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. 劳动合同,翻译篇一:劳动合同翻译(中英对照)Labor Contract No. 乙方(劳动者)姓名: 性别: 民族: 文化程度: Party B (laborer) Name: Gender: Nationality: Education degree: 户籍所在地: 省 县 乡(镇) 村 组 Hukou: _(provision) _(county) _township (town)_village _group 乙方身份证号码: ID No. of Party B: 乙方通讯地址: Correspondence address of Party B: 为确立双方的劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,甲乙双方根据劳动法、劳动合同法等法律、法规、规章的规定,经双方平等协商,自愿同意签订本劳动合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款: To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by: 一、 合同期限 I. Contract term 1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为 年(自200 年 月日起至20 年 月 日止),其中试用期为 个月(自 年 月 日起至 年 月日止)。The contract is the fixed-term labor contract, with the contract term of _(years) from (MM DD 200_ to MM DD 20_), herein the probation of the _months( from MM DD YY to MM DD YY). 2、合同期间乙方如参加培训,培训协议约定的工作(服务)期限超过本合同期限的,合同期限变更至培训协议约定的工作(服务)年限满止。 2.During the contract term, if the party B participates the training, and the bonded term of work (service) stipulated under the training agreement are over the contract term, the contract term is extended to the maturity of the agreed work (service) term under the training agreement. 二、工作内容和工作地点 II. Job descriptions and working place 1、乙方同意按甲方工作需要,从事岗位(工种)工作,乙方应保质保量完成该岗位所承担的各项工作内容。乙方的工作地点在海盐县境内, 1. Party B agrees to engage in_(post, work posts) according to needs of the Party A. Party B shall guarantee to finish the various working contents of the posts with quality and quantity. The location of Party B is within the territory of the Hanyan county. 2、甲方可以根据生产和工作需要及乙方的身体状况、工作能力和表现升、降乙方的职务,调整乙方的工作岗位或地点,乙方愿意服从甲方的安排。 Party A may promote or demote the posts of party B and adjust the working post or location of Party B according to production and working needs and the physical condition and working capacity and performance of party B and Party B is willing to accept the arrangement of Party A. 二、 工作时间和休假 III. Working hours and leaves 1、经甲、乙双方协商确认按下列第 条款执行工时制度。 After the mutual consultations of the parties, the working hour system shall be subject to the No._ of the following: A、执行标准工时制度。 Perform the standard work hour system.B、根据本行业的生产经营特点,并经劳动保障部门批准执行综合计算工时制度。 According to the manufacturing and operation feature of the industry, perform the comprehensive working hour system after approval of the labor security department. 2、乙方依法享受国家规定的法定节假日。 Party B is entitled to have the legal holidays stipulated by the country. 四、劳动报酬 IV Labor remuneration 1、乙方提供正常劳动,甲方确保支付乙方基本工资不低于 元/月; Party B provides the normal work and Party A ensures that the basic salary paid to Party B shall not be lower than RMB _Yuan/month. 2、执行定额计件工资制的,按多劳多得原则计算工资。加班加点按规定支付乙方加班工资。 Regarding those who exercise the piece wage, their wage shall be based on the principle of “more pay for more work”. Overtime work of Party B shall be paid according to the rule. 3、如执行点率(考核)或年薪工资制,按绩效考核结果计算工资。 If the point (review) or the annual pay salary system is performed, the salary shall be calculated according to the result of the performance appraisal. 4、乙方在试用期间的工资为 元/月。 The salary of Party B during probation is RMB _Yuan/M. 5、甲方根据实际经营状况、内部规章制度、对乙方的考核结果,以及乙方的工作年限、奖惩记录、岗位变化等,调整乙方的工资水平,但不得低于国家规定的最低工资标准。 Party A may adjust the salary level of Party B according to the operation condition, internal rules system, appraisal result, work tenure, punishment and rewards records and change of the post of Party B etc. but it shall not be lower than the salary standards stipulated by the country. 6、甲方以货币形式按月支付乙方工资。 Party A shall pay the salary of Party B by month in currency. 五、劳动纪律 V Labor discipline 1、 乙方对甲方依法制定的规章制度已经熟知,并严格遵照执行。 