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拉萨市七年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空The students in one class got special homework last weekend.They were _ to wash their parents feet.However,only 12 out of 54 finished the homework.Some said it was a funny thing,_ others just thought the teacher was trying to attract attention.They also asked, “_ should we wash our parents feet when they can take a shower?”However,the teacher has his own _“I want them to know how hard their parents _ them.Washing feet is just a way of showing love,” he said.Respecting parents has _ been considered a virtue (美德)However,nowadays many young people dont respect their parents and some even do cruel (残忍的) things to parents.They got angry easily when they thought their parents too _ about their studies.So its not surprising that,when one student offered to wash his parents feet,his father said,“Why,my son?Are you in need of _?”Another student Andy said he washed his parents feet for about ten minutes and found it a(n) _ experience.“I talked a lot with my parents while washing their feet, especially with my mom,” he said.“As I have got older,I talk to her _We all think doing this homework has brought us closer.”1 . AdiscoveredBwarnedCtold2 . AwhileBalthoughCsince3 . AHowBWhyCWhen4 . AideaBworkCtime5 . AteachBprovideCsupport6 . AsometimesBneverCalways7 . AfairBcarefulCstrict8 . AsleepBmoneyCtime9 . AusefulBhelpfulCdifficult10 . AmoreBlessCtoo二、阅读单选Many people love taking photographs. Some are good at taking pictures of people. Others focus more on sports or nature.Mr. Luo, a retired railroad worker, took up photography at age 60. He joined a photography club and became an active member of it. He often went on bike rides and took pictures. This summer he did something unusual but amazing with his camera.On that day, Mr. Luo got up at 5:00 am. He went to a pond in the countryside where there were always plenty of dragonflies. With great excitement, he set up his camera. First, he found a water bug in the muddy water. He waited until the bug climbed up a lily pad. There, it stopped to rest. Fifteen minutes later, the bugs body began to change. The skin split behind the head, and the adult dragonfly crawled out of its old skin. One hour later, the dragonfly started to separate its wings, which had been wet and folded at the beginning. Then, the dragonfly opened its wings for the first time. In another hour, the dragonfly moved with its wings and flew off for food.He took a series of pictures of a dragonfly that was changing from a nymph to an adult. Using his camera, he recorded (记录) the whole process, which took nearly five hours!People are amazed at the series of pictures. Whenever people praise (夸赞) him for his work, Mr. Luo says, Dont give the credit to me. Give it to nature. I just use my camera to record moment and show it to the world.11 . What is Mr. Luos hobby after he retired?ADoing sports.BTaking pictures.CRecording videos.DGoing on bike rides.12 . What unusual and amazing thing did Mr. Luo do?AHe went to a pond in the countryside.BHe found a water bug in the muddy water.CHe explained why the countryside was so beautiful.DHe recorded how a water bug changed into a dragonfly.13 . When people praise Mr. Luo for his work, he.Areceives it very excitedlyBcares about it very muchCgives the credit to natureDrecords the wonderful moment14 . What can we learn about Mr. Luo from his story?AHe makes a living by taking pictures.BHe can wait long to take good pictures.CHe took up photography at an early age.DHe has won a lot of prizes in photography.I am Jack. I am thirteen. I am from America. Now I am a student in China. I have three good friends. They are Li Ting, Amy and Fred. Li Ting is twelve. Amy is twelve, too. Fred is thirteen. Li Ting is from China. Amy and Fred are from America. Amy is in China now. She is in Class 1, Grade 7. She and Li Ting are in the same class. Amys telephone number is 8567-7746. Li Tings telephone number is 8886-5421. Fred now is in America. He loves sports but I dont. I like my friends very much.15 . Jack has _ good friends.