人教英语九年级Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth单元分段练习

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人教英语九年级Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth单元分段练习_第1页
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人教英语九年级Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth单元分段练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How aboutshopping this afternoon?AgoBwentCgoesDgoing2 . They made a box _ old pieces of wood.Aup ofBfromCintoDout of3 . _terrible weather weve been having these days!AHow aBWhat aCHowDWhat4 . The cars made in Germany are more expensive than _ made in Japan. Yes, I cant agree more. But theyre much better.AitBthatCthoseDones5 . We must learn how these “problems”“challenges”.Achange in Bchange,intoCto change , into Dto changed, into6 . -Do you find _ tiring to climb the Great Wall yesterday?- Yes, _ was too hard to climb itAit ,thatBthat, itCit, itD/,that7 . (题文)In China,it is _ for people to eat long noodles on their birthday.They are a symbol of long life.AcheapBtraditionalCsuccessfulDeasy8 . There _ a lot of trees in the area.But they have all gone because people built a railway here.Ahave beenBused to haveChave hadDused to be9 . I often feel _ at home because I dont have anything to doAboringBboredChappyDunhappy10 . The villager built the bridge _stones last year.Aout ofBoutCtoDfor11 . The train will leaveBeijinga few minutes.Afor; inBfor; afterCto; inDto; after12 . -Do you enjoy _ to Tom?-Yes. Hes a funny man and often makes me _.Atalk; to laughBtalking; to laughCtalk; laugh Dtalking; laugh13 . Is the wine made _ wheat?Yes, it is made _ China.Aof; inBfrom; inCfrom; byDof; as14 . 2018年上海徐汇二模Recently a new community library _ and will be open to the public soon.Ais builtBwas builtChas been builtDwill be built15 . You are _ a child and you should do everything by yourself.Ano longerBnot anymoreCnot moreDnot longer16 . Doctor Wangs house_, but he was still_.Ais in the fire; at the workBis in fire; at workCwas on the fire; at the workDwas on fire; at work17 . It usually _ Mum about half an hour to cook supper.ApaysBcostsCspendsDtakes18 . I need to send many old _to my grandpa in the village.AnewsBmagazineCphotoDnewspapers19 . As for air pollution, the _, the _. Its our duty to protect the environment.Aless, betterBfewer, worseCmore, betterDless, worse20 . Why will they_that old cinema?They want to build a new shopping mall there.Aset upBfix upCpull downDtake away21 . Cola decided to do at least one good thing each week, _ busy she is.Oh, how great she is!AwhateverBhoweverCwhoeverDwhenever22 . We should obey the traffic rules in order to keep ourselves.AsaveBsafeCsafelyDsafety23 . (题文)- Yan Hui was ill yesterday. I think you can today.- OK. I will try to finish the work.Atake her placeBtake placeCin the place ofDin the first place24 . You look too tired. Why not _a rest?Ato stop havingBstop to haveCstop having25 . Mr. Han has a_ son and he is happy.A3 year oldB3-year-oldC3-years-oldD3 years old26 . What do you think of this idea?Its not goodIt may _ the planAget in the way ofBpay attention toCrun afterDtalk back27 . Later, the new king lost a battle because he didnt_.Alisten Qu Yuans adviceBlisten Qu Yuan s advicesCtake Qu Yuan s adviceDtake Qu Yuan s advices28 . Frank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to_ each other.Aget on well withBconnect withCkeep in touch withDcome up with29 . Lily _ goes to the movies because she thinks the cinema is crowded.AalwaysBhardly everCsometimesDoften30 . -The government has decided to _ the river.-Thats really good news !Agive upBclean upCcome upDtake up31 . Whatsthe relationship between you and your mothers sisters son?AnephewBbrotherCcousinDniece32 . Tom is aboy, he studies _ and he _plays with his friends.Ahard-working; hard; hardBworking-hard; hardly; hardlyChard-working; hard; hardlyDworking-hard; hardly; hard33 . My grandfather _ live in the countryside, but now he_ living in the city.Aused to; used toBgot used to; gets used toCused to; gets used toDgot used to, used to34 . (题文)Im sorry. There was too much traffic on the road.Dont be late again. The meetingfor 15 minutes.Ahas begunBhas stoppedChas been onDhas finished35 . Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Dont _ your dictionary all the time.Awork onBtry onCkeep onDdepend on36 . . -Tom, Im watching a football match. What about you?-_.ASo do I.BSo am I.CSo I do.DSo I am.37 . Your coat looks very nice. Whats it made _?Cotton, and it is made _ Wuhan.Aof; onBfrom; inCof; inDfrom; on38 . We are glad to hear that the Greens _ to a new flat next week.AmoveBmovedCwill moveDhave moved39 . Sorry, I _ my homework at home. Thats OK. You can _ it here tomorrow.Aforgot; takeBleft; takeCleft; bringDforgot; bring40 . Of all Chinas national sports teams, the womens volleyball team has won the most _AwisdomBcourageCpraiseDpeace41 . I dont like Beijing food. I think _ really_.Aits, niceBits, terribleCtheyre, cheap42 . History is her favourite subject. She _ it well.AseesBdrawsCreadsDlearns43 . Dont_the bright light. Its bad for your eyes.Alook out ofBlook outClook out atDlook for44 . The man has _ friends in this city, so. he often stays at home.Aa fewBfewClittleDa little45 . The more careful you are, _ mistakes you will make. I think its true.Athe moreBthe fewerCthe lessD不填46 . Mr. Green taught _ English in our school and taught_ French at home.Aus, hisBhim, usCour, himselfDus, himself47 . No _studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.AbelievableBscientificCharmful48 . If you want to know more about space, please the book A Brief History of Time.Alook throughBlook aroundClook afterDlook down upon49 . _ Mike _ his brother always rides a bike to work instead of driving a car.They think its good for their health and the environment.AEither;orBNeither;norCNot only;but also50 . The plane will get to Hongqiao International Airport in 20 minutes. The underlined part means _.Aarrive atBarrive inCget upDreach to51 . -Jim tried his best to raise his spirits though he failed the exam.-He was always positive.Acheer himself upBmake himself calmCkeep himself down52 . What does Huaweis newest smartphone look like? Its wonderful! You canit in half just like closing a book.AhandBpassCfoldDcut二、完型填空Trees are one of the oldest plants on the earth. Just like us, trees change a lot_they grow. At one to three years old, young trees learn to_themselves. For example, many tree grow thorns (刺)to tell animals_near. Most young trees have large and deep green leaves to_enough sunlight and turn it into their food and energy. When trees are four years old, they are_strong enough to_the challenge(挑战)in life. At the age of fifteen, they become young adults and grow more_They will have their own flowers and fruit. After the trees are twenty to twenty-five years old, they are called real adults because they reach their_Adults trees give us oxygen and natural beauty. If we_them very well, they will live healthily for many years. As time goes on, trees begin older and older and even_At this time, they still have their important places in nature and uses for people_many ways, the life of trees is like our own life experience.53 . AbeforeBwhenCafterDsince54 . AprotectBprovideCpreventDpollute55 . Ato goBto leaveCnot to goDnot to leave56 . AenjoyBkeepCstayDcatch57 . AgetBreceiveCfaceDwelcome58 . AfastBfasterCslowDslowly59 . AweightsBheightsCstylesDsizes60 . Alook forBlook afterClook outDlook at61 . AdieBhurtCwasteDthrow62 . AOnBInCForDAtThe passengers(乘客) on the bus watched with sympathy(同情) as Susan got on the bus carefully. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to_he seats, seated in one of them.It had been a year since Susan became blind. She was suddenly thrown into a world of_because of an accident. Susans husband decided to try his best to help his wife.Finally, Susan felt ready to_to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too_to get around the city by herself. Mark volunteered to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening_she could manage(对付) it by herself.For two weeks, Mark accompanied(陪伴)Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on(依靠) her other_, especially her hearing, to make sure where she was. At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip_Monday morning arrived. She said good-bye to his husband, and for the first