Party B has been aware of the rules and regulations of Party B stipulated according to the law and abide by it strictly. 2、 乙方应遵守职业道德,不得损害甲方利益。Party B shall abide by the professional ethics which shall not injure the interests of Party A. 六、社会保险和福利待遇 VI Social insurance and welfare 1、甲方按国家和地方政策规定为乙方办理社会保险有关手续,并承担相应的义务。 Party A shall deal with the relevant formalities of social security for Party B according to the country and local policies and take up the relevant liabilities. 2、乙方的福利待遇按国家及甲方的规定执行。The welfare of Party B shall be subject to the rules of the country and Party A. 七、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防治 VII Labor protection, labor condition and occupational harm prevention and cure 1、甲方根据生产岗位的需要,按照国家有关劳动安全、卫生的规定为乙方配备必要的安全防护措施,发放必要的劳保用品。 Party A shall equip Party B with the necessary safety protection measures and issue the necessary labor protection articles according to the needs of the post and the rules of the labor safety and hygiene.2、乙方在劳动过程中应当严格遵守安全操作规程,严禁违章作业,防止劳动过程中的事故,减少职业危害,并应自觉爱护甲方的工具等财产。 During the labor process, Party B shall abide by the safety operation procedure to prevent the accidents during the labor process, decrease the occupational harm and consciously protect the assets such as the tools of the Party A. It is strictly forbidden to make the operation by violating the rules. 3、甲方应当建立、健全职业病防治责任制度,加强对职业病防治的管理,提高职业病防治水平。Party A shall set up and optimize the occupational disease cure responsibility system, enforce the management over the occupational disease and promote the cure level of the occupational disease. 八、教育与培训 VIII. Education and training 甲方应当依据国家有关职业教育与就业准入的有关规定以及本单位的实际情况,为乙方提供职业教育和技能培训。乙方参加培训应按规定与甲方另行签订培训协议。 Party A shall provide Party B with the occupational education and skill training according to the actual condition of the Company and relevant rules of the country on the occupational education and post permit. Party B shall enter into the training agreement with Party A additionally for the training taken. 九、劳动合同的解除、变更、终止 IX. Revocation, modification and termination of the labor contract 1、甲乙双方解除、变更、终止、续订劳动合同应当依照劳动合同法和国家及省、市等有关规定执行。 If the parties revoke, modify, terminate and extent the labor contract, they shall perform them according to the relevant rules of the Labor Contract Law and the country, province and city etc. 3、经甲乙双方协商一致,可变更合同相关内容,变更劳动合同,应当采用书面形式。 After the mutual consultations of the parties, the contract may be modified in writing.篇二:中英互译劳动合同 劳动合同(中英文) 雇主 Employer 法人代表 Legal representative 职位: Position :presdent 住址:邮政编码: Address: post code 雇员: Employee 名字 : 性: Name :gender 住址: 国籍: Address:nationality 身份证号: Id card no: 出生日期: Date of birthday 教育程度: Education degree 本合同在符合中华人民共和国法律基础上,本着相互平等基础上签署劳动雇用合同。 The contract is singed on a mutuality voluntary basis by and between the following Employer and Emploee in accordance with the Labour Law of Peoples republic of China” 1. 合约期限: Term of the contract: 合约期限为 年。自 年 月 日 至 年 月 日。 The term of this contract is for years and shall commence on , ,and shall continue until , 2. 工作描述: Job Description: 雇主同意雇用先生/ms (名字)当做 (职称)在 位于 。 The employer agrees to employMr/ms. (name) as (job title) in located in (office location and city) 3.薪金待遇: Rwmuneration of labour A.雇主将按中华人民共和国法律每月支付雇员工资 (人民币)。 The salary of the employee is RMB per month。 B如果薪水发生的延迟或违约发生,雇主将按照有关法律条例赔偿其工资以外的经济损失。 the salary as the employee shall be monthly paid by the employer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations o P.R.C. C.雇主提供雇员的食宿。并承担每年的探亲往返机票。The employer pay for the accommodation. And the employer support the every 4 month to back to visit family. 4 工作时间、休息、假期 Working Hours & Rest &vocation A 雇员的正常工作时间将每个日子是八个小时,排除午餐和休息时间。