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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期中质量监测英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ forget to do your homework, Annie.ANotBDontCIsntDArent2 . If two things_ each other, they may have the similar color, pattern, or style, and look good together.AcatchBsaveCmatch3 . Do you like to work with animals?Yes We should _ animals as our good friendsAthinkBrealizeChopeDregard4 . -Could you join us this afternoon?-Sorry, I _. I take care of my little sister because my mother is out.Acant; mayBcouldnt; have toCcant; have toDcouldnt; may5 . You wouldnt believe how quickly my English _ because of that so far.Ais improvingBhas improvedCis improvedDimproves6 . _? He is tall and thin.AHow is heBWhat does he likeCWhat does he look like7 . - _ - P-E-N.AWhats this?BSpell “pen”, please.CWhat color is it?DWhats your name?8 . Dont make any noise. I _ my homework now.Aam doingBis doingCdoesDdo9 . The old man eats _, but he doesn t look _.Awell;wellBgood;badCwell;badDgood;good10 . is your sister?She is eight.AHow oldBHowCHow muchDWhat11 . Jim, _his father, _watching TV in the evening.Alike, likeBlike, likesClikes, likesDlikes, like12 . How much do you want?AbiscuitBsausagesClemonDchicken13 . Is she Julia?_. She is Kate.AYes, she isBNo, she isntCNo, he isnt14 . If you want to join the_ club,please call me_ 6663986.Aswim; atBswimming; atCswim; toDswimming; to15 . What do you usually do _ weekdays after school?I usually read books.AinBatConDfor二、补全短文5选5Its a fine Saturday afternoon. 16 . Look! Some boys are playing basketball, and other boys are playing soccer. Some people are under a big tree. 17 . Near a table, a girl is eating an apple and talking with a boy.Mary is in the park, too.18 . Oh, she is on the hill. 19 . She likes reading very much.Tom is five. He is too young.20 . Listen! Some birds are singing in the trees. They are all very happy.AHe is flying a kite with his father.BShe is sitting and reading a book there.CWhere is she?DThere are many people in the park.EThey are watching the boys play.三、完型填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、 C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Maddie and her father took their seats in the subway car, tired. Theyd been sightseeing nonstop in Washington. D. C. All the _ and waiting in line made them tired.“It sure feels good to _! Her dad spoke loudly. I think Ill just close my eyes and relax _ we get to our stop.While he rested, Maddie looked on her fathers phone _ the pictures hed taken. She smiled, _ how much fun they had.As she was _ the pictures, she heard the little boy behind her whimpering(啜泣)annoyingly. Although the subway was _, she wished the boy and his mother would sit somewhere else. She tried not to notice _, but a moment later he let out a scream that made her father _. Maddie turned around and stared at the boy.The boys mother held the boy onto her lap and rocked him _. She smiled wearily (疲惫地) and said, “Hes crying because we just came from the zoo, and he didnt see his favorite elephant today.Upon hearing these _, The boy cried again. I wanted to see Kandula!“I know, dear. his mother said, “But the zookeeper took him inside for a bath. Well see him next time.” “_ I want to see Kandula right now! the boy sobbed.Suddenly, Maddie felt _ for the boy; she knew how awful it felt when things didnt go your way. She turned over the _ and found one her father had taken of Kandula when they were at the zoo the day before.Look, heres a picture of him! said Maddie.The little boy looked at the picture, then yelled(大喊)with _. “Look. Mama! Kandula!”Thank you so much, the woman whispered to Maddie.21 . AshoppingBwalkingCsittingDwatching22 . Aget upBwalk aroundCsit downDrun away23 . AwhenBafterCuntilDif24 . AofBatConDin25 . AimaginingBexpectingCwonderingDremembering26 . Alooking throughBfinding outCpicking upDhanding out27 . AdirtyBcleanCemptyDcrowded28 . AherBusCyouDhim29 . AaloneBawakeCafraidDasleep30 . AheavilyBangrilyCloudlyDpatiently31 . AstoriesBwordsCsuggestionsDpromises32 . ASoBButCAndDBecause33 . AsorryBmadCsurprisedDexcited34 . AseatsBanimalsCphotosDphones35 . AangerBhappinessCsadnessDcare四、阅读单选Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are crossing the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people often get hurt or die because they cant see or hear very well. Children usually meet with accidents because of their carelessness. They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.How can we lessen (减少) traffic accidents? All of us must obey the traffic rules. For the drivers, they shouldnt drive too fast. If they drive too fast, it will be very difficult to stop the cars in a very short time. For the pedestrians (行人), its very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. Therefore, when we walk across the road, we must try to walk along the pavements. We must stop and look both ways before crossing the road. Look left first, next look right, then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear, we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is to walk quickly. Its not safe to run. If people run across the road, they may fall down. Teens should try to help children, old people or blind people to cross the road, and never play in the street.36 . Which of the following is NOT the right way to cross the road?AStop and look both ways.BRun quickly.CMake sure that the road is clearDWalk quickly.37 . Why do most old people often get hurt or die when they are crossing the road?ABecause they are not careful.BBecause they forget to look and listen.CBecause they cant see or hear very well.DBecause they often run across the road.38 . The best title for this article may be _.AHow to lessen traffic accidents.BHow to cross the road.CPlease obey the traffic rules.DMeeting with traffic accidents.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。39 . Did you buy any _(票)for the ball game?40 . She can help you _(选择)songs the most carefully.41 . This restaurant has the best _(服务).42 . There will be a _(天赋)show in our school hall tomorrow afternoon.43 . Sarah won the first _(奖)in the writing competition.六、填写适当的句子补全对话根据情景,用合适的句子补全对话。A:Hi,Nannan!How do you get to school?B:71.44 . A:By boat?That must be more fun than taking a bus.72.45 . B:I live in the countryside(农村),and a river is between my home and our school.A:73.46 . B:Its about 5 kilometers.A:74.47 . B:It takes around half an hour.75.48 . A:By bus.My home is far from school,but it takes only ten minutes.七、回答问题阅读表达(根据短文内容回答问题,每题2分,满分10分)72 Newton DriveLondon SW63rd DecemberDear David,How are you? Im fine. Im in London, at the International School of English. Im in Class 3 with other eight students. Theyre from different countriesSpain, Japan, Argentina, Switzerland and Thailand. Our teachers name is Henry Briscall. Hes very nice. Hes a very good teacher.Im living with an English family. Mr and Mrs Smith have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isnt easy to understand them. London is very big and very interesting. It is cool but sunny, and the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park and St. James Park are all in the city centre.English food is OK, but the coffee is bad!Write to me soon.Love,Paula49 . Who writes the letter? (No more than three words)_.50 . How many students are there in the writers class? (No more than four words)_.51 . Who is the writers teacher ? (No more than two words)_52 . Where is Hyde Park ? (No more than four words)_53 . What doesnt the writer like about England? (No more than five words)_.八、材料作文54 . 书面表达61. 新昌的穿岩十九峰飞龙栈道声名远扬,假如你是新昌旅游网的负责人,请你在英语网站上写一篇介绍,并邀请大家来游玩。注意:(1)词数:80100。开头已给出,不计入总词数;(2)不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;(3)参考词汇:the Nineteen Peaks十九峰;glass skywalk玻璃栈道地理位置在浙江东部(east of Zhejiang)交通方式乘巴士或自己开车活动爬山、走玻璃栈道(最刺激的活动)、拍照、吃美食门票30元The Nineteen Peaks is a good place to take a vacation.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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