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive16 . _ are 13 years old.AJack and FredBLi Ting and FredCAmy and Li TingDJack and Amy17 . Whats Amys telephone number?A886-5421B8567-5421C8567-7746D8886-774618 . Amy and Li Ting are _.AteachersBpolicewomenCsingersDstudents19 . _ loves sports.AJackBFredCAmyDLi TingHello!My name is Han Xiao. Im nine. I am in Guangzhou,China. My first name is Xiao and my last name is Han. My English name is Linda. I like(喜欢) green. My telephone number is 3586345. I have(有) a good friend. He is English,but now he is in China. His name is Dale Smith. Dale is his first name and Smith is his last name. His Chinese name is Wang Lei. Hes nine,too. His favorite color is blue. His telephone number is 2573155. Dale and I are in the same school,PEP Middle School.20 . Han Xiaos English name is _.ADale SmithBWang LeiCLindaDHan Xiao21 . Han Xiao likes _.AgreenByellowCbrownDpurple22 . Han Xiaos friend is _ years old (岁)AsixBsevenCeightDnine23 . Han Xiaos friends first name is _.ASmithBXiaoCDaleDWang24 . Wang Leis telephone number is _.A358-6345B257-3155C2578155D3586745Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said.James GreenI like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, and my best friend Yuan Li is quiet, too. There are some differences, though. Im smarter than Yuan Li. Shes stronger than me. Huang Lei Its not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Leo is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Leo is more athletic than me. He always beats me in tennis. And Im quieter than he is. Mary SmithI dont really care. My best friend is Carol. Carol is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things. I think differences are not important in a friendship. (根据短文内容,选择正确答案:25 . Both James Green and Yuan Li are_.AoutgoingBquietCfunnyDstrong26 . Who is Mary Smiths best friend?AHuang Lei.BLeoCJamesDCarol27 . The underlined (划线的 ) word athletic means “_” in Chinese.A聪明的B友好的C健壮的D可爱的28 . How many opinions(观点) about friends are mentioned(被提到) in the passage?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour29 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThere are some differences between James Green and his best friend.BHuang Lei likes friends who have the same looks as himself.CMary Smith thinks differences are important in a friendship.DMary thinks its important to be different.三、语法填空In many countries people celebrate Fathers Day.In the U.S.Fathers Day is on the30 . (three) Sunday of June.Some Chinese people celebrate Fathers day on August 8th, because the Chinese words “eight” and“ father” sound the s31 . .32 . fact, Fathers day has a very short history.It33 . ( start)because there is a Mothers Day, and some people say, “We have a Mothers Day, s34 . we should also have a Fathers day.”On this day,35 . (child ) can show their love to their fathers. Some children give gifts to their fathers. Others enjoy36 . (play)fun games with their fathers. Shopkeepers find it is37 . good way to sell their products.Fathers Day is a day for Dad Good dads do a lot for their children They listen to38 . (they) childrens dreams and encourage them. A good dad is one of the39 . (great) blessings(福气) a child can have!四、多任务混合问题The girl in the picture is Jenny. She is ten years old. She likes to draw animals. She draws cats and birds in her books. And she also draws on the blackboard in the classroom after school. Jennys favourite colour is green Her pencil is green. Her bag is _, too. Jenny likes to play table tennis. But she cant play it well. On Friday, Mr. Brown helps her practise(练习)it. She likes him, and he is her favourite teacher.40 . How old is Jenny? _41 . 横线处填入合适的词汇。_42 . Translate the unerlined sentence into Chinese.(把划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。)_43 . True or false? (“T”代表正确,“F”代表错误。)She can play table tennis well.ATBF44 . Choose a proper title(合适的标题) to the passage._AThe girl JennyBJennys favourite teacher五、材料作文45 . 良好的习惯成就美好的未来。请根据以下要点,以“Good Habits”为题写一篇英语短文。提示:1. 多吃蔬菜水果,少吃垃圾食品;2. 积极锻炼身体,保持健康;3. 上课认真听讲,每天按时完成作业;4. 闲暇时间多读课外书籍;5. 补充一条你认为重要的习惯。要求:1. 用上所给要点,并适当发挥,使短文条理清楚、语句连贯;2. 词数80左右,短文开头结尾都已给出,不计入总词数;3. 文中不得提及考生真实姓名。Good HabitsGood habits have a great effect on peoples life.Good habits develop good grades and help us live happily. So lets go for it.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、语法填空1、四、多任务混合问题1、五、材料作文1、

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