平均每星期五天,平均每星期40小时。 the normal working hours of the Employee shall be eight hours each day, excluding meals and rest for an average of five days per week, For an average of forty hours per week. B根据公司规定雇员享有所有带薪法定假日。 the employee is entitled to all legal holidays and other paid leaves of absence in accordance with he laws and regulations of P.R.C. and companys work rules. C雇主可能会根据工作需要扩充工作时间。但是时间天通常将不会超过一天三小时。总延长时间在一月内不超过三十六个小时。 the employer may extend working hours due t the requirement of its production or business , but the extended working hour for a day shall generally not exceed three hours a day. However the total extension in a month shall not exceed thirty-six hours. 5 雇员纪律: labour discipline a.雇用期间雇员必须按照雇主的管理条例及国家有关法律法规操作。违反规定雇主将有权按照公司及国家有关法律规定对雇员进行相关处罚。 .the employer may draft bylaws and labour disciplines of the company, according to which the employer shall have the right to give rewards or take disciplinary actions to the employee B雇员有义务在雇用期间为雇主的商业机密进行保密。 the employee shall undertake the obligation to keep and not to disclose the trade secret for the employer during the period of this contract。 C 雇主有权使用雇员在工作期间的有关肖像权。 The employee accept the employer to use the right of his portrait. 6 合同的终止、修改和更新延续。 termination, modification renew and discharge of the contract A合同有关条款会根据以下情况进行更改: The relevant clause of the contract may be modified by the parties: a 不可抗力所致使合约无法正常运行。 Due to the force majeure, the contract can not executed . b在本合约签署之后有关的法律和规则被修正或废止。 The relevant laws and regulations have been modified or abolished by the time of signing the contract. B 有以下情形之一的雇主应该提前三十天以书面形式通知雇员后方可解除本合同。 The contract may be terminated by the employer by giving notice in written from 30(thirty)days in advance a、生病或者被伤害医疗期满后仍不能胜任工作的。The employee fails ill or is injured to (other than due to work)and after completion of medical treatment ,is not able to perform his previous function or any other function the employer assigns to him b、雇员不能胜任本岗位工作,经雇主培训或调整后仍不能胜任工作的。 The employee does not show satisfactory performance and after training and adjusting mensures is still not able to perform satisfactorily; c、雇员严重的违犯雇主的有关规定或违反有关法律条例的。 The employee seriously neglects his duty engages in malpractice for selfish ends and brings significant loss to the employer. C 雇员要求解除本合同,应提前30天以书面形式通知雇主,但有下列情形之一的,顾员可以随时解除本合同。 The contract may be discharged by the employee by giving notice in written from 30(thirty)days in advance. However the employee may inform the employer to discharge the contract at random following occasions a、顾方以暴力、威胁或非法限制人身自由等手段强迫劳动的。 The employer force the employee to work by violence, duress or illegal restriction to physical reedom; b、顾方不按照合同中有关条例支付雇员工资的。 The employer does nor pay the remuneration of the employee accordance with the relevant clause in the contract; D 除以上条款,有下列情况之一的顾方不得解除本合同。 The employer cant terminated the contract at random following occasions. a、患职业病或因工负伤并被确认丧失或部分丧失劳动能力。 the employee is ill with occupational disease or injured due to work and has been a utheticated fully or partly disabled by the labor authentication commission 。 b、雇员患病或非因工负伤在规定的医疗期内的。 the employee is ill or injured (other than due to work) and is within the period of medical leave provided for by applicable PRC law and regulations and company policy; c、女职工在孕期、产期、浦乳期内的。 the employee is woman who is pregnant on maternity on maternity leave or nursing a baby under one year of age。 d、法律规定的其他情形。 he applicable PRC laws and regulations otherwise prohibit the termination of this contract 7 违约责任 Breach liabilities 如果由于一方过失导致违约责任由违约方承担全部责任。如果由于双方过失导致违约责任产生,将视具体形式分担责任。 