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广西壮族自治区2019版七年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Youd better take care, _ you will hurt your eyesAsoBbutCorDand2 . My father was born _ July 10th, 1969.AatBonCinDto3 . My family are going to Beijing on vacation: What about?Ayou.BsheCyoursDyour4 . Parents can _ some time talking with their children every day.AspendBtakeCpayDcost5 . Mary her mother and they both have big eyes.Alooks afterBtakes outCtakes afterDruns after6 . Tom, have a good day in Beijing!AHow are you?BThank you.CNice to meet you.DYes, youre right.7 . -When is the time to visit Japan ?-In April and May.I think.Not too cold and not too hot.AhottestBcoldestCshortestDbest8 . My father doesnt want to continue working in the factory because of poor working _.AexperiencesBopinionsCconditionsDrelations9 . _ do you like,lemon juice or milk tea?I like milk tea betterAHowBWhoCWhichDWhat10 . Who is _ man in a black hat?Its Jim Brown. We often play _ basketball together (一起).Aan; aBa; /Cthe; aDthe; /二、补全对话5选5A: Oh,no ! 11 . .B: Mom , 12 . .A:Is it in the bookcase ?B:13 . .A:Is it on the bed ?B: Yes .Its here .14 . .A:They are in your schoolbag .B:But I cant find my schoolbag .A:15 . .B: Thank you ,mom .ACome on .BIts under the table .CWhere are my books ?DNo ,it isnt .Ewheres my dictionary ?三、补全短文6选5下面短文有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Get exercise B. Shut off your brain C. Stop and get awayD. Walk or rideE. Have enough sleep F. Eat and drink rightAre you a stressed-out student?You can beat it with our FIVE-POINT ACTION PLAN!16 . Some people are OK with three or four hours of sleep a night, but most people arent. You should try to sleep eight hours a night. If you cant, then take a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping too long isnt good, either. Dont stay in bed all day.17 . Students often put on weight because they eat a lot of junk food and eat late at night. Bad idea! You should try to eat your evening meal early and have healthy snacks, like fruit. You should also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Finally, dont skip breakfast. Its the most important meal of the day!You dont have to eat a big breakfast, but you should eat something.18 . Sometimes you have to stop what youre doing. Take a break. Turn off the TV or computer, walk around the room, and breathe deeply. You should do this several times a day. And once a week, take a walk in a park or in the woods. Look at the trees and smell the flowers.19 . Walk as much as you can. Walking is the best way to stay in shape. Or get a bicycle, but remember that riding a bike can be dangerous. You should always wear a helmet and bright clothes. Never ride without them!20 . Do you have a gym nearby? You should use it. You dont have to exercise every day, but you should do some aerobic activity three to five times a week. Thirty minutes a day is enough. Remember: you can review for a test and jog on a treadmill at the same time.四、完型填空完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C中选出最能符合短文意思的答案并把答题卡上对应题目的正确答案的标号涂黑。Hello, boys and girls! I_Frank Smith. Frank is my_name. Smith is my_name. This is_backpack. It is black. Oh, that is_eraser. Its color is_But it_my eraser. I found it_the school library. Is this_eraser? Please_me at 687-5926.21 . AisBareCamDbe22 . AlastBfamilyCfullDfirst23 . AfirstBoneClastDgiven24 . AyouBmyCIDme25 . AaBanCtheD/26 . AwhiteBwhite colorCa whiteDthe white27 . AamBisCisntDarent28 . AinBtoCofDat29 . AyourByouCmeDmy30 . AmeetBcallCthankDlook完形填空阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Frank was a very talkative(爱说话的)boy. He never saw a new thing_asking a lot of questions about it. But his mother was very kind and _enough to answer his questions.The first time Frank saw an hourglass(沙漏),he was really _in it, but he did not know what it was.His mother_, “An hourglass is a glass made into the shape of the figure8. The sand is put in the glass,and runs_a small opening in the middle. And the sand will go from one end to_in an hour.”Frank watched the little stream of sand.Then he became impatient, because the sand ran slowly. “Let me_the glass, Mother,” he said, “or the sand will never get through.”