拉萨市2020年英语九年级上册Module 12 质量评估试卷D卷

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拉萨市2020年英语九年级上册Module 12 质量评估试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空B.选择最恰当的选项完成短文A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didnt know what she had to do and wanted to_. She felt tired for fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another came. Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen. He poured water into the pans(锅)and boiled it. When the water was boiling, in the first pan he put some carrots, in the second he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee. he boiled them for a few minutes _ any words. The girl closed her mouth, too. And she waited unhappily not knowing _ her father was doing that. After about 20 minutes, her father turned off the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and put them in another bowl. After that the coffee was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter, he asked, “What do you see?” “Carrots, eggs and coffee,” she answered. Her father told her to close her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were soft. After that he asked her to take eggs and break them. Then, she got boiled and hard eggs._, the father asked her to smell the coffee. “Whats the meaning, Father?” He _ that each one had the same unlucky experience, but each had a different reaction(反应). The strong and hard carrots had become soft and _ after being boiled in the boiling water. The eggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very special and it changed the water. “Who are you?” asked her father, “When bad luck knocks at your door, whats your reaction? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee?1 . Alook upBgive upCgrow upDput up2 . AaboutBinCwithoutDwith3 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwhen4 . AHoweverBIn additionCAt lastDAt first5 . AexplainedBexaminedCdeniedDexpressed6 . AdeliciousBsweetChealthyDweak二、阅读单选Some people think that they have an answer to the problems of automobile crowding and pollution in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or bike.In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called “Bike for a Better City”. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewerautomobilesin the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.For several years this group has been trying to get city government to help bicycle riders. For example, they want the city to paint special lanesfor bicycles onlyon some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the same lanes as cars, there may be accidents. “Bike for a Better City” feels that if there were special lanes, more people would use bikes.But no bicycle lanes have been painted yet. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea. Taxi drivers dont like the ideathey say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets dont like the ideathey say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. On weekends, Central Parkthe largest open place in New Yorkis closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles only. But “Bike for a Better City” says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown. Until that happens, the safest place to bicycle may be in the park.7 . The underlined word “automobiles” in the second paragraph means _.AcarsBtrainsCplanesDships8 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ASpecial lanes are needed on every street.B“Bike for a Better City” members ride bicycles to work.CThe Central Park is closed to cars on weekdays.DAccidents wont happen if cars and bikes are on different lanes.9 . No bicycle lanes have been painted yet because _.Athe city government cant help to paint the lanesBthe main streets are not wide enoughCthe idea isnt accepted by allDtheres no need for most people to travel by bike10 . This passage is mainly about _.Acity problems and “Bike for a Better City”B“Bike for a Better City” and the city governmentCthe governments idea on traffic and city pollutionDa suggestion on the city problems of traffic and pollutionA predator(捕食性动物) kills and eats other animals as prey(猎物).Sometimes it also becomes food for other predators. Polar bears are the largest of all the land predators. They can run across snow and swim in icy water for hours without rest. Their favorite food is seal. Not all big animals live on small animals. Hippos have heavy bodies and huge mouths. But they dont eat animals. They just eat grass.Some predators use speed to catch their prey. Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They can run up to 70km an hour. Other predators use their senses to find their food. Sharks can see, smell, hear, feel and taste. They can also sense electrical currents(电流 )from other animals bodies. Some fish try to hide themselves, but with this sixth sense, sharks can always find them. Sharks have smooth bodies. This helps them swim without using lots of energy. They need to save their energy because they never really sleep and never stop hunting. Flying is a useful skill for many predators in the sky. The butcher bird is the most interesting predator. It has a special way of eating its prey. First it kills its prey. Then it hangs it on a fence or in a tree, just like a butcher hangs meat in his shop. Finally, it eats its prey.Some people hunt and kill more animals than any other predator. They not only hunt for food. They also hunt for fun. They kill sharks for their fins, and tigers for skins. Those human hunters are the worst predators on Earth. 