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人教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期期中考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Lily _ history very much but I like art _.Alike,favoriteBlikes,bestClike,mostDlikes,much2 . The girl got married Tom last month.AwithBtoCofDas3 . William Shakespeare _ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence today.AdiedBwas dyingChas diedDhas been dead4 . In this group,most of the members are .Atwenty year oldsBtwenty-year-oldCtwenty-year -olds5 . Its been such a wonderful evening with you! Thank you very much!-_ANo thanks.BIts nothing.CGlad to hear that.DMy pleasure!6 . -_ you ever _ to Nanjing?-Yes, I _ there last year.A Have; gone; have goneBHave; been; went C Will; go; wentDDid; go; have been7 . Tom, do you know _?In Beijing.Awhere will the 24th Winter Olympics be heldBwhere the 24th Winter Olympics will holdCwhere will the 24th Winter Olympics holdDwhere the 24th Winter Olympics will be held8 . I dont _ junk food _ cakes and candy. They are not good for us.Alike; likeBlikes; likesClikes; likeDlike; likes9 . It is necessary for everyone to _ a good habit of reading.AenjoyBchooseCdevelopDaccept10 . Mr. Green _ his son. Yes, he enjoys talking about his son with any friend of his.Ais angry withBis thankful toCis proud of11 . My mother wants me _.Ahelp herBnot help herCnot to watch TVDto not watch TV12 . He_ to bed until eleven last nightAwentBnot goCdidnt goDgoes13 . _is the population of the town?-Over 20.000. And a third of the population _ workers of the car factory.AWhat; isBHow many; areCWhat; areDHow many; is14 . Jason hasnt finished the work, but dont punish him. _,he has done his best. Yes, youre right.AAt firstBFor exampleCIn totalDAfter all二、完型填空Mr Black was once a policeman. He was a kind person. He liked to have a walk in the park after breakfast. It was very cold _ a winter morning. Mr. Black was walking along the street when he heard a cry for help. He turned around but could see nobody. He stopped and looked here and there. At the moment, a boy_ to him. The boy was in such a hurry_ he couldnt say a word except pointing towards the river. Mr Black realized what had happened and ran to the river as soon as possible._ of them ran along the river and saw a girl in the water. She _a piece of wood. It was carrying her away. It was too _. Without a word, Mr Black took off his clothes as _as he could, and jumped into the river. He _ to the girl and took her back near the bank and lifted the girl up, and then the boy helped _her out of the water. Then they stopped a car and took the girl to the _. At last the girls life was saved, and she thanked them very much.15 . AinBonCatDfor16 . Awalked upBlooked outCrushed outDran up17 . AsoBandCthatDbut18 . AAllBBothCNeitherDeither19 . Awas holdingBwas liftingCis takingDis pushing20 . AheavyBexcitingCdangerousDinteresting21 . AslowlyBcarefullyCquicklyDquietly22 . AswamBranCflewDwalked23 . ApushBpullCbringDtake24 . AhouseBschoolCparkDhospital三、阅读单选Read our list of the worlds top zoos! They are not only kind to animals, but also doing their best to save endangered(濒临绝迹的) animals around the world.Dubai Underwater ZooCan you think a zoo in a shopping center could be so large? but it is. Dubai Underwater Zoo houses over 33,000 animals in the Dubai Mall. A walk through the shark tunnel(隧道) alone is a great scene. The dolphin(海豚) now can surely catch your eyes, too!Toronto ZooYou may think you need to look far and wide for the best zoos in the world but there is an amazing zoo right here in Canada. Toronto Zoo is home to over 16,000 animals, such as zebras, lions, and bears. The zoo also has an interesting Discovery Zone for children to learn more about the animals and their living places.Basel ZooBasel Zoo first opened up in 1874 in Switzerland. It is one of the worlds oldest. There are over 6,000 unique species(独特物种) housed there, such as Indian rhinoceros, monkeys, elephants, sea lions, gorillas, and many other animals from the whole world. You can even take a tour train to get really close to them.25 . In Dubai Underwater Zoo, you can _.Afeed the animalsBtake a tour trainCget close to animalsDenjoy a dolphin show26 . Basel Zoo is in _.ADubaiBCanadaCSwitzerlandDIndia27 . There are over _ animals in Toronto Zoo.A16,000B33,000C6,000D1,87428 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AYou can take a tour train in Dubai Underwater Zoo.BToronto Zoo is the largest and oldest zoo.CAn interesting Discovery Zone is in Toronto Zoo.DThere is a shopping center in Basel Zoo.29 . This text(文本) is a(n) _ probably.AadBmessageCnoteDstoryI am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll (洋娃娃). Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English. 