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委 托 代 理 合 同Agreement of Agency 律字第 号 LVZI NO: (以下简称甲方)因与 纠纷一案,委托 律师事务所(以下简称乙方)的律师代理,经双方协议,订立下列各条,共同遵照履行: (hereinafter referred as Party A) here authorizes Law Firm (hereinafter referred as Party B) to be the attorney-at-law in the case of . Both parties agree to enter into agreement on the following terms, and promise to act in accordance with them. 1、 乙方接受甲方的委托,指派 1 位律师为甲方与 宁波优耐特进出口有限公司合同纠纷一案中甲方的第 一、二 审的代理人。 1. Party B hereby needs to appoint One lawyer as Party As agent in the First & Second Instance in the case of contract dispute between Party A and Ningbo Yourlite Imp & Exp Co., Ltd2、 乙方律师必须认真负责,切实维护甲方合法权益,并按时出庭(参与办理相关法律事务)。2. Party B must be responsible, and shall protect the legally rights and interests of Party A. Besides, Party B shall appear in court on schedule, participating in related legal affairs.三、甲方必须如实地向律师陈述案情,提供有关本案证据。乙方接受委托后,发现甲方捏造事实,弄虚作假,有权中止代理,依约所收费用不予退还。3. The evidences, documents and proofs concerned provided by Party A to Party B must be based on real facts. Party B may terminate the Agreement when the evidences, documents and proofs stated are found not authentic, and Party B remains the right to keep the attorney fees under such circumstance.四、因乙方过错而提出终止履行合同,所收费用全部退还甲方;非因乙方过错而终止合同,所收费用不退还。4. The termination of the contract, if caused by the fault of Party B, Party B shall return all the costs and expenses to Party A, but if not caused by the fault of Party B, the expenses will not be returned.五、甲方委托乙方代理的权限为:特别授权(代为承认、放弃、变更、增加诉讼请求,进行调解、和解,提起反诉和上诉,代为签收法律文书等。)5. The Party A specially authorizes Party B to acknowledge, renunciate, change, and add claims, to mediate and reconciliate, to countersue and appeal, and to sign legal documents etc. 六、根据河南省律师服务收费项目和标准之规定,甲方应向乙方缴纳代理费人民币 贰万元整(20000元)。6. According to the Charging Items & Standards of Law Services of Henan Province, Party A needs to pay Party B twenty thousand RMB as agency cost.七、根据律师服务收费管理暂行办法第八条规定,律师因本案外出的伙食补助费、住宿费、交通费由甲方另行支付,案结终了时结算。7. According to the Interim Measures for Law Services Charging Management, Article Eight, other costs of this case for boarding, lodging, transportation, shall be paid by Party A separately, and the costs will be settled when the file is closed.八、本合同有效期限应自签订之日起,至本案本审终结止(判决、调解、案件和解及撤销诉讼)。8. The validity of this contract is from the date of consigning till the end of this instance, including verdict, reconciliation, and lawsuit abatement.九、如一方变更合同条款,需再行协议。 9. If any party wants to amend the agreement terms, negotiation will be needed.甲方: 乙方: Party A: Party B: Law Firm 代理人: gent: 年 月 日 Y-M-D 欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档


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