhardlyCalmostDonly三、阅读单选Name土豆网tudou.comyouku优酷豆瓣doubanWebsitewww.tudou.comwww.youku.comwww.douban.comFounding timeApril,2005June,2006March,2005FounderWang Wei Gu YongqiangYang BoIdeaShow your-self like a superstar.Let the whole world watch us.Join us more, and you will get more.FeatureSharing videos with other people.Watching micro-videos on the C2Cservice platform.Making friends with others and editing what you like.33 . Youku was founded by_AWang WeiBGu YongqiangCYang BoDJune,200634 . If you want to make friends with others,youd better choose_Awww.tudou.comBwww.youku.comCwww.douban.comDww.sina.com35 . _was founded the earliest in this form.ATudouBYoukuCXunleiDDouban36 . If you are on Tudou,you will know its idea is “_”ALet the whole world watch usBShow yourself like a superstarCJoin us more,and you will get moreDWatching microvideos on the C2C service platform37 . Which is true according to the passage?AYou can edit what you like on Youku.BTudou was founded two months earlier than Youku.CWe can know five kinds of information of every website.DThe idea of Youku is “Join us more,and you will get more.”四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子)38 . I woke up early that morning.(改为否定句)I _ up early that morning.39 . She hit me with her car.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ you with her car?40 . Miss Black never gets angry with her students.(改为反意疑问句)Miss Black never gets angry with her students, _?41 . He was so poor that he could not afford the meal.(保持句意不变)He was _ poor _ afford the meal.42 . OSullivan played Snooker very well. He won the Snooker Championship.(合并为一句)OSullivan played Snooker _ well _ he won the Snooker Championship.43 . best, learn, tried, Lily, her, to, well, chemistry(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the word in its proper form.44 . We had three_to parties. (invite)45 . Richard is American, John is British they have different_. (nation)46 . There are many places of_interest in Beijing. (history)47 . When we see_to animals, we should stop it right away. (cruel)48 . It was very_of me to leave with the door open yesterday evening. (care)49 . Her_made the students love her very much. (kind)50 . For your own_, please do not smoke inside the plane. (safe)51 . In everyday English, we dont call people from other countries_because it doesnt sound friendly. (foreign)52 . Im a slow_because I can only type 30 words in a minute. (type)53 . We call people from France the_. (France)54 . Hu Xiaomins words just made the things much_and the teacher got angry. (bad)55 . Yesterday my family celebrated my_birthday. (twelve)六、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,选择方框中的单词完成句子。tell, wanted, people, help, make56 . Jim has a big family.There are nine_in it.57 . Can you_a model plane for me?58 . I want you to_me with my English.59 . Can you_me your phone number?60 . It says,“Music teachers_for weekend class.”七、用单词的正确形式完成短文AresponsibleBlaterCactuallyDshockedEamazingOne morning in 2006, the staff at another American high school were61 . to find a pink car on the roof. The car even had question marks painted all over it! The staff believed that many students must have worked together to complete this.The American trick in 2006 was62 . a copy of British trick in 1958. That year, at the University of Cambridge, a car appeared on the roof of a building that was five storeys high. It caused a lot of trouble for police and firefighters as they had to cut the car into pieces to get it down. They couldnt find out who was63 . , and the trick made headlines around the world. It was only fifty years64 . that the students in the case proved who they were and how they played the excellent trick.八、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)When you laugh, you will open your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier those teeth are, the h65 . you look. Why is that?Its because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, theyll help to take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you g66 . . They also help you speak clearly.You can take care of your teeth by doing like these:Brush your teeth t67 . a dayafter breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after l68 . or after eating sweet cakes.Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back.Take your time while brushing. Spend at l69 . 3 minutes each time you brush.Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parent to help you get a new one every three months.Learn how to floss(用牙签清理)your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels strange when you do it at first, but soon youll be u70 . to doing it. The floss gets rid of food thats hidden between your teeth.Brushing and flossing keep your teeth healthy. You also need to care about w71 . you eat and drink. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.九、多任务混合问题阅读下列短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。These days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery(整形手术)for help. They spend thousands of yuan _1_these painful surgeries to fix their nose, to change their eyelids(眼皮) or to take off weight from their stomachs._2_. Even 最美丽actresses often wish they could change something about their looks. Should we live our whole lives believing we are ugly? Why cant we raise our head high and believe that we are as beautiful as others? A smile is beautiful on my face, whether fat, oily or hairy. And a kind heart is much more beautiful than a pretty look. So, lets feel grateful that we all have beautiful and healthy bodies that do not need surgeries! Today, I call on you to make an easy change: hold your head high, smile and be kind to others. If you do these, you will _3_confidence, beauty, and warmth everywhere you go.72 . 请在处填上一个正确的介词。_73 . 请将处句子译为汉语。_74 . 请将处短语译为英语。_75 . 写出处的同义词语_76 . 判断正(T)误(F).The writer thinks a pretty look is much more beautiful than a kind heart.十、话题作文77 . Writing(作文)Use the suggested outlines as blues. Write at least 60 words about the topic Computers are Often Used in Our Life(以“电脑在生活中被经常使用”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。下列问题供参考。)Suggested outlines:* Do you have a computer?* Do you always use your computer in your daily life?* What do you always use your computer for?Computers are Often Used in Our Life_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、话题作文1、

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