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呼和浩特市2020年中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选4As we know,there are differences between Western culture and Chinese culture. 1 . Lets look at some words about animals and plants. Most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,a homeless dog,a mad dog,a running dog and a dog catching a mouse,have bad meanings. 2 . . In English,people use the dog to describe good actions. For example,you are a lucky dog means you are a lucky person. And every dog has its day means each person has good luck sometimes. To describe a persons serious illness,they say sick as a dog. The word dog-tired means very tired. 3 . . But in Western culture, cat is often used to describe a woman who is unkind. There are many other examples of how cat is used differently as well. .The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some Western countries. People think the rose stands for love, peace, courage and friendship. And the rose is the national flower of England, America and many other countries. 4 . . We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used. ABut in Western countries, dogs are considered to be honest and good friends of humansBThe words about plants and animals are used in good or bad ways in different cultures CWe can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used DThere are some similarities in the way words are used EHowever, Chinese love cats very much二、完型填空完型填空A little girl thought she was not beautiful and nobody liked her. So she was always_and didnt like to talk to others. However, one day, her mother_her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she wore it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided_it to school.On her way to school she found that_who saw her smiled at her. Most of her classmates said “hello”_her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip had brought them all to her. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things_she didnt tell her classmates about her beautiful hair clip, they all wanted to know what had happened to her.When she went_home after school, her mother_her, “Did you know you dropped your hair clip? I found it by the door this morning.” At this time, the girl understood that she hadnt worn the hair clip to school at all.It is not important_we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about_5 . AhappyBunhappyCtiredDsleepy6 . AgaveBgivesCgiveDgiving7 . AwearBwearsCto wearDwore8 . Ano oneBeveryoneCnoneDsomeone9 . AtoBatCwithDabout10 . AAlthoughBIfCAfterDOnce11 . AtoBinCatDback12 . AaskBaskedCtellDtold13 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDwhether14 . AmyselfBourselvesCyourselfDherself三、阅读单选Imagine having an ear made out of an apple. It seems like a crazy idea from a horror movie. But it could happen in the near future. Canadian biophysicist, Andrew Pelling used an apple to grow a human ear. He thinks fruit and vegetables can be used to cheaply repair human body parts in the future. Scientists have been trying to grow organs( 器官) in labs to replace our old ones. But it is a hard Job. For example, liver cells( 肝细胞)can grow in a lab, but the cells still need things like blood vessels( 血管) to actually work. These things have to grow inside a scaffold(支架) In the past, scientists have used manmade materials, animal parts and even dead people as scaffolds. But that has proved to be difficult and expensive. Pelling and his team, however, found the apple to be a cheap and easy to use scaffold. They first out an apple into the shape of an ear. Then they used a special way to take out the apples cells and make it a scaffold. The team then added human cells to the apple and watched it growYou can implant these scaffolds into the body, and the body will send in cells and a blood supply and actually keep these things alive, “Pelling said during a Ted Talk speech. The team put the apple scaffold inside a living mouse and the mouses cells slowly took over the pieces of apple. Now Pelling is thinking of other fruit, plants or vegetables to use,He says that the shape of flower petals could be perfect for repairing skin. And asparagus(芦苇) could fix a broken spine(脊柱). Now, Pelling and his team are trying hard to put these crazy ideas into reality15 . Pellings idea of manmade ear seems crazy because he used _ as scaffolds.Aanimal partsBdead peopleCmanmade materialsDordinary apples16 . The underlined word “implant” in Paragraph 7 probably means _.ApickBputCproduceDprotect17 . Which is the right order of making an ear out of an apple according to the passagea. Put the apple scaffold inside a mouse. b. Add human cells to the apple scaffold. c. Cut an apple into the shape of an ear. d. Make the apple ear a scaffold. e. Take out the apples cells in a special way.AabcdeBbedaeCcedbaDcdaeb18 . From the last three paragraphs, we can infer that Pelling will experiment with other fruit, plants or vegetables _.Ato make human earsBto repair burnt skinCto fix a broken spineDto make human body partsThere is a park near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a river. There are some boats on it. It is Sunday today. There are many Young Pioneers(少先队员) in the park. Some are