人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B(1a-1d)

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人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B(1a1d)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Tim and Sara are brother and sister. They live _ their parents on a farm in the countryside. They are never _ because there is always something to do on the farm. Every day they get up early and help their parents _ the familys cows before school.Their school starts at 9:00 a.m. and finishes at 3:00 p.m. They always walk there. They _ their time in the school. There every day is new and they can _ a lot from the teachers. Their favorite _ is science because they think it is really interesting.In the evening,after they _ their homework,they always work on the farm. Weekends are their favorite time _ they can go for long walks in the countryside. When the weather is good,they always go camping.In winter,when the village is white with snow,the children often go skating or _ snowmen.They enjoy living in the countryside.“It gives _ a chance (机会) to know more about nature (大自然),” they said.1 . AforBfromCwithDbetween2 . AboredBshyCfriendlyDafraid3 . AsaveBsellCcookDfeed4 . AshowBloveCloseDworry5 . AtryBkeepClearnDremember6 . AsubjectBhabitCactivityDpicture7 . AorderBfinishCaskDwonder8 . AorBbutCafterDbecause9 . AmakeBmoveCwashDdescribe10 . AmeBherCusDthem二、阅读单选Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools of hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go university to study Chinese, but now shes living in Belize. Pauline says, “Im working with other people here to save the coral reefs(珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, But if the sea water is polluted(污染), the coral dies. Im helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to so something about the problem before its too late.”“Im staying with a family here and I help do some housework. I dont get any money, but thats OK. I love my work here, and Im learning a lot about the people of Belizeand myself. When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.”11 . Some young people from Englandafter they finish school.Ago to university abroadBspend one year abroad as volunteersCgo to work for money12 . Pauline Jones, an eithteen-year-old girl, is living innow.AEnglandBChinaCBelize13 . Pauline Jones iswith other people.Astudying Chinese in a universityBworking to save the coral reefsChelping do some housework14 . From the passage, we know that the coral reefs.Aare likely to die because of the pollutionBare not as beautiful as beforeCcannot live without fish in the sea15 . Pauline Jones wants toafter she finishes her work as a volunteer.Alearn about the peopleBto find a good jobCtravel around Central America三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词16 . You cant drive. Youre only 15.Youre just a t_.17 . He took out some money from his w_ and bought a watermelon.18 . Its not far from my house. Its only two m_.19 . Tom is a very careless boy. He often makes some m_ in exams.20 . Dont t_ him. He always tells lies.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。21 . There are a lot of after-school _ (activity) in our school.22 . Is this singer as _ (popular) as that singer?23 . If you want to get better _(grade), you must study harder.24 . Look, there are many people over there. What is _ (happen)?25 . Dont you remember_ (tell) me the joke yesterday?26 . The magazine _ (appear) in China in the 1960s.27 . The restaurant _ (serve) nice food. We often go there.28 . Jason is so _ (care) that he always loses his wallet.29 . Today there arent many farmers on a farm. The _ (machine) do most of the work.30 . Tomorrow is Tonys birthday. I want _ (choose) a gift for him.五、语法填空Spring Festival is an important traditional 31 . (China) festival. It comes in January 32 . February. People come back to celebrate it 33 . their family. A few 34 . (day) before the festival, people clean the houses. 35 . the evening before the festival, they have a family dinner. Spring Festival is the happiest time for 36 . (child). They 37 . (wear) new sweaters and coats. They get lucky money 38 . their parents and grandparents. When it 39 . (snow), they make snowmen and have a snowball fight. They always have 40 . good time.六、信息归纳Have you ever heard of the surprise party? The surprise party is very popular in America. Most of the Americans think it is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members. It is quite possible to plan a surprise party when ones birthday is coming. Do you want to know what a surprise party is like? Look at the following examples.Its Saturday night. Bobs wife asks him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of milk. Bob walks to the kitchen and opens the door. Suddenly, he hears a strange (奇怪的)sound and then sees a bear standing in front of him!Bob is very scared and falls backwards. Just then the bear takes off his costume(戏服). Its Bobs friend, Charles! There are also some other people behind him. All of them say to Bob, “Surprise!” Bob is puzzled(困惑的), and he doesnt know what it is until his friends say “Happy birthday!” to him.In fact, there are many kinds of surprise parties. A successful surprise party always makes people excited and surprised.根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。The41 . Party It is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members.Time42 . night43 . Bob , Bobs wife, Charles, some other friendsHow to44 . a surprise partyBobs wife asks him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of milk.Suddenly, he hears a strange sound and then sees a bear standing in front of him!Just then the bear takes off his costume(戏服). Its Bobs friend, Charles!In fact, there are many kinds of surprise parties.People always 45 . excited and surprised at the successful surprise party .第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息归纳1、

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