“It will, my son,”said his mother. “The sand moves_, but it moves all the time. _you watch the clock, you will feel the same. _you are playing, the sand is running grain(粒)by grain; and the second hand of the _is moving second by second. They do not stop to think about how much they will have to do, and_it will take them to do it.”The next day, Franks mother wanted him to learn a poem,but he said, “Mum,the poem is too_. How soon can I learn it?” His mother said, “Study all the time._ _care about the time it will take. You will be able to learn it very soon.”Frank followed his mothers_. He read the poem time after time and an hour later he learned it perfectly.31 . AwithBofCwithoutDfor32 . AstrictBpatientCnervousDpolite33 . ApleasedBrelaxedCinterestedDbored34 . AexplainedBrepeatedCaskedDadded35 . AthroughBalongCoverDacross36 . AothersBany otherCanotherDthe other37 . AshakeBgetCtakeDcarry38 . AcarefullyBquicklyCheavilyDslowly39 . AAlthoughBIfCBecauseDWhether40 . ASinceBUnlessCBeforeDWhile41 . AboyBmotherCclockDhourglass42 . Ahow farBhow longChow muchDhow soon43 . AeasyBlongCshortDold44 . AOftenBNeverCAlwaysDSometimes45 . AthoughtsBstepsCadviceDways五、阅读单选阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案Why do you remember Hello Kitty, Snoopy and all the other playful animals? What makes you love them? Well, maybe because they re like the people around you. Think about it! You may just find a friend or classmate who is like them. Is he or she:As sweet as Hello kitty: She likes to eat cakes. She loves to make new friends. She asks friends to her tea parties. She is warm and sunny and will always help you.As clever as Snoopy: He went to school when he was nine. He learned to use a typewriter in two years! He thinks a lot. He is so clever that you like to be with him.As sarcastic(讽刺的)as Garfield: He sits happily in the seat and says sharp words to you. Sometimes he is not nice. He doesnt really like you? He thinks youre a fool? No, in his heart, he loves you. He is a friend with hard words but a warm heart.As naughty as Mashimaro: He doesnt look like a good boy. He has sleepy eyes and looks naughty. He always plays tricks on people. So you get angry with him and dont like him very much. His mind is active and full of ideas. He tries to be big and catch your eyes. But, hes still a child.46 . If you want to make a friend like Snoopy, he or she must be _ at least.AcleverBnaughtyCactiveDsweet47 . Tom s friend is always warm - hearted with sharp words. He is just like_.AHello KittyBMashimaroCSnoopyDGarfield48 . The underlined words plays tricks probably mean_.Aplays gamesBmakes mistakesCmakes fun ofDmakes friends49 . According to the passage, people love cartoon animals because_.Athey are the animals that often make people laughBtheir personalities are like the people around themCthe cartoon animals are sunny, warm and full of ideasDthey always help people, think a lot and try to be big50 . If you want to find a job as a waiter, you canto apply for it.Ago to 6756 Main St. Southgate.Bcall 555-001Csend emails to lewisnclarkdot.org.51 . If you do office work at Franciscos Shoe Shop,you should.Ahave experienceBspeak EnglishCspeak Spanish52 . If you work as a guide, you can getan hour.A$10B$12C$1353 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ABeing a waiter is a full-time job.BThe department store is very busy.CIf you want to be a guide, you need to speak Chinese.54 . The passage is probably about.Asome job-wanted advertisementsBsome posters about travel plansCsome students and their dream jobs六、阅读判断A mouse called Mike and a frog called Jim were friends.Every morning the frog would jump out of the water to visit his friend. The mouse lived in a hole beside a tree.Mike was happy to see his friend visiting him. But he didnt realize that the friend was slowly turning into an enemy(敌人). Jim was angry with the mouse because he never visited his house in the water.One day, Jim felt he couldnt stand any more. When it was time for him to return home, he tied(系)one end of a string around his own leg, and the other end to the mouses tail. Then he jumped away, with the poor mouse behind him.The frog jumped into the water. The mouse tried to free himself but he couldnt. Soon his body came to the top of the water.A hawk(鹰)saw the mouse on the water. He flew down and caught the mouse. When he flew to a nearby tree, of course, he also pulled out of the frog because he tied himself together with the mouse.In Africa, theres a saying, “Dont dig too deep a hole for your enemy, you may fall into it yourself.