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人教版2020年中考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its reported History and Politics will enter the High School Entrance Examination.big news! So its important for students to learn them well.AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow2 . (N)What sport do you like _,basketball,soccer or tennis, Mary?Tennis.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest3 . The telephone in 1876.AinventsBinventedCwas inventedDhas invented4 . Everyone _go through the security check(安检) when entering the Birds Nest stadium.AcanBmayCmustDmight5 . The old man was _ angry _ he couldnt say anything.Aso; thatBsuch; thatCenough; thatDtoo; to6 . Please tell me _ .Awhat is your favorite subjectBwhy you like English bestChow is your motherDhow old are you7 . Its quite hot outside. You had better _ off your jacket.AtakingBto takeCtakenDtake8 . Goldilocks her eyes. She her eyes.Adidn t open; closedBdon t open; closesCdidn t opened; closedDopened; didn t closed9 . _and help me clean the house.AGet upBGetting upCTo get upDTo getting10 . What do you like to do on weekends?I like watching TV.Culture in China is my favorite .AfoodBsportCprogramDsubject二、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。A.What do you think of the book?B.He works at a movie theater.C.I like clothes that look different.D.Is that a new book over there?E.Do you think your brother could get the same poster for me, too?A: Wow, Ali, you really have lots of cool things.What a great jacket!B: Yeah, its new.I really like it.11 . A: Me too.12 . B: Yes, it is Its a book about volleyball.A:13 . B: Its great.It tells about how to be a good player.A: Look at the movie poster! Where did you get it?B: Oh, my brother got it for me.14 . A: You are so lucky.Its a great poster!A:Yes.It is.B:15 . B: Probably Ill ask him.A: Great! Thanks!三、完型填空One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely_my life.Before the exam I had a difficult time with studies. And I got into a_with my friends that day. Then, I was very_. Then I noticed the gift. I opened it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was THE SECRET._, I was in no mood(心情)to watch it. I sat down to study, but the_in my life - the fight, the sleepless nights and my poor health - all came to my mind. I wanted a(n)_but I wondered if there was any. Just then, I saw the DVD again. Maybe it would be helpful. I turned on my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experience_I was watching it. I would not forget the moving (感人的)stories I watched that day.Thanks to my fathers gift THE SECRET. I discovered (发现) myself. Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The important thing is that you should be_enough to face them_running away from them. Now I have started_my studies and my friends. And Im in good health, too. I often hear people say, “What a perfect life you have!”16 . AfilledBwastedCchangedDcheated17 . AfightBdecisionCdealDrisk18 . AnervousBunhappyCstupidDcrazy19 . AHoweverBAndCSoDLuckily20 . AchancesBproblemsCmistakesDfairness21 . AsituationBvoiceCanswerDtool22 . AuntilBsinceCbeforeDwhile23 . AbraveBhonestCtruthfulDtypical24 . Aaccording toBinstead ofCas forDsuch as25 . Achecking outBgiving upCgetting on well withDrunning out of四、阅读单选In a small village in England about 150 years ago, a mail coach ( 邮车 ) was standing on the street . It didnt come to that village often . People had to pay a lot to get a letter . The person who sent the letter didnt have to pay the postage (邮资 ) , while the receiver had to .“eres a letter for Miss Alice Brown , ” said the mailman .“ m Alice Brown , ” a girl of about 18 said in a low voice .Alice looked at the envelope(信封) for a minute , and then handed it back to the mailman .“ m sorry I cant take it , I dont have enough money to pay it, she said .A gentleman standing around were very sorry for her . Then he came up and paid the postage for her .When the gentleman gave the letter to her , she said with a smile , “ Thank you very much ,This letter is from Tom . Im going to marry him . He went to London to look for work . Ive waited a long time for this letter , but now I dont need it , there is nothing in it .”“ Really ? How do you know that ? ” the gentleman said in surprise .“ He told me that he would put some signs on the envelope . Look ,sir ,this cross in the corner means that he is well and this circle means he has found work . Thats good news .”The gentleman was Sir Rowland Hill . He didnt forgot Alice and her letter .“ The postage to be paid by the receiver has to be changed ,” he said to himself and had a good plan .“ The postage has to be much lower , what about a penny (便士 ) ? And the person who sends the letter pays the postage . He has to buy a stamp and put it on the envelope .” he said .The government accepted his plan . Then the first stamp was put out in 1840 . It was called the “ Penny Black “ . It had a picture of the Queen on it .26 . The first postage stamp was made _ .Ain EnglandBin AmericaCby AliceDin 191027 . The girl handed the letter back to the mailman because _ .Ashe didnt know whose letter it wasBshe had no money to pay the postageCshe received the letter but she didnt want to open itDshe had already known what was written in the letter28 . We can know from Alices words that _ .ATom had told her what the signs meant before leavingBAlice was clever and could guess the meaning of the signsCAlice had put the signs on the envelope herselfDTom had put the signs as Alice had told him to29 . The idea of using stamps was thought of by _ .Athe governmentBSir Rowland HillCAlice BrownDTom30 . From the passage we know the high postage made _ .APeople never send each other lettersBlovers