time, they went their separate(单独的)ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement took hold of Susan. She was doing it!On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work_As she was getting off the bus, the driver Said, “Miss, I sure envy you.” Curious, Susan asked the driver_.You know, every morning for the_week, a fine-looking gentleman in uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely, the bus driver said.Tears of happiness poured down Susan s cheeks.63 . AtouchBcatchCtakeDfeel64 . AweaknessBsicknessCdarknessDsadness65 . AreturnBusedCreplyDgo66 . AtiredBsurprisedCexcitedDfrightened67 . AwhenBasCuntilDafter68 . AfeelingsBplacesCskillsDsenses69 . Aon her ownBwith himCof herDon foot70 . Aas usualBthe same asCas wellDas we know71 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwho72 . AfirstBpastCsameDnext三、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写下列句子,每空一词)73 . He does morning exercises at 6:00 every day. (改为否定句)He _morning exercises at 6:00 every day.74 . Kitty sometimes plays badminton with her uncle at weekends. (就画线部分提问)_ does Kitty play badminton with her uncle at weekends?75 . Alice would like to be a doctor in the future.(保持句子意思不变)Alice_ be a doctor in the future.76 . He usually finishes work at six oclock in the evening. (就画线部分提问)_ he usually finish work?77 . have been to, with, a lot of places, in Shanghai, Kitty and Alice, their cousin. (连词成句)_完成句子78 . These are my brothers.(改为一般疑问句)_ these _ brothers?79 . Does your father have a soccer ball?(作否定回答)No,_.80 . The computer game is under the bed.(对画线部分提问)_ the computer game?81 . We have a volleyball.(改为否定句)We _ a volleyball.82 . 咱们放学后打篮球去。(完成句子)Lets play basketball _.Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets. (按要求改写下列句子)83 . We have already brought our passports. (改为一般疑问句)_you _your passports _?84 . People eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember the great poet, Qu Yuan.(对划线部分提问)_people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races?85 . In Shanghai the students from junior high schools spend two hours in finishing their homework on average every day. (保持句意相同)In Shanghai it _ the students from junior high schools two hours _their homework on average every day.Rewrite the following sentences as required. ( 根据所给要求,改写下列句子)86 . We lay on the grass outside the house last Sunday afternoon. (改写一般疑问句)_ you _ on the grass outside the house last Sunday afternoon?87 . Fast food is harmful to your body. (改为反义疑问句)Fast food is harmful to your body, _ ?88 . The US has said sorry to Britain for the accident.The US _ to Britain for the accident.89 . Dont throw coins here. (保持句意不变)_ coins is not_ here.90 . For these reasons, we often have a nice breakfast every morning. (对划线部分提问)_ do we often have a nice breakfast every morning _ ?91 . “ Did the children make the display of their work for their parents to see?” Terry asked me. (改为宾语从句)Terry asked me _ the children _ made a display of their work for their parents to see.92 . the parent volunteers, cookies, prepare, before next Friday, some, for the concert, will (连词成句)_四、填写适当的单词补全句子用所给词的适当形式填空:93 . Zhang Yue, a slip pretty girl, wants to be a _ (dance) in the future.94 . Hobo wants(dress)up as a ghost.95 . - What do you think of your reading room?- Its big and bright. There are a lot of books on the three tall _ (shelf).96 . Thank you for_( tell ) me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.97 . The poor match-girl wants to buy a little food, but she doesnt have_(some) money.98 . The top floor of the mall is a good place_(meet) friends and have fun.99 . Chinese people_(not celebrate) Thanksgiving Day.100 . They often knock on_( people)doors in the evening.101 . Im_(real) sorry for your sick mother.102 . Would you like_(take) a walk after dinner.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空A)根据中英文、首字母或英文提示写单词,使句子完整103 . The _(高度)of the Yellow Mountain is 1,868 metres.104 . Thanks a lot for _me so much help.(提供)105 . Reader is a popular_(杂志)in China. Many people like reading it.106 . Its very _ to say Thank you when someone helps you.107 . Would you like a cup of tea?Thanks. I am not t_.108 . I told Mary everything because she can keep s_.109 . Mrs. Li is an_(very good)teacher. She always makes her classes interesting.110 . Leaves become brown and fall onto the ground in_(fall).