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)、误(F)。55 . The mouse and the frog were friends. The mouse lived in a hole beside a tree.56 . Mike and Jim often visited each other.57 . Mike was angry with Jim because he never visited his house in the hole.58 . One day, when Jim visited Mike, he tied a string to the mouses tail and jumped into the water with the poor mouse.59 . In the end, the hawk caught the mouse and also he caught the frog.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示填词60 . He was seriously _(受伤),but he went on fighting.61 . As shes not here,I _(猜测)she must have gone home.62 . He fell onto the ground _(重重地)and broke his left arm.63 . The numbers have been _(确认)time and time again.64 . He created a new _(体系)of teaching foreign languages.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺,有的需要变换形式。child, feel, they, same, goodThe generation gap (代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a report about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed 65 . after a disagreement with their parents. I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other. Parents spend more time on work, so they have little time to stay with their 66 . . As time passes, they both feel that they dont have the 67 . topics (话题) to talk about. I think parents should spend more time with their children to get to know them and understand them. And for children, show your 68 . to your parents. They are the people who love you, so tell them your thoughts. In this way, you can have a 69 . understanding of each other. Do you think so?九、选用适当的单词补全对话A:I have a piece of good news to tell you,Mary.B :Whats it 70 . ?A :A new holiday has been announced,and we dont need to go to work today.B :71 . ?Why havent I heard about it?A :If you dont believe me,go and ask David.B :Then what are you going to do now?A :Im going to visit Jim.He 72 . me to play basketball with him today.B :Impossible!Jim called me last night to tell me that he had gone to Beijing.A :Ha!You know,its April Fools Day.I failed to fool you.By the way,why did Jim go to Beijing?B :Maybe on 73 . A :On vacation?B :Yes,April Fools Day.Happy April Fools Day!A :Ha!Are you fooling me,too?B :Yes.You failed,but I 74 . 十、信息归纳A.信息归纳。阅读下面的文章,然后按照信息卡内容填入相关信息。People live around the world. They like to have celebrations (节日). In China, people celebrate Spring Festival. It is in January or February. They wear red clothes because red is the color for good luck. Chinese children also get money from their parents or grandparents for the Spring Festival. In Gambia (冈比亚),people celebrate Independence Day (独立日). It is in February. They wear bright clothes and play music at the celebration. In England, people celebrate May Day. It is in May. They wear beautiful clothes to celebrate the coming spring. The children like to dance on this day. In America, people celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is in November. They have a very big dinner with their families or friends. They eat turkey and a lot of other delicious foods. They have a long talk after the dinner.根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。(每空不超过两个单词。)CountriesCelebrations75 . ClothesChinaSpring FestivalJanuary or February76 . GambiaIndependence Day77 . Bright clothesEngland78 . MayBeautiful clothes79 . Thanksgiving DayNovember/十一、书信作文80 . (题文)假设你是李明。上周日你的班里举行了一次毕业聚会。请根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友 Robert 写一封邮件,向他描述聚会的情况及谈谈你当时的感受。要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2必须包含所给提示,并进行适当发挥;3词数 80左右。(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Hi Robert,We had a graduation party last Sunday_Do you have such a party? Please write soon.Yours,Li Ming第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、2、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、选用适当的单词补全对话1、十、信息归纳1、十一、书信作文1、


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