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.质 押 合 同CONTRACT OF PLEDGE编号:No:出质人: 营业执照号码: 法定代表人/负责人: 联系人: 联系地址/住所地: 邮编: 开户金融机构及账号: 电话: 传真: Pledger: Business License No: Legal representative / : Contact person: Mailing address / Residence: Postcode: Financial institution/ Accounts: Tel: Fax: 质权人: 法定代表人/负责人: 联系人: 联系地址/营业地址: 邮编:电话: 传真: Pledgee:Legal representative Contact person: Mailing address/ Business address: Postcode:Tel: Fax:股权质押标的公司: 注册地: 注册登记号: 有权签字人: 联系人: 住所地: 联系地址: 邮编: 电话: Pledge of stock rights company:Registry:Register No:Authorized Person:Contact Person:Residence:Address:Postcode:Tel:为担保本合同第一条所述“主合同”项下债务的履行,出质人自愿将其合法享有的标的公司的股权(以下简称“质押财产”)为质权人的债权设立质押担保。根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国担保法、中华人民共和国物权法等相关法律法规的规定,双方经平等协商订立本合同。除本合同另有约定外,本合同中的词语解释依据主合同确定。To guarantee the performance of the debts under the principal contract of this Contract , the pledger shall establish the guarantee of pledge for the pledgee with legitimated equity in the targeted company on a voluntarily basis. This Contract is entered into through friendly consultation upon both parties based on equality in accordance with CONTACT LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA , GUARANTEE LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA , REAL RIGHT LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA and other laws and regulations. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions under this Contract shall have the meanings assigned to them by the principal contract.第一条 主合同本合同之主合同为:R 质权人与出质人之全资子公司之间签署的编号为 的外 币 借 款 合 同及其修订或补充。Article 1 Principal Contract The principal contract is the Foreign Currency Loan Contract No and modifications as well as supplements enclosed signed by the pledger and the pledgee.第二条 主债权主合同项下的债权构成本合同之主债权,包括本金、利息(包括法定利息、约定利息、复利、罚息)、违约金、损害赔偿金、质押财产保管费用、实现债权的费用(包括但不限于诉讼费用、律师费用、公证费用、诉讼保全担保费、执行费用等)、因债务人/被担保人(反担保情形下,下同)违约而给质权人造成的损失和其他所有应付费用。Article 2 The principal claimThe claim under the principal contract constitutes the principal claim. It includes the principal claim (legal interest, contract interest, compound interest,penalty interest) and the interest thereof, default fine, compensation for damage ,custodial fees for the pledged properties and expenses for enforcing the claim(including but not limited to litigation costs, legal fees,notary fees, guarantee fees for litigation, compliance costs, etc), and other losses and payable expenses caused to the pledgee due to the debtor / guarantors breach of contract.第三条 质押财产1. 质押期间,质押财产毁损、灭失或者被征收等,质权人可以就获得的保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等优先受偿。被担保债权的履行期未届满的,也可以提存该保险金、赔偿金或者补偿金等。2. 本合同项下的质押财产为上海SPV(以下简称“上海SPV”)持有的卢森堡公司全部100%股权。3. 本合同项下的质押财产还包括质押财产的派生权益,包括:(1) 因质押股权送股、公积金转增(或依当地法律采取的类似的行为)、拆分股权等派生的股权;(2) 基于质押股权而产生的股息、红利;(3) 其他基于质押股权而产生的派生权益。4. 该质押财产(包括其派生权益)的担保债权范围为:借款人/债务人在主合同项下的全部义务、责任、声明、保证以及承诺事项。除上述担保事项,还及于由此产生的违约金、损害赔偿金、实现债权的费用和其他所有应付费用。Article 3 Pledged properties I. In case of any damage, loss or expropriation of properties during the pledge, the pledgee may enjoy priority claim for the insurance fees,damages or compensation payment. If the time limit for paying debts doesnt expire, the pledgee can also withdraw the insurance fees, damages or compensation payment. II.The pledged properties refer to the whole Luxemburg equity the SPV Shanghai (hereinafter referred to SPV Shanghai )owned . III. The pledged property under this Contract includes the derived interests, including: i. The equity derived from the pledged equity bonus, capitalizing of Common Reserves( or other actions taken in accordance with the local laws), and stock split,etc. Ii The dividend and bonus from the pledge of equity; Iii. Other derived interests due to the pledge of equity. IV. The scope of guaranteed creditors rights of pledged property (including derivative interests) : the borrowers / debtors all obligations, responsibilities, main statements,guarantees, as well as commitments under this Contract. In addition to these guarantees, it includes default fine, damages, costs to secure the creditors rights and other payable expenses. 