人教版九年级英语上册Review of Unit 1-2单元测试题

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人教版九年级上册Review of Unit 1-2单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to travel to the Wohushan Reservoir next weekend. Good idea! Make a plan first, you will enjoy more beautiful scenery.AbutBandCsoDor2 . How many girls are there in our class? In our class of the students_ girls.Athree fifths, areBthree fifths, isCthird five, areDthird fifths, is3 . We should use sides of paper.AallBeachCneitherDboth4 . I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _ , Ill fly kites with my friends,Awill rain; doesnt rainBdoesnt rain; will rainCwill rain; rainsDrains; doesnt rain5 . I saw a _ boy playing football in the garden.Aten years oldBten-years-oldCten-year oldDten-year-old6 . Xiao Li had an accident yesterday _ he is in No.1 Peoples Hospital now.AbutBandCorDsince7 . The little boy is only six years old, he can make wonderful model cars.AsoBorCbutDand8 . How do you like the students in Class 13?-They always have a lot of _ in them to make their dreams come trueAfightBsleepCrulesDrides9 . Look! your car looks so clean.Thank you. It _ very often.AwashesBis washedCwas washedDwashed10 . I usually read books until 11:00 oclock.Really? Are you _?Aallow to stay upBallowed to stay upCallowed staying upDallow staying up11 . Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please? Sorry. He for a month.Ahad been awayBwas leftChas been awayDleft12 . Lilys parents always encourage her _out her opinions.AspeakBspeakingCto speakDspoken13 . Are you involved _ making a play?AatBinCwithDto14 . (题文) John is in a bad mood these days. Do you know why?His grandfather has just passed away. Lets try to _.Abring him upBwake him upCcheer him upDgive him up15 . Oh, no! We have missed the train. What should we do?Im afraid we have nobut to wait for another one.AdecisionBinformationCreasonDchoice二、完型填空四、完形填空。Time is very important to us. When and by whom were the watches or clocks _? Perhaps nobody knows. How could we tell time if there were no watches or clocks anywhere in the world?The _ was probably the worlds first clock, except in the far north, where the Eskimos live. There, its dark most of the winter, and _ most of the summer. But _ most of the world, people have used the sun for day. _ you dont have a clock that shows time, you still know that when the sun shines, its day, and when its dark, its night. The sun can not only tell you whether its day or night but also its morning, noon, or afternoon. When the sun is almost directly overhead, its _.People who live near the sea know time from the tides(潮汐). In the daytime, for about six hours, the water rises _ on the beach. The same thing _ again at night. There are two high tides and two _ tides every 24 hours.In some places in the world the wind comes up at about the same time every day or changes direction or stops _. In these places the wind can be the clock.16 . AdiscoveredBfoundCinventedDmade17 . AsunBmoonCstarDplanet18 . AwonderfulBlargeCheavyDlight19 . AonBaroundCinDof20 . AIfBWhenCAlthoughDAs21 . AmorningBnoonCafternoonDevening22 . Ahigh and highBhigher and highChigher and higherDhigh and higher23 . Atakes placeBis taking placeCis taken placeDwill take place24 . AwideBnarrowClongDlow25 . AblowsBblowingCblowDto blow三、阅读单选In the year 2050, there will be different kinds of materials (材料) for clothes. Special materials will keep the clothes clean forever. They will never get dirty and we wont wear them out. We will have less work because we wont have to wash them. So we can save water and money. And children wont worry about what to wear to school every day. They wont go to school. Theyll stay at home in front of their computers to study. They can wear their favorite “Saturday clothes” every day. It will be fun. Do you think so? What do you think school clothes and school life will be like in 2050?26 . Maybe we _ wash clothes in the year 2050.AdidntBneedntCmustntDwont be allowed to27 . Why wont the children go to school?ABecause theyll play at home.BBecause they hate to go to school.CBecause theyll study on the Internet.DBecause theyll wash clothes to make money.28 . Will the clothes get dirty in the year 2050?ANo, it wont.BYes, they will.CYes, it will.DNo, they wont.29 . In the year 2050, the clothes will not _ forever.Aget dirtyBwear wellCbe cleanDbe fantastic30 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AThere will be different kinds of materials for clothes.BThe children can wear their favorite clothes.CThe children will always worry about what to wear.DThe children can study at home in front of their computers.Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays.He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an advertisement in a newspaper. “Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding. Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.”“This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “Ill spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. Theyll make a change from sitting by the seaside and swimming.”He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July, he left for West Hill Farm.But four days later, he returned home.“What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him. “Didnt you enjoy country life?”“Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?”“Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and we had roast mutton for dinner.”“Whats wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.”“I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!”“You dont understand,” Henry said. “On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.”