walking and singing. Some are dancing or playing games. Ann and her sister Kate are flying a kite. Tom and his brother Sam are throwing a frisbee (扔飞盘). Their parents are sitting under a tree. All the family are having a good time.19 . Where is the hill?AAcross from the river.BBehind the school.CIn front of the parkDBehind the park.20 . Whos Sam? He is _.AKates brotherBAnns brotherCToms brotherDJims brother21 . Do their parents come to the park, too ?AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CYes, they are.DNo, they arent.22 . What are Ann and Kate doing?ASingingBFlying a kiteCWorkingDThrowing a frisbee23 . Where are their father and mother sitting?ANear our school.BBehind the park.CAt the foot of the hill.DUnder a tree.FILM TIMES(19thMay26thMay)WANNER VILLAGEFilm: Harry Potter (3 hours)Date: SundayTime: 2:00pm5:00pmPrice: $4.20(adults) $3.50(children under 18)Tele: 0115- 845616THE KINGS CINEMAFilm: The Twins (1 hour and 40 minutes)Date: from Monday to FridayTime: 2:30pmPrice: $2.00 (free tickets for children under 10)Tele:0115-831931HOLLYWOOD THEATERFilm: Catch Me If You Can (2 hours 35 minutes)Date: Saturday and SundayTime: 4:00pmPrice: $3.00 (children under 12 are not allowed)Tele: 0115-806163THE ROYAL THEATERFilm: I Spy (2 hours)Date: from Monday to FridayTime: 9:00amPrice: $2.00Tele: 0115-87342024 . Which film lasts the shortest?AHarry Potter.BCatch Me If You Can.CThe Twins.DI Spy.25 . You can see Harry Potter on _.ASaturdayBSundayCFridayDSaturday and Sunday26 . If you want to book a ticket for Catch Me If You Can, you can call _.A0115-845616B0115-831931C0115-873420D0115-80616327 . When Mr. Green and his 9-year-old son go to see The Twins, they should pay _.A$4.20B$4.00C$3.00D$2.0028 . In the morning, you can only go to _ to see a film.ATHE ROYAL THEATERBHOLLYWOOD THEATERCTHE KINGS CIMEMADWANNER VILLAGE四、语法填空Nowadays,more and more people have received all kinds of strange calls. Most of them took place while the people were using mobile phones. If you are not 29 . (careless),you will fall into a telephone fraud(欺诈)and even lose your life. What is a telephone fraud? It is a kind of fraud conducted over the phone. The cheaters manage 30 . (communicate)with you on the phone. Then they advise you to buy something cheap or ask you something about your 31 . (person)information. When you meet such a case,perhaps you are facing a fraud. Generally speaking,there are some typical32 . (way)of frauds such as pretending to be your families,friends and other familiar people in order to get your information;asking you to transfer some money to get a prize or advising you to buy something cheap online. Some cheaters may even force you to offer them some money to avoid 33 . (be)hurt. Over 1546 million people 34 . (fall)into telephone frauds in the last three years. The number is increasing. It is reported that about 438 million people35 . (meet)telephone frauds last year. And three university students 36 . (kill)in the fraud. In most cases,we can recognize the fraud if we pay attention to it. And if you fall into such a fraud,you must keep calm and call the police to ask for help at once. 37 . (usual)the traps(陷阱)are left for the greedy(贪婪的)cat. If you dont long for the cheap things and think 38 . (two)before you act,such cases wont happen to you!五、多任务混合问题Smartphones are useful. They can help people a lot in our everyday life. Now all the people from the old to the young use them. Today, more old people are using smartphones, Smartphones are just like their good friends in their life, In the past, newspapers and TV were their way to know about the world. They only used paper money and bought everything in the supermarket. But now they can talk with family members on WeChat. They can also listen to the news by using all kinds of apps on their smartphones.So smartphones can help old people to have a colorful life_Smartphones help them keep up with the times.At the same time, more and more children get smartphones from their parents. Parents want to know where they are at any time. 但是一些学生花太多的时间用智能手机来玩游戏。 When they have free time, they don t want to study or do sports, Playing computer games is their favorite way to relax themselves. 他们的父母们担心智能手机不利于孩子们的学习和健康。Will smartphones bring trouble or happiness to people? It will be decided by yourselves. If you use them in a right way, they will be helpful.39 . _40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _六、汉译英:整句根据所给的汉语完成下列句子44 . 我们应该阻止那家工厂把垃圾倒进河里。_45 . 因为这场大雨,一辆汽车撞上了一棵路边的树。_46 . 你介意向我展示如何在线续借书吗?_47 . 扬州自18世纪起就因其美食而世界闻名。_48 . 孩子们看到迪士尼角色时忍不住尖叫。_七、材料作文49 . 上个月,第一届中非经贸博览会在长沙召开,长沙的发展让世界瞩目。假如你是李华,你作为一名志愿者参加此次活动。返校后,你在英语课堂上向全班同学介绍了此次活动的经历和感受。志愿者活动内容:打扫会议室,带外国友人参观名胜、品尝长沙美食,陪同购物.参考词汇:外国人foreigner中非贸易博览会 China-Africa Forum要求:(1)必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,行文连贯;(2)词数70词左右,文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;(3)文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校和地名。Hello, everyone. Im very glad to talk about what I did in China-Africa Forum. _Thats all. Thank you.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、补全短文5选41、答案:略二、完型填空1、答案:略三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、材料作文1、

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