第四条 质押权利完善出质人应根据标的公司所在地法律办理质押权利完善手续。出质人和质权人在此同意并委派标的公司的全体有权签字人将本质押加标注于标的公司的股东名册(the registration of the pledge in the shareholders register),并且由当地有资质的公证人公证有权签字人的该等标注。Article 4 The implementation of the pledge rightThe pledgor shall improve the procedures in applying for pledge right in accordance with the legal procedures in which the target company is located . The pledgor and pledgee hereby agree and have the right to appoint all the authorized person to add the pledge to the registration of the pledge in the shareholders register), and this shall be notarized by the local qualified notaries.第五条 质押财产的保管和处分在质权存续期间,被标注的股东名册应被妥善保管,不得进行任何没有依据的修改,否则应承担相应的责任。未经出质人同意,质权人擅自处分质押财产,给出质人造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。Article 5 The custody and punishment of the pledged properties. Within the duration of the pledge right, the marked shareholders register shall be properly kept and be forbidden to any modification with no basis, otherwise he/it shall undertake the responsibility.Where a pledgee, without consent of the pledger, illegally uses or disposes of the pledged properties within the duration of the pledge right, and thus damages are caused to the pledger, shall make compensations.第六条 质押财产毁损或价值减少的处理在本合同主债权获得完全清偿之前,因不能归责于质权人的事由可能使质押财产毁损或者价值明显减少,足以危害质权人权利的,质权人有权要求出质人提供相应的担保;出质人不提供的,质权人可以拍卖、变卖质押财产,并与出质人通过协议将拍卖、变卖所得的价款提前清偿债务或者提存。因不能归责于质权人的事由导致质押财产毁损或者价值明显减少的,出质人应立即采取措施防止损失进一步扩大,并立即书面通知质权人。Article 6 Where any cause not attributable to the pledges fault may result in the destruction of the pledged properties or an obvious decrease of the value of the pledge, and which is sufficient to damage the pledgees rights, the pledgee has the right to require the pledger to provide corresponding security. Where the pledger refuses to do so, the pledgee may auction or sell off the pledged properties, and may, by agreement with the pledger, seek preferred payments for the obligees rights in advance with the money generated from such auction or sell-off, or submit the said money to a competent authority for keeping. Where any cause not attributable to the pledges fault may result in the destruction of the pledged properties or an obvious decrease of the value of the pledge, the pledgee shall take immediate measures to prevent further losses and inform the pledgee in writing.第七条 孳息的收取质权效力及于质押财产所生孳息,质权人有权收取质押财产所生孳息,用于清偿主债权,但收取的孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。Article 7 The collection of fruitsThe pledgee has the right to collect natural or statutory fruits of the mortgaged property as of the date of seizure to clear off the principal claim.The “fruits” as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be firstly used for the payments of the expenses for collecting the fruits.第八条 标的公司的股东名册为本合同项下股权质押目的,出质人将标的公司最近的股东名册(复印件)作为本合同附件。本合同附件构成本合同不可分割的组成部分,具有与本合同相同的法律效力。Article 8 The shareholders register in the targeted companyThe recent shareholders register( copy) of the targeted company shall be made by the pledger as an annex to this Contract for the purpose of the pledge of equity.The annex constitutes the integral part of this Contract and both of them have the same legal effect.第九条 担保责任的发生如果债务人/被担保人在任何正常还款日或提前还款日未按约定向质权人进行清偿,质权人有权依法及本合同的约定行使质权。前款所指的正常还款日为主合同中所规定的本金偿还日、利息支付日或债务人/被担保人依据该等合同规定应向质权人支付任何款项的日期。前款所指的提前还款日为债务人/被担保人提出的经质权人同意的提前还款日以及质权人依据合同等规定向债务人/被担保人要求提前收回债权本息及/或其他任何款项的日期。