A. due to either partys fault if breaching the contract that party shall undertake the breath liability according to the extent to the performance of the contract ;if the parties both breach the contract ,they shall undertake its separate liability according to the concrete situation. 如果一方导致违约责任而伤及另一方利益。违约方须按照法律及合约有关内容赔偿另一方损失。 due to either partys fault ,if breaching the contract to damage the other party .the damage shouldbe compensated by the faulty party accordance with the relevant laws and regulation 雇员企图解除合同。并且已经接受顾方培训的须返还全部培训费用。 the employee wants to design and has received training provided by the employer the employee shall compensate for the training cost. 8 labor disputes 劳动争论 在履行本合同发生争议时。可在争议发生起六十日内到有管辖权的劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的,可自收到仲裁决定之日起十五日内按规定向人民法院提起诉讼。 Where a labor dispute between the parties takes place during the performance of this contract, the parties concerned may seek for a settlement through consultation; or either party may apply to the labor dispute mediation committee of their unit for mediation; if the mediation fails and one of the parties requests for arbitration ,that party may apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration within 60 days starting from the date of the occurrence of a labor dispute. if one of the parties is not satisfied with the adjudication of arbitration, the party may bring the case to a peoples court 15 days of the date of receiving the ruling of arbitration. 雇主 (盖章) Employer(official stamp) 职员 employee 代表: 住址 Representative: address 日期 : Date : 仲裁机构; Authority;篇三:劳动合同翻译 l劳动合同翻译,劳动合同范本翻译,中英文对照 合同书 Contract 甲方 Party A: 乙方, Party B, 生效日期: 2005年7月17日 The effective date: July 17, 2006 甲方. Party A: 法定代表人 Legal representative: 注册地址北京市朝阳区东三环中路z;10 号艾维克大厦707 室 The registered address: Room 707, The Ivic Building, No. z;10, Dong San Huan Zhong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 邮编100022 电话: Postcode 100022Telephone number: 乙方, Party B, 性别: 男文化程度: 大学本科 Gender: Male Degree of education: Bachelors degree 出生日期1976 年03 月23 日 Date of birth: March 23, 1976 在甲方工作起始时间: 2006 年07 月17 日 The starting time of working for Party A: July 17, 2006 家庭住址: Home address: 邮政编码: 100000 联系电话: Postal code: 100000Contact telephone number: 身份证号码: ID number: 户口所在地:北京省(市) 区(县) 街道(乡镇) The registered permanent residence place: Street (village and town), District (county), Beijing province (city) 根据中华人民共和国劳动法及北京市政府的有关规定甲、乙双方经卒等协商,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。In accordance with “the labor law of the Peoples Republic of China” and the related regulations of Beijing municipal government, through the equality negotiation, and based on the willingness, the two parties sign this contract and agree together to observe all the articles listed in this contract 一、劳动合同期限 Term of the labor contract 第一条本合同为无固定期限劳动合同。 Article 1: This contract is an unfixed termlabor contract 本合同于2006 年7 月17 日生效,其中试用期至2007 年1 月16 日止。在试用期期间,任何一方无需特殊理由,均可终止合同。 This contract goes into effect on July 17, 2006, in which, the probation period is until January 16, 2007. In the probation period, either party can terminate the contract with no special reason. 二、工作内容 Job contents 第二条甲方聘用乙方担任本公司产品安全及质量部门项目工程师职务,从事与甲方公司经营有关之工作乙方保证有能力及愿意从事上述工作。对任职后之工作内容与职务,甲方可因工作需要和Z 方的能力表现调动之。乙方亦有反映本人意见的权利 Article 2: Party A hires Party B to hold post of the project engineer of the product safety and quality department of our company and to be engaged in the work related to the company business of Party A. Party B ensures having ability to be engaged in the above work. For the job content and positionafter holding the post, the position of Party A can be transferred due to the