almost lose every touch with each otherCpeople try their best to avoid(避免) paying itDreceivers refuse to pay the coming lettersSmart phones are becoming more and more popular among teenagers. You can do manythings with your smart phone, like texting, callig, learning English, chatting with friends,playing games and so on. Here are some fun and useful apps for you. Lychee FMAre you dreaming of making your own radio program? Lychee FM makes it possible for you. With this app, you can record and edit your shows, and then upload your program for all the listeners on Lychee FM. Candy Crush Soda SagaDo you have a crush( 迷恋 ) on candies? Try Candy Crush Soda Saga. You will have a good time playing with several kinds of cute candies. The rules are simple, You have to move a piece of candy until there are thre matching ones to make them disappear. But dont think the game is that easy. Soda bottles will stand in your way. BaicizhanMemorizing English words is always a big heaache for students. Why not let the amazing app Baicizhan help you? You can choose how many words you want to leamn every day. And the learning process is like playing a guessing game. Instead of just showing the meaning of a word,the app asks you to first choose the correct picture based on its meaning. This helps you memorize the words clearly.31 . You cant_with your smart phone.Alearn a languageBmake a radioCbuy food onlineDtalk with friends32 . Which app is listed above as a game app?ABaicizhan.BLychee FM.CAngry Birds.DCandy Crush Soda Saga.33 . If you want to learn more vocabulary, which app can you download?ABaicizhan.BCandy Crush Soda Saga.CAngry Birds.DLychee FM.34 . What do we know from the story?AOn Baicizhan, you see the meaning of a word first.BYou need soda bottles to make candy disappear,CCandy Crush Soda Saga is an easy game to play.DLychee FM can be used to record your own radio shows.First aid can help an injured or sick person quickly. It can stop the persons condition going worse. Sometimes it can save a persons life. But remember that we should never try giving first aid to someone unless we learn how to do first aid.The first thing we should do is that we should take help. We should immediately try to find a doctor or an elder person. We should be calm and comfort the injured person and make him or her sit or lie down.We can help if it is a small accident like a slight burn, an insect bite, a small cut or a nosebleed. Wash small cuts with water and apply an antiseptic(抗菌的)cream. If there is bleeding we should tie a bandage(绷带) to stop the bleeding.If a nose bleeds, we need to pinch(捏)the nose and hold it for 7 to 8 minutes till it stops bleeding. We can get some ice, put it in a piece of clean clothing and apply it to the nose and that will stop the bleeding quickly.If the burns are serious, a doctor should help them. For a slight burn, run cold water over it or keep ice for a few minutes. Put a clean bandage on it. An insect bite can be treated by applying ice or running cold water over it. If a person is badly hurt, we shouldnt try to move him or her, that can cause more damage if the injury is serious.35 . The first paragraph mainly tells us _.Athe importance of first aidBhow to get first aidCthe result of first aidDhow to help injured or sick people36 . When a man hits his head on the tree badly, first you can _.Asend him to the hospital quicklyBmove him to a comfortable placeCgo to the hospital and find a doctor quicklyDhelp him sit and try to find a doctor37 . The underlined word “damage” means _.AburnBhurtCpushDaccidents38 . When you have a nosebleed, you can immediately_.Abow your headBsit down quicklyCpinch the nose for a whileDlie down on the bed五、阅读判断Hello, Im Lucy. I am from the USA. But now Im in China. My teacher is Miss Chen. She is from Tianjin. She is Chinese. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is in China , too.We are in the same school.阅读短文,判断句子正(用 “T” )误(用 “F” )39 . Lily and Lucy are from Canada.40 . They are in China now.41 . Miss Liu is their teacher.42 . Miss Chen is from Dalian.43 . Lily and I are students.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示写单词。44 . I believe I can _ (实现) my dream to become a pilot by working hard.45 . Would you like to _ (赛跑) in the coming sports meeting?46 . Do what you want! I will _ (支持) whatever you do.47 . The old man is pleased that the young man makes the right_ (选择)48 . If you wear Tshirt and jeans, the waiter wont let you _ (进入) the concert.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选词并用其适当形式完成短文。shame,talk,secret,something,advice,activity,get, refuse, understand, afraidMost students have some problems when they are in junior high school.Some students worry a lot because their parents want them to be the best.Others dont 49 . on well with people such as their parents and classmates.Jim,a student in junior high school from Fujian,cant 50 . what his English teacher says,so he cant do well in English.He even51 . others help.Another student,14 years old,from Guangzhou,is 52 . of exams.She is very sad.When she looks at the exam paper,she cant think of53 . to write.Many students dont like asking for help.Some think it will be a 54 . if they go to ask teachers or classmates.Others dont want to talk about their55 . to anyone.An expert has the following 56 . for teenagers:57 . with your parents or teachers often.Take part in group58 . and play sports.八、材料作文59 . 书面表达假设你的美国朋友Andy在微信中给你留言,询问你通常如何度过周末。请你根据下面表格中的周末活动安排给他留言。要求:70词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。上午7:30起床8:00吃早餐9:00写作业11:00和朋友们游泳下午2:00和弟弟玩电脑游戏4:00打扫房间晚上10:00上床睡觉Hello, Andy. _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、材料作文1、

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