Article 9 The guarantee liability Where a debtor or the guarantee fails to clear off the debts to the pledger on due date or prepayment date as agreed before,the pledgee is entitled to exercise the pledge right in accordance with laws and contract. The normal due date in the preceding paragraph refers to the date of principal repayment, interest payment specified in the Contract. The prepayment date in the preceding paragraph refers to date proposed by the debtor / guarantor with the consent of the pledgee and other dates when the pledgee and the guarantee shall collect the principal and interest of claim or other payments based on the contract . 第十条 质权的实现在担保责任发生后,质权人有权与出质人协议以质押财产折价,或者就拍卖、变卖质押财产所得的价款优先受偿。处分质押财产所得款项在优先支付质押财产处分费用和本合同项下出质人应支付或偿付给质权人的费用后,用于清偿主债权。 出质人可以请求质权人在债务履行期届满后及时行使质权。出质人请求质权人及时行使质权,因质权人怠于行使权利造成损害的,由质权人承担赔偿责任。主债务在本合同之外同时存在其他物的担保或保证的,不影响质权人本合同项下的任何权利及其行使,质权人有权决定各担保权利的行使顺序,出质人应按照本合同的约定承担担保责任,不得以存在其他担保及行使顺序等抗辩债权人。债务人/被担保人清偿主债权,或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,经质权人确认,出质人可以办理解除股权质押的手续。Article 10 The realization of the pledge right Where the pledger fails to pay off its due debts or any circumstance for realizing the pledge right as stipulated by the parties concerned happens, the pledgee may, by negotiating with the pledger, convert the pledge into money or seek preferred payments from the money generated from the auction or sell-off of the pledged . After pledged properties are converted into money, auctioned or sold off, the value exceeding the pledgees rights shall be attributed to the pledger, and the gap shall be paid off by the pledger. A pledger may, upon expiration of the time limit for paying debts, request the pledgee to exercise the pledge right in a timely manner; if the pledgee fails to do so, he/it shall undertake the compensation.Where there is guarantee for any other debts apart from the principal claim under this Contract without regard to any execution of the pledgees rights, the pledgee has the right to determine the order of the exercise of secured rights, thus the pledger shall undertake the guarantee responsibility and not allow any other defences toward the guarantee or the order.Where the debtor or guarantee clears off the principal claim in advance or the pledger makes prepayment to the secured claims, if confirmed by the pledgee, the pledgor can terminate the equity pledge.第十一条 本合同与主合同的关系主合同双方解除主合同或者使主合同提前到期的,出质人对于主合同项下已发生的债权承担担保责任。主合同双方协议变更主合同内容,除涉及币种、利率、金额、期限或其他变更导致增加主债权金额或延展主合同履行期限的情形外,无需征得出质人的同意,出质人仍以本合同项下质押财产对变更后的主合同承担担保责任。在需征得出质人同意的情形下,若未征得出质人书面同意或出质人拒绝的,出质人对增加部分的主债权金额不承担担保责任。Article 11 The relationship between the principal contract and this contract. Where the principal contract is terminated or made into expiration in advance by both parties ,the pledgor assume guarantee responsibility for claims under the principal contract . If both parties agree to alter the principal contract, except currency, interest rate, amount, duration or other circumstances that lead to the increase of the principal claim value or extend the period of performance of the principal contract, without the consent of the pledgor, the pledgor shall still assume security responsibility for the pledge under this contract after the change of the principal contract. Where the consent of the pledgors is needed, but without the written consent of the pledgor, the pledgor shall not assume security responsibility towards the increased value of the principal claim.第12条 声明与承诺Article 12 Statements and Commitments出质人声明与承诺如下:1、 出质人依法注册并合法存续,具备签订和履行本合同所需的完全民事权利能力和行为能力,并对质押财产享有合法的所有权和处分权。2、 出质人保证对质押股权享有完全的合法的所有权,签订本合同时质押股权上不存在或可能存在任何形式的优先权以及其他第三人的权利,也不存在或可能存在任何形式的权属争议、法定限制、交易限制或其他权利瑕疵。 3、 出质人和债务人及其控股股东不存在涉及重大诉讼及仲裁或其主要资产被扣押、查封、强制执行或被采取了类似的措施,前述公司的法定代表人、董事、监事和高级管理人员也不存在涉及重大诉讼及仲裁或被采取强制措施的情形。4、 出质人完全了解主合同的内容,签署和履行本合同系基于出质人的真实意思表示,已经按照其章程或者其它内部管理文件的要求取得合法、有效的授权。出质人为第三人且为公司的,提供该担保,已经按照公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决议通过;其公司章程对担保的总额及单项担保的数额有限额规定的,本合同项下担保未超过规定的限额.签署和履行本合同不会违反对出质人有约束力的任何合同、协议或其他法律文件,也不违反出质人和标的公司所应遵守的法律法规;出质人已经或将会取得设置本质押所需的一切有关批准、许可、备案或者登记;5、 出质人向质权人提供的所有文件、资料、报表和凭证等是准确、真实、完整和有效的。