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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its _ nice day, isnt it?Yes, what _ fine weather! Its perfect for a picnic.Aa, aBthe, theCa, /2 . Is this red volleyball Carins?It _ be Carins. _ is black.Aneednt; HerBmust; SheCcant; SheDcant; Hers3 . Our English teacher is Jenny Jones. We all call her_.AMr. JonesBMiss. JonesCMrs.Jenny4 . -have you changed since you came to this school?-Ive studied much harderAHowBWhenCWhyDWhere5 . H7N9 avian influenza(禽流感)is a new kind of in the world.AcoughBcancerCdiseaseDmedicine6 . Happy birthday_ you! _.Ato, Thank youBto, The same to youCat, YesDon, Sure7 . Who is Jack?_You can ask Ms. Wang.ACome onBI dont knowCExcuse meDNo, he isnt8 . I cant_ my pen in the pencil box.Look, its under your bed.AkeepBknowCfind9 . cut up one more apple?Yes,we do.ANeed weBDo we needCDo we need toDMust we10 . I think English is becoming more and more important.I _.AdoBagreeCamDthink11 . If you want to join the club, please_ me at Sally 5201314163.com.AemailBcallCmeet12 . Is this your mother?No, she is my_. she is my cousins mother.AsisterBcousinCaunt13 . Im going to stay at home_its raining outside.AbecauseBsoCbutDand14 . - Are you a student ?AYes, Im notBYes, I doCNo, I dontDYes, I am15 . _ is your birthday?Its on February 2nd.AWhyBWhenCWhatDWhere二、完型填空Memory likes to play tricks on us. It always takes us to places we once loved, but havent_in years. It was early morning, raining and cold. Something_me. Two little feet bounced(蹦跳)down the stairs. It was my 7-year-old grandson Henry on his way to the_to “cook breakfast”. I suddenly thought about cookies that my grandmother_in her wood stove. They were light as air and_as a babys smile. Wed eat them with butter and jam that we made with blackberries that I_myself. Thats what life was like when I visited my grandmother_picking berries, milking cows, churning(搅拌)butter, eating cookies, chasing lightning bugs. What more could a child ever want? I loved it. I_loved those cookies. I wish I knew_she made them. It was a great pity. People always think that therell_be time and opportunity to teach and learn all that they want to_and know. I rolled out of bed and went downstairs to_my grandchild and bake some cookies. They werent_cookies. But they were good enough. We_them in butter and jam. Henry ate two and kept eyeing_until I gave him half. Maybe someday hell say they were the_cookies ever.The memories we leave with our children and grandchildren and_of our loved oneslike the cookies we bake and the stories that will be told about us_we are goneare never made with perfection. Theyre just made with_. It makes everything better, even_butter and jam. It keeps everybody warm, even in the cold.16 . AfeltBseenCheardDcaught17 . AwarnedBworriedCwokeDwarmed18 . Asiting-roomByardCdining-roomDkitchen19 . AboiledBcookedCbakedDfried20 . AsaltyBsweetCtastyDawful21 . ApickedBgrewCboughtDwashed22 . Ain her familyBin her factoryCon her farmDat her restaurant23 . AsimplyBsuddenlyCspeciallyDespecially24 . AwhereBwhatCwhenDhow25 . AalwaysBoftenCseldomDnever26 . AchangeBlearnCshareDenjoy27 . AstopBleaveCfollowDhug28 . AimportantBbeautifulCgreatDmeaningful29 . AthrewBmadeCcoveredDmixed30 . AhisBmineCtheirsDours31 . AbestBworstCmostDleast32 . AnoneBallCneitherDboth33 . AafterBbeforeCwhenDas34 . AhealthBloveCkindnessDpatience35 . AbelowBaboveCwithDwithout三、阅读单选There was once a little orphan(孤儿的)girl who had no family and no one to love her. She felt sad and lonely(孤独的).One day, while she was walking in a garden, she noticed a small butterfly caught in a bush. The more the butterfly tried to free itself, the deeper the thorn(刺)cut into its body. The girl carefully helped the butterfly out. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy(仙女).For your wonderful kindness, said the fairy, I will grant(保证)you any wish you like.The little girl thought for a while and answered, I want to be happy!Very well! The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy disappeared.As the little girl grew up, she stayed happy. Everyone asked her the secret(秘密)of her happiness. She would only smile and answer, The secret of happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.When she was very old and on her death bed, her neighbors were afraid that her secret of happiness would die with her. Tell us, please, they asked. Tell us what the good fairy said.The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, She told me that everyone, no matter how secure(安稳的)they seemed, how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.Everyone has need of you.36 . What happened when the butterfly tried to get itself free from