11 . The following statements are about “predators”, which one is true?AA predator kills and eats other animals as prey.BA predator not only eat animals, but eat grass.CA predator can eat other animals, but also can be eaten. DA predator can both run across snow and swim in icy water for hours.12 . How many kinds of predators are mentioned in Paragraph 2?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix13 . Why do sharks can find some fish that try to hide themselves?ABecause sharks can see, smell, hear, feel and taste.BBecause sharks can sense electrical currents(电流 )from other animals bodiesCBecause sharks have smooth bodies.DBecause sharks never really sleep and never stop hunting.14 . Some people are also predators, they hunt and kill more animals for _.ASharks finsBTigers skinsCfoodDfood and fun15 . Among the sharks, the tigers, the polar bears and some people, which are the most dangerous predators on earth?Athe sharks.Bthe tigers.Cthe polar bears.Dsome people.根据表格信息,从每小题的A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。The earth is 4 600 million years old. We humans have lived on earth for only 35 000 years, but during this period we have changed our planet a lot in many ways. Some things weve done are very good for the earth while some are bad.All over the world, people have cut down millions of trees. When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away. Forests have become deserts, so more and more sorts of animals and plants are disappearing.In big cities, cars and buses have polluted the air. Many people in cities now have health problems.Factories have also polluted the land and the water. As a result, many rivers and lakes are nowdead.Around the earth, theres a special kind of oxygen called “ozone”(O3). It is important to theearth. But now air pollution is destroying it and that has made a very big hole in the ozone layer. Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly. This is very dangerous because this kind of radiation can cause cancer.Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased a lot. It mainly comes from burning oil, coal andwood. This has formed a “blanket” around the earth. The heat from the sun cant escape so thetemperature is rising. This is called “the greenhouse effect”. It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change.All these problems are very serious, so we must do something now.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。16 . What does our planet mean here?AThe sun.BMars.CThe moon.DThe earth.17 . In the passage, “blanket” refers to_.Acarbon dioxide around the earthBthe ozone layer in the skyCthe forests around the worldDpollution all over the world18 . The level of the oceans is rising because of _.ApollutionBfew treesCthe greenhouse effectDchanges in the climate19 . Which is NOT true?ACars can pollute the air.BFactories can pollute the water.CThe fewer trees, the better.DNot all the things we have done are good for the earth.20 . What is the best title for this passage?AEnvironmental ProblemsBPollution on the EarthCHope for the FutureDThe Greenhouse EffectOur children and grandchildren may not have a chance to visit many of the most famous places around the world. War, weather, age, traffic and pollution damage (破坏) these famous places. If we do nothing, they may even no longer remain. But looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford.In the early 1970s, world governments decided that if they joined together, they would be able to preserve (保护) our history. If every country paid some money, they said, it would be possible to look after important historic places. For this reason, countries around the world united to form the World Heritage Organization in 1972. Today, the organization helps to protect and rebuild the most important places from our history.However, one of the biggest problems for historic places is vandalism. That is to say, people sometimes enter these places and damage the buildings. At some places, such as Stonehenge in England, governments have built high fences to protect it from vandals.There are many different ideas about how to solve the problem of vandalism. Some professors say that if guards keep walking around these places, vandals wont be able to get in. Some professors say that if they fix more television cameras, they wont need so many guards. Others say that the best way is education. If people learn to respect history, they wont damage it. They will also want to spend money looking after old places. For this reason, the World Heritage Organization helps to spread information about the value of historic places.21 . Our children and grandchildren may not have a chance to visit many of the most famous places around the world, probably because .Athey dont have enough money to go thereBthese places may disappear in