6、 出质人应积极行使股东权利以维持股权价值,未经质权人同意,不放弃股东权利和债务人公司章程项下任何权利和利益。出质人未向质权人隐瞒截止本合同签订日在质押财产上存在着的任何担保物权;若在质押财产上设置新的担保物权、质押财产涉入重大诉讼或仲裁案件或被采取强制措施,质押人应及时通知质权人。7、 如出质人采取的下述任何一种行为将对其财务状况或履约能力产生不利影响的,须事先征得质权人的书面同意。对此,质权人不得不合理的拒绝,但以质权人的权利行使不受影响为限:i. Through legally registration and validity duration , the pledger is entitled to sign and perform full civil rights and capacity necessary for this contract, and enjoys legitimate ownership and dispositio of the pledge property.ii.The pledgor guarantees to enjoy full legal ownership of the pledge equity, when signing this contract, there shall not exist or may exist pledged priority and the rights of other third persons in any form of the pledge equity, nor exists or may exist ownership disputes, the legal limit, trading restrictions or other rights defects in any form .iii., The pledgor and the debtor as well as its controlling shareholder never involve significant litigation and arbitration or cases that its major assets were seized, seizure, enforcement ,the legal representative, directors, supervisors and senior management of aforementioned company never involve major litigation,arbitration or other cases that take mandatory measures. iv. The pledgor fully understand the content of the principal contract, the execution and performance of this contract is based on the pledgors real intentions, it has obtained the legal and valid authorization required by its charter or other internal management documents.In cases that the pledgor is the third person and provide the security for the company, he/it has obtained approval by the board of directors or resolutions by the General Meeting of Shareholders in accordance with the articles of association ; in the event of any value limits to the total amount of guarantee or each item, the guarantee fee under this contract does not exceed the prescribed limit under the contract。The execution and performance of this contract does not violate any contract,agreements or other legal documents that bind the pledger,nor violate any laws and regulations the pledgor and the target company should comply with; the pledgor has obtained or will obtain the approval,required license or registration record of the pledge。5.All files,documents, reports and certificates that the pledger provided to the pledgee are accurate, true, complete and effective;6 The pledgor shall exercise the rights of shareholders in order to maintain a positive equity value, without the consent of the pledgee, he/it shall not waive any shareholders rights or any rights or interests under the articles of association . The pledger never hide any real right of security of the pledge property until the sign of this contract.7 If you establish new right of security on the pledged assets, pledged property are involved in litigation or arbitration or coercive measures, the pledgee shall promptly notify the pledgee.Where any following actions the pledge takes shall exert negative influence to the financial conditions or the performance ability, he/it shall obtain the pledgees approval in writing, the pledgees unreasonable refusal is not allowed whereas his/its right shall not be influenced.(1) 出质人对质押财产的出售、交换、抵押、质押、赠与、转让或以任何其他方式处分质押财产的行为。(2) 出质人为第三方提供担保并因此对其财务状况或履行本合同项下义务的能力产生重大不利影响的行为。(3) 出质人签署对出租人履行本合同项下义务的能力有重大不利影响的合同、协议或承担具有这一影响的义务。(4) 自主合同签署之日起至质权人/债权人在主合同项下的债权全部实现为止,如卢森堡公司股权结构发生变化的,包括但不限于:增资、减资、增加新股东等情形。(5) 出质人拟修改卢森堡公司的公司章程的。(1) The selling, exchanging, mortgaging,endowing or alienating of the pledge properties or other actions taken by the pledger to deal with the pledge properties.