2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Integrated skills同步测试卷C卷

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2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Integrated skills同步测试卷C卷_第1页
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2019年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit6 Integrated skills同步测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Emily couldn t wait the white snow and she wanted to go out at once(立刻).AseeBto seeCsawDseen2 . Not everyone_ hamburgers.AlikeBlikesCto likeDliking3 . Sallys mother _ her very much yesterday because she was ill.Aworry aboutBworriedCworried aboutDWorry4 . We stop _, but there is not any sound.Ato listenBlistensClisten5 . -Why dont you like sweet snacks? -Because there is _ sugar in them. (P70)Amuch tooBtoo muchCmany tooDtoo many6 . I gave Tony my new story book and he found _ interesting.Ait isBitsCitDits7 . This photo shows a girl _ under a tree.AreadBreadsCreadingDto read8 . Its raining _ today. We cant go for a picnic.AheavyBheavilyCbrightly9 . - What do you think of pollution of the big factory?- Its a serious problem. We should _ all the people to do something for it.Aput upBcall upCset upDgive up10 . Marco wants to rent an apartment _, but he doesnt like the one with _.Ato live in; few furnitureBto live in it; a lot of furnitureCto live in it; much furnitureDto live in; little furniture二、阅读单选Research has already suggested that opening a book mayhelp improve brain function and reduce stress. Now, a teamled by Joanna Sikora of the Australian National University islooking into the benefits of growing up around a bookfilledenvironment; the researchers new study suggests that homeswith libraries can arm children with skills that last well intoadulthood.The study looked at data from 160 000 adults from 31 countries, including the United States, Australia, Turkey and Chile. Participants (参与者) filled out surveys with the Programme for the International Assessment of Competencies, which measures proficiency (水平) in three areas: literacy (读写能力), numeracy and information communication technology. People, 25 to 65 years old, were asked to tell how many books were in their house when they were 16 years old. The research team was interested in this question because home library size can be a good sign of “bookoriented socialization.” Participants were able to choose from a given range of books that included everything from“10 or less”to “more than 500.”The surveys, which were taken between 2011 and 2015, showed that the average (平均的) number of books in participants childhood homes was 115, but that number varied widely from country to country. The average library size in Norway was 212 books, for example; in Turkey, it was 27. In all, however, it seemed that more books in the home was linked to higher proficiency in the areas tested by the survey.The effects were most marked when it came to literacy. Growing up with few books in the home resulted in below average literacy levels. Being surrounded by 80 books raised the levels to average, and literacy continued to improve until libraries reached about 350 books,at which point the literacy rates leveled off. The researchers saw similar things when it came to numeracy; the effects were not as pronounced with information communication technology tests, but skills did improve with increased numbers of books.So, what does the new study tell us? Take, for example, an adult who grew up with hardly any books in the home, but went on to get a university degree compared to an adult who grew up with a large home library, but only had nine years of schooling. The study found that both of their literacy levels were almost the same. “So, literacywise, bookish childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage,”the study authors write.Further research is needed to decide exactly why exposure to ( 沉浸在) books in childhood encourages valuable skills later in life, but the study offers further evidence to suggest that reading has a powerful effect on the mind. And so home library size might be important because, as the researchers note, “children emulate (模仿) parents who read.”11 . The second paragraph is mainly about .Awhat the study found outBhow the study was carried outCwho were invited to the researchDwhy the researchers did the study12 . The phrase “leveled off”in Paragraph 4 probably means “”.Abacked to averageBstarted fallingCcontinued to growDstopped rising13 . The example in Paragraph 5 shows .Athe disadvantage of having little school educationBthe effect of having a home library in childhoodCthe necessity of raising peoples literacy levelDthe importance of getting a university degree14 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe study explained why bookish childhood encouraged valuable skills.BAdults benefit more from a home library than children.CHome library size has little to do with numeracy level.DParents who love reading benefit children a lot.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示补全单词15 . Matters took an _(意外的) turn.16 . She found a seat, stowed her _(背包) and sat down.17 . If you set your alarm clock, you wont _(睡过头).18 . He had a car and often gave me a _(搭便车) home.19 . Have you _(刷) your teeth?四、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用所给词的适当形式填空20 . I _ (walk) along the road when a car hit the old man.21 . Its very _ (danger) for the kids to play in the street.I agree with you.22 . Look! They are waiting _ (cross) the road.23 . When I hear the sound of the ball _ (hit) the floor, my heart follows its beat.24 . She _ (not want) to stay in bed while the others _ (work) in the fields.五、完成句子完成句子25 . 滑稽的动画片赢得了大多数人的心。Humorous cartoons _ most people.26 . 动画片深受年轻人喜欢。Cartoons _ young people.27 . 和你一样他也去过北京。He _ you _ been to Beijing.28 . 我需要更多的朋友来帮助我。I need _friends to help me.29 . 自从那时起,我为报社工作。_, I have worked for the newspaper.六、填写适当的单词补全对话用适当的词语补全对话,每空一词。A: Thanks 30 . the interview, Rick. We want to know 31 . your day.B: OK.A: When do you get up?B: 32 . do I get up? Hmm, usually around five oclock. Then I run around six.A: You run at six in the33 . .B: Yeah.A: And what34 . do you eat breakfast?B: Breakfast? Usually around seven. And then I35 . go to school at around eight oclock.A: How! And do you go home at ?B: Four fifteen in the36 . .A: And what do you do in the 37 . ?B: I do my homework around five thirty. And I eat 38 . at seven fifteen. And I go to 39 . at about nine.A: Thats early. But then you get up early.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填写适当的单词补全对话1、

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