the futureCgovernments dont allow them to enterDthey are afraid of the guards there22 . The World Heritage Organization was set up for the following reasons EXCEPT .AIt would be able to help preserve our history.BNo countries wanted to protect the historic places.CIt would collect money to rebuild the damaged places.DIt would be possible to take care of important historic places.23 . Which of the following shows us the action of vandalism?APeople enter the places and damage the buildings.BGovernments build high fences to protect the place from vandals.CGuards walk around these places and fix more television cameras.DWar, weather, age, traffic and pollution damage these famous places.24 . Whats the best way to solve the biggest problem of vandalism?ATo spend more money looking after these places.BTo make guards prevent vandals getting in.CTo fix more television cameras in these places.DTo make people know about the value of historic places.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子A.seemed to knowB. ask for permitC. experienceD. personalE. embarrassingF. take traffic away fromG. pretended H. get in the wayI. appreciateJ. communication25 . He couldnt allow emotion to _ his work.26 . All the other students at the meeting _each other and I began to feel lonely.27 . It is the end of my tiring day, and I really _ having time to relax.28 . If you wish to go home, you have to _from your headmaster.29 . If you meet such _situation, will you be offended?30 . Children need to _ things for themselves in order to learn from them.31 . He _ a headache when his mother asked him to help her.32 . I think watches are too _ presents, so its difficult to choose a watch as presents.33 . QQ, a popular net chatting tool, is playing an important part in our daily instant _.34 . A round-the-city road is being built to _ the city center.四、单词填空Animals are mans friends, but many people dont treat them as friends. People k35 . animals for their fur, for food and for fun. People destroy(摧毁)f36 . to make more space for buildings and roads. This makes many animals l37 . their food and homes. Every day, many thousands of animals lose their lives b38 . of people. Many hundreds of kinds of animals are in d39 . . They may disappear(消失) one day if people do nothing to s40 . them. And once they disappear, they will never r41 . any more!Every animal has its place in nature. People s42 . learn to share the world with them. L43 . , many people are doing something to make the world a better place for both man and animals. And Many countries pass laws , too. I44 . more people start to care about animals, animals will live a happier life. I do believe there will be a better future for animals.五、语法填空根据短文内容,尤其结合上下文意思,进行选词填空、根据句意填入一个合适的单词或者用所给单词的适当形式填空。Do you know pigeons (鸽子)? They are a45 . (kinds) of bird. They are white 46 . gray(灰色). Some people say they47 . (be not) beautiful, but they are cute and smart. Many people keep 48 . (they) as pets.49 . (Who/When/Why) do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can50 . (take) letters from 51 . (first) place to another(另一个). And they know how52 . (go) home. We often 53 . (look/see) the pictures of pigeons with olive branch (橄榄枝) in54 . (they) mouths. We give the namepeace pigeons (和平鸽) to them. They are the symbol of peace.六、信息归纳Maybe there is no better time for us to think about the steps our family can take to protect the environment. In fact, in our daily life, there are many kinds of easy ways we can think of to save money and protect the environment.Make our houses more airtight (密封的). If so, it will stop temperature loss and keep the houses warm in winter.Buy newer fridges and air conditioners (空调), especially when the old ones are more than five years old. New ones can save twice as much energy as old ones. Change bulbs. LED light bulbs can give brighter light with less energy and can be used for a longer time.Clothes can be washed clean in cold water with todays detergents (洗涤剂). Using hot water takes five times the energy and produces five times the carbon (碳).If we all take action to save energy and reduce consumption (消耗) in our daily life, it will not only save money but also help protect the environment.Living tips for better55 . Its56 . for us to think about protecting the environment.Ways to57 . money and protecting the environmentTo stop temperature loss and keep the houses 58 . in winter, its better to make our houses more airtight.As old electrical appliances(电器)59 . too much energy, its a good idea for us to60 . them for new ones after they serve us for more than five years.LED light bulbs can give brighter light as well as save61 . , and they have a 62 . lifespan(寿命)。We should wash clothes with cold water because it takes63 . energy and produces lower carbon.ConclusionTo protect the environment, we need to take action to save energy and 64 . consumption.七、材料作文65 . 书面表达假如你是王海,写信向你的笔友Mike介绍你的学校生活。提示如下:1学习情况:每周上五天学,每天六节课,最喜欢地理课;2课外活动:是校网球队成员,周三下午练习网球;喜欢读书,因为读书可以帮助了解世界;3朋友:有很多朋友,午饭后互相聊天;有时候帮助他们学习;要求:1. 内容完整,意思连贯,第3点用1-2句适当发挥;2. 70词左右。开头结尾已给,不计入总词数。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、材料作文1、


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