30 . How many people are there in Kellys family? A. three B. five C. six 31 . Kellys parents are _. A. doctors B. teachers C. farmers 32 . Why does Kelly like her new school? A. Because it is very big. B. Because it is very beautiful C. Because the classmates are kind to her. 33 . What color are Kellys eyes? A. blonde B. black C. blue 34 . Why do students like to talk with Kelly? A. Because Kelly is a beautiful girl. B. Because Kellys English is very good. C. Because Kelly is very interesting. How do you spend a usual holiday at home? My alarm clock wakes me, which reminds me of school. I usually would sleep like a log, but today is a holiday and I have to be at the pool for swimming practice at a quarter to seven. About 30 swimmers show up for practice. An hour later, I ride my bike home. The suburbs(郊区) are quiet in the morning, with few cars on the street.I know I should be studying German but instead I wander(游荡)to my room, lie down on the bed and sleep like a log. When I open my eyes again, the first thing I see is the alarm clock. Its 10:40 and I have a basketball class in less than 20 minutes. With the help of a shortcut(捷径) I arrive on time. About 15 kids and I spend the rest of the morning “shooting hoops(圈)”.A bus takes us home,and I see a neighbour walking her dogs. Its past noon. Lunch is “dousha baozi”(豆沙包子),which my younger brother Richard doesnt eat. He devours(吞食) part of a cake from the fridge. I wonder if I should practise on the keyboard, study German, finish my homework, play chess,read or sleep like a log. I decide to play computer games for an hour and promise myself that Ill work on German later.As the computer games hit higher and higher levels, Richard and I become more and more bored. He has been aching for(渴望) someone his own age to play with, and I write , he isdozing. He is too sleepy.I think Ill turn off this computer and take him to the park. Then maybe Ill call on some of my old classmates.Holidays can be a time to learn, a time to play, a time to grow or a time to sleep like a log. Whatever you choose to do with your time, do something that youll remember!35 . What did the writer NOT do during the day?APlaying computer games.BPlaying basketball.CPractising swimming.DWalking his dog.36 . When did the writers basketball practice begin?AAt 10:40 am.BAt 11:00 am.CAt 6:45 am.DAt 7:15 am.37 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe writer finally decided to play chess.BThe writers brother didnt eat anything for lunch.CThe writers brother wanted very much to have someone his age to play with.DThey found the computer game more and more interesting.38 . The underlined word “doze” means_.A打瞌睡B酣睡C梦呓D做噩梦39 . From the story we can learn that the writer_ during his holiday.Alikes to learn GermanBdoes all kinds of sportsCdoes what he wont forgetDhas no time to learn GermanIf you go to Egypt, youll see a lot of pyramids. The biggest of all is the Great Pyramid. It is about 137 meters high and made of 2,300,000 big stones. Each stone weighs about two and a half tons(吨).The biggest ones even weigh fifteen tons. It took more than 100,000 men twenty years to build it. Nobody can tell just how the men cut, carried and lifted(举)the huge stones without our modern machines(机器).The Egyptian kings told the people to build the pyramids for themselves. They thought they had tombs (坟墓)strong enough to keep their bodies well until they came back to life. But they never thought that about 5,000 years later their bodies would be on show in museums.40 . The Great Pyramid is in _.AChinaBJapanCEgyptDFrance41 . A pyramid is _.Aa houseBa huge stoneCa kings tombDthe name of a museum42 . The Great Pyramid is about _ and made of _ huge stones.A137 metres high; 100,000B137 high metres; 2,300,000C137 metres; 2,300,000D137 meters high; 2,300,00043 . Pyramids are built for _.Athe kingsBthe queens(皇后)Cthe kings teachersDPeople44 . The kings thought they had the pyramids built to keep their bodies until _.Athey came homeBthey became aliveCthey dieDthey were on show in museums四、用所给单词的正确形式填空一、根据句子,用所给的单词写出正确的单词形式:45 . A balanced diet means _(eat) a variety of healthy food every day.46 . Hans was accused of _ (destroy) the public facilities(设施).47 . The roses _ (smell) sweet. Lets go to the garden to have a look.48 . The baby has three _ (tooth).49 . There are three _ (German) in my company.50 . Mr. Smith is a teacher full of _ (experience).51 . She is a _ (Canada) and she speaks English very well.52 . The students felt quite _ (pleasure) when he passed the exam.53 . My dream is _ (be) an English teacher in the future.54 . The bottle has _ (little) water of the three.五、单词填空通读短文,根据首字母填写单词,使短文完整流畅。What is a library for? Most libraries have books and other things to r55 . . Many of them have things to listen to. Some libraries even have c56 . . Very f57 . people would think of a library as a place to live in.One library in New York City t58 . into a home for 250 people for a few days. There were people e59 . in the library. They slept on the floor. W60 . did the people move into the library?The people moved into the library b61 . the city wanted to close it to s62 . money. These 250 New Yorkers loved their library. They didnt want to l63 . it. So they moved in. They knew that the library couldnt be closed if they were living inside it. At last, the city a64 . to keep the library open, and the people all went home.