the bush?AIt saved itself.BIt got cut deeper.CIt got tired.DIt got sick37 . Why did the fairy grant the little girl a wish?ABecause the girl asked her to do so.BBecause it was the fairys job.CBecause the girl helped her out.DBecause the girl was too poor.38 . How did the fairy grant the little girls wish?ABy giving her a lot of money.BBy giving her a big house.CBy helping her find her parents.DBy telling her how to stay happy.39 . According to the passage, what is the secret of happiness?ABeing needed by others.BBeing rich.CBeing helped by a fairy.DBeing loved by others.Hong Kong Book Fair 2014Fair dates16-22 July, 2014(Monday-Sunday)PlacesHong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre, Wan Chai, Hong KongOpening hours16 July (Mon.) 10:00a.m.-10:00p.m.17 July (Tues.)10:00a.m.-10:00p.m.18-19 July (Wed.-Thurs.) 10:00a.m.-12:00midnight20-21 July (Fri.-Sat.) 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m.22 July (Sun.) 10:00a.m.-5:00p.m.Major product categoriesInternational Culture Village: Showing books from foreign countries.Childrens Paradise: Showing childrens books and educational publications, with a family corner and a performance stage.Teens World: Showing books for the young. You can find plenty of cartoon and comic books.Stationery Zone: Showing stationery products, such as pens, pencils, rules and erasers.FeeTickets for adults: HK$25Tickets for children between 5 and 12: HK$10Children under 5 are free.40 . What cant you buy in Hong Kong Book Fair?ACartoon books.BFilm tickets.CForeign books.DPencils.41 . How long will Hong Kong Book Fair last for?A2 days.B5 days.C6 days.D7 days.42 . Where will Hong Kong Book Fair be held?AIn the Mediamatic Building.BIn the International Culture Village.CIn the Hong Kong Bookshop.DIn the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre.43 . If you want to buy some comic books, when can you buy them?AAt 2 p.m., July 16th.BAt 10 p.m., July 23rd.CAt 9 a.m., July 16th.DAt 7 p.m., July 22nd.44 . Kathy, aged 11, wants to go to the Book Fair with her parents, how much should they pay for the tickets?AHK$ 25.BHK$ 60.CHK$S 75.DHK$ 35.四、根据音标写单词根据音标写单词45 . /he/ _46 . /frst/ _47 . /dsad/ _48 . / hgri/_49 . /at/_50 . /nts /_51 . / tw:dz/ _52 . /ent / _53 . / rt:n/_54 . /pnt /_Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.55 . There are many _ /ennt/ buildings in Xian.56 . Peter gave me a _ / spe()l/ music box.57 . I am a _ / dun/ middle school student.58 . The man was badly _ / ht/ in the accident.59 . I dont like that old _ / kbd/.五、填写适当的单词补全对话根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空,完成对话。Wendy: Where did you go last month, Mary?Mary: Oh, I went to Malaysia (马来西亚) with my parents.Wendy: Malaysia?60 . Wis it?Mary: In South East Asia, with Singapore and Indonesia to the south.Wendy: Is Malaysia a big country? What is its 61 . p?Mary: No. There are only about 30 million people living there.Wendy: What62 . ldo people there speak?Mary: Mainly Bahasa Melayu, but their second language is English.Wendy: How63 . ldid you stay there?Mary: For ten days. We 64 . vmany places of interest in the country. During our stay, we also tried all kinds of Malaysian food and enjoyed the high level of65 . sat local restaurants.Wendy: Did you take any beautiful66 . p?Mary: Of course. We took a good camera with us on purpose. Come with me and let me 67 . syou some.六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句68 . speak, can, English, Mary, _.69 . can, piano, you, the, play _?70 . help, can, English, me, you, with _?71 . cant, the, boy, sing, songs, English_.72 . music, the, do, want, club, you, to, join_?七、材料作文73 . 书面表达。假如你是吉娜,以下是你的英国笔友鲍勃发来的电子邮件。请你根据邮件内容给他回复邮件。Hey, Gina!How are you? Im very happy to be your pen pal. I want to know more about you. So can you tell me something about your habits?Yours,Bob要求:80词左右。电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。Dear Bob,Glad to hear from you! You asked me about my habits in your last e mail. Now let me tell you something about them._Yours,Gina八、其他根据所给的中文情景提示,选出正确的答案。(本大题共10分,每题2分)74 . 如果你听到别人说他的爷爷病了,你应该说:AThats great!BThank you for telling me.CIm sorry to hear that.75 . 如果你姐姐要去旅游了,你应该对她说:APlease go with me!BHave a good time!CTake some pictures!76 . 如果你发现你的同学感冒了,你应该建议他:ASee a doctor and have some rest.BPlay sports and you will be better soon.CEat more food and eat more fruits.77 . 如果你朋友邀请你星期天一起去做义工,你应该说:AI feel sick.BGood idea.CIm sorry to hear that.78 . 如果你想向陌生人问路,你应该先说:AHey, dont move!BOh, I am sorry!CExcuse me.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据音标写单词1、2、五、填写适当的单词补全对话1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、

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