(2) The pledger s capability for the financial condition and the performance of the obligations under this contract is influenced due to his/its guarantee for the third party; (3) The pledger sign the contracts,agreements or obligations that have adverse effect on the ability to perform the obligation under this contract ; (4) From the date when the contract is signed until all pledge right under the principal contract is realized, eg, Luxembourg company ownership structure undergoes changes, including, but not limited to: capital increase, capital reduction, the addition of new shareholders and other circumstances . (5) the pledgor is proposing to amend the companys articles of association of Luxembourg.8、 本合同履行期限内,质权人根据本合同规定实现质权时拟卖出部分或全部质押财产的,出质人应当给予配合与协助办理相关解除质押手续。 During the performance of the contract, the pledger shall cooperate and assist to deal with the termination of the pledge when the pledgee realize the pledge right and shall sell parts or whole pledge properties.第十三条 缔约过失本合同签订后,出质人拒绝或拖延交付质押财产或拒绝或拖延办理出质登记,或者因为出质人的其它原因,质权不能有效设立的,构成缔约过失,由此使质权人受到损失的,出质人应对质权人所受损失承担赔偿责任。Article 13 :CulpainContrahendo After the signing of this contract, when the the pledge right can not be effectively established and contracting negligence, and losses of the pledgee occurs due to refusing or delaying the delivery of the pledged property of the pledgor, or refusing or delaying of handling pledge registration, or due to other reasons, the pledgor shall be liable for compensation for the loss of the pledgee.第十四条 违约事件及处理下列情况之一即构成出质人在本合同项下违约:1、 出质人违反本合同的约定,擅自转让或以其他任何方式全部或部分处分质押财产;2、 债务人卢森堡公司发生主合同所述的任何违约情形;3、 出质人以任何方式妨碍质权人依法及/或根据本合同有关约定处分质押财产;4、 发生本合同第六条所述质押财产毁损或价值减少的情形,出质人不按质权人的要求提供相应的担保;5、 出质人在本合同中所做的声明不真实或者违反其在本合同中所做的承诺;6、 出质人违反本合同中关于当事人权利义务的其他约定;7、 出质人或债务人卢森堡公司终止营业或者发生解散、撤销、破产、重整或和解、被关闭、被吊销、歇业、合并、分立、组织形式变更事件以及出现其他类似情形;8、 出质人或债务人卢森堡公司发生危及、损害质权人权利、利益的其他事件;9、 出质人在与质权人或中国银行股份有限公司其他机构之间的其他合同项下发生违约事件。Article 14 Events of default and treatment The pledger constitutes the breach of contract if :1. In violation of this Contract, the pledger disposes all or part of the pledged property through unauthorized transfer or in any other way ;2.The debtor Luxembourg companys any breach of the principal contract;3.The pledgors interference with the pledgees dealing with the pledged property in accordance with laws or the relevant conventions of the contract in any other way;4.In the case of the destruction of the pledged properties or an obvious decrease of the value of the pledge in the Article 6, the pledgee does not provide corresponding security according to the pledgees requirements;5.The statement made in this contract is not authentic or violate its commitments made in this Contract;6.The pledger violates other agreements made about the rights and obligations of both parties under this contract;7. In the event that the pledgebr or the debtor Luxembourg company ceases business or in case of dissolution, revocation, bankruptcy, reorganization or settlement, revocation, termination, merger, organizational change events and the emergence of other forms of similar situations;8.Any crisis or other cases that threatens the pledgees right in the pledger /debtor Luxemburg company;9. Any event of default occurs under the contracts between the pledgor and the pledgee or other bodies of the Bank of China.出现前款规定的违约事件时,质权人有权视具体情形采取以下一项或多项措施:1、 要求出质人限期纠正其违约行为;2、 全部、部分调减、中止或终止对出质人的授信额度;3、 全部、部分中止或终止受理出质人在其他合同项下的业务申请;对于尚未发放的贷款、尚未办理的贸易融资,全部、部分中止或终止发放和办理;4、 宣布出质人在其他合同项下尚未偿还的贷款/贸易融资款项本息和其他应付款项全部或部分立即到期; 5、 终止或解除本合同,全部、部分终止或解除出质人与质权人之间的其他合同;6、 在出质人怠于履行本合同约定义务致使未能按时完成股权质押权利完善手续的情形下,每逾期一日向质权人按照主合同总金额万分之【】/日支付违约金,直至完成股权质押权利完善手续;7、 要求出质人赔偿因其违约而给质权人造成的损失;8、 行使质权; 9、 质权人认为必要的其他措施。Where the default in the preceding paragraph occurs, the pledgee has the right to take one of all several measures as follows ; 1.The pledgee shall require the pledger to correct the defaults with time limits; 2. All or part of adjustment, suspension or termination of the pledgers credit line


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