六、填空When we want to buy a house, we all want to have nice neighbours living near us because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. But what kind of neighbours is good? The answers are different from people to people. Here is my answer. First, it is very important for our neighbours to respect our life. If we have a neighbour who tries to know more about our life, how will we feel? He or she may also talk with others about our life. Do you want to live with him or her? The answer is “no”. We will feel sad to have this kind of neighbours and we may want to move as quickly as we can.Next, a good neighbour is always ready to give us a hand when we need him or her. For example, if we are not at home and someone tries to open our door, our neighbours will see it and call the police. It will help us a lot. Finally, a good neighbour should protect the environment. He or she never throws rubbish through windows. And he or she should throw all the rubbish into the bin and keep the place clean. A good environment can make people who live in it comfortable and feel happy all the time. I think we should learn to be a good neighbour, and I also hope everyone will have good neighbours and live a happy life. Try to be Good65 . Respect others66 . Dont try to 67 . more about others life. Dont68 . about others live.Be69 . Be always ready to help your neighbours in need. 70 . the environment 71 . throw rubbish through windows. Keep rubbish in the bin and the place72 . .A good environment can make people73 . and happy.Hope Learn to be a good neighbour. Have good neighbours and live74 . .请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案填写在答题卡标号为56-65的相应横线上。Wind is a powerful force(力量) in nature. Wind energy is one of the causes of great waves in the worlds oceans. Winds can help create powerful storms, but wind is a force you cant see but can surely feel. Its power can be used to create electricity for cities and the countryside.Wind can also power many expressions in American English. Lets start with a simple one. If you run like the wind, you are a very fast runner. After running, sometimes you can feel full of energy. The runner gets what we call a second wind. We use this expression when we are tired, but then get more energy to finish something. For example, sometimes I feel tired after work. But after a short rest and a cup of tea, I get my second wind. Im ready to do something fun with my friends and family.If you are doing something difficult, it is good to have the wind at your back. In this way, it is easier to go forward. Its always more difficult to do something in a strong windunless you are sailing. Knowing the direction of the wind is the most important part of sailing. When wind fills a sail, it makes the boat go faster. If you take the wind out of someones sails, you prevent them from reaching their goals. You create a barrier(障碍) or stop them in some way. In life, its lucky to have friends who want to fill your sails with wind and not take it out.Lets turn from sailing to music. Many songwriters use the image(形象) of wind in their songs. If something such as an idea is blowing in the wind, it is being discussed but has yet to be decided. When a singer sings “you dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” he means that you dont need someone in power to confirm something for you. Just trust yourself. You can find it out on your own. So, when you know which way the wind blows, you know what is going on.Now you know which way the wind blows. Then how can you use these expressions properly? First, read them aloud and keep them in mind. Then, practice using them and test yourself. You know, practice makes perfect.Do you know which way the wind blows?A powerful force in natureWind may 75 . great waves in the worlds oceans, can help create storm and be used to create electricity.Wind and its 76 . About runningA person who runs like the wind is a very 77 . runner.When the runner gets a 78 . wind after running, he feels full of energy again.About sailingIf you are sailing, its much 79 . to go forward with thewind at your back.When a sail is 80 . with wind, the boat will go faster.You are 81 . to have a friend who wants to take the wind out of your sail.About musicThe image of wind is 82 . by many songwriters.When an idea is blowing in the wind, it hasnt been decided and needs 83 . . When you know which way the wind blows, you know what is going on.84 . on learningRead them aloud and remember them.Practice using them and test yourself. 七、材料作文85 . 书面表达。一家英文杂志社正在调查中考后学生不同的放松方式。假如你是陈林,请结合表格中的信息并结合自身的看法,给杂志社写一封信。注意:内容必须包括表格中的信息;词数:80左右。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、2、七、材料作文1、


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