根据所提供的句子意思,填入适当的单词,使句子意思完整。111 . A lot of vegetables help you to keep h_112 . The movie was very b_. I slept when I watched it.113 . He brushes his teeth t_a day.114 . We can find lots of information on the I_.115 . Who gets up_(早的), Lucy or Lily ?116 . Theyre twins, but they are d_ from each other.117 . We should take it s_.118 . Nearly everyone knows Jacky Chen . He is a_著名的)actor .119 . Dont_(忘记) to lock the door when you leave the room .120 . I think it_(有必要的)for children to know the history of China .(B) 根据句意和中文注释,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出所给单词的正确形式。121 . Suzhou is very _ (出名的) for its beautiful Chinese gardens.122 . London, the _ (首都) city of the UK, is big and modern.123 . Lets take a walk in the park. The air there is much _ (新鲜) than in the city center.124 . Now fewer and fewer farmers _ (饲养) pigs and cows at home.125 . I cant start my computer. Can you come over and _ (检查) it for me?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。126 . Jane has never _(be) to Beijing before.127 . I just didnt _(notice) that he was here.128 . Its hard for us to imagine _(live) without water.129 . These _(website) are all very popular.130 . Let me make an _(introduce) to all the students.131 . I havent _(receive) Kates letter recently.132 . Did you _(dream) of travelling to another country one day?133 . Do you mind _(tell) me how to get to the shopping mall?134 . The girl _(call) Millie is my new classmate and friend.135 . I _(spend) two hours finishing my homework yesterday evening.七、完成句子完成句子。136 . 当你遇到狗时,不要突然跑起来,否则它可能会追赶你。When you meet a dog, dont run suddenly, or it may _you.137 . 出门前别忘记切断水源。Dont forget to _ the water supply before going out.138 . 了解一些餐桌礼仪是非常必要的。Its necessary to know some _.139 . 尽管你很忙,但请尽力保持房间整洁。Though you are very busy, but please _ to keep the room tidy.140 . 起初,没有人看好这个计划。_, nobody thought the plan was good.完成句子141 . The teacher is standing _(在的前面) the students.142 . _(沿着走) the street and _(左转) at the third street.143 . The bank is _(在右边).144 . _(乘地铁) to the Olympic Sports Centre.145 . Can you tell me _(去北海公园的路)?根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词146 . 帮帮它们,要不然它们会失去它们的家园。Help them or they will _.147 . 这也许是好运的象征。This may be a _good luck.148 . 人类大量砍伐树木,因此动物处于极大的危险之中。People_ many trees,so animals are in great danger.149 . 这座由石头建成的桥长五米。The bridge _stone is 5 meters long.150 . 大象能够记住有食物和水的地方。Elephants can remember _ food and water.八、用单词的正确形式完成句子151 . I like English,_ I like my English teacher,too.152 . I have a soccer,_ I cant play it.153 . She likes music_ she thinks its interesting.154 . Math is useful,_ its very difficult.155 . We dont have computer lessons,_ we cant play computer games.156 . They often play basketball _ school.157 . I think John likes strawberries.OK.Lets buy some strawberries _.158 . I cant play with you_ I have a math lesson in the afternoon.159 . I often play sports _ supper.160 . I dont go to school _ I am ill.九、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将方框单词的代码填入空格,每词只能填一次)Some species(物种) have many animals, 161 . have just a few animals. These animals are 162 . . If we arent careful, they could all die one day. In China, the number of the 163 . become smaller and smaller. In the oceans, the blue whale is rare. In Africa, we can see fewer lions, tigers and elephants nowadays. Many countries and places are facing the same problem. What can people do? People can stop164 . them. And people can set aside land for animals to live on. Then, maybe in the future, well see more and more animals living on the earth.十、多任务混合问题阅读下面短文, 根据要求完成下面各小题。Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and Success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, Happiness depends upon ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future -for example, getting into college or getting a good job -that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. (3) People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies wher


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