“A different meat every day,” Ed said loudly, “and you are complaining!”“Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didnt dare stay for dinner!”31 . How did Henry find out about the farm?AHe saw it in a newspaper advertisement.BHis best friend told him.CHe wrote to the farmer.DMaybe he learned it from the radio.32 . Henry came back home several days later because_.Ahe didnt like the country life at allBthe farmer wasnt friendly to himChis holiday was overDhe thought he might have to eat the farmer33 . Which of the following sentences is true?AEd could eat a different kind of meat every day.BHenry thought he could enjoy a change.CHenry couldnt think of anything else to do, so he went to the farm.DThe farmer died because of the bad meat he ate.34 . Which is the best title for the passage?AWhat a beautiful farm!BHave a good time.CA short holiday.DHenry and the farmer.四、阅读判断New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle school is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students wont only be the ones who have high marks. They will also be the kids who dont dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. The followings are some of the new rules.Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone elses work in an exam? Dont do it again! Thats not something an honest (诚实的) student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, dont tell your parents you were doing your homework at that time.Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Birdloving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it brings more fun for everyone.Be friendly to others. Have you ever quarreled (吵架) with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe youll discover Earth someday. Dont look down on new ideas. Everyones ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Dont let it happen to you. If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know.Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the Internet arent good for kids, so try to look at web pages that are good for you. You can use the web for homework or fun. If you cant find any good web sites for children; here are two: http: / kids.eastday.com, http: /www.chinakids.net.com.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。35 . The new school rules will help kids by telling them what is right and what is wrong.36 . According to the passage, we know we should love animals and protect them.37 . Good web sites for children can be a waste of time.38 . As a student, we should tell the truth, even when we have done something wrong.39 . The passage tells us the new rules and standards about how to be a top student.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示补全单词。40 . She is _ (不但) the pride of her parents _ (而且) the pride of China.41 . They are _ (考虑) buying a new house.42 . China has _(发展) rapidly in recent years.43 . We must drive for _(好几个) hours to get to the store.44 . Our new headmaster looks very young. I think he is_ (少于) thirty years old.45 . Mike is weak in English. In order to _ (赶上) others, Mike works harder than before.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)46 . There are a lot of green _ and grass in the school garden. (tree)47 . We have _in the park, on the road and at home. (rule)48 . Students mustnt speak _in the reading room. (loud)49 . Be careful when you walk _ the street. (cross)50 . You cant _ this one way road. (entrance)51 . Can you tell me the _ of this English word? (mean)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。52 . 我想当一名英语老师。(be) I _ an English teacher.53 . 我的妈妈给奶奶买了两条裤子。(pair)My mother buys _ trousers for my grandmother.54 . 我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。(price)We sell all our clothes _.55 . 我们先考虑一下第六个问题。(think)Lets _ the sixth question first.56 . 放学后,汤姆总是和弟弟做游戏。(play)Tom always _his brother after school.八、回答问题请阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。2nd Child:An Extra Pair of Chopsticks?(Systemcategory:News)Its almost a year since China introduced the universal twochild policy.Statistics show the number of newborns in the first half of 2016 rose by 6.9 percent yearonyear,with newlyborn second children accounting for more than 40 percent of the total.Is Chinese society wellprepared for the policy? The answer may be not completely positive.Steady Population GrowthAccording to the Chinese Academy of Social Science,and estimated(预测的) 5.658 million babies will be born in 2016,and the chart below is a prediction for the following years.Are Schools Wellprepared?With Chinas universal twochild policy,the increasing number of newborns in the county has led to a greater demand for kindergarten places.How to enable every child to attend school and receive a good schooling has therefore become an issue of urgency.57 . What percentage of newlyborn babies are second children in the first half of 2016?_58 . When will the baby boom arrive?_59 . Were kindergartens enough for newborns in 2015?_60 . Why will many schools be short of teachers?_61 . Do you think its a good idea to have a second child in your family? Why do you think of it?_九、材料作文62 . Writing (作文):Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic “Do something for animals”(以为动物做些事情”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)Use the following points as reference (以下内容仅供参考)Why should we protect animals?How do people treat animals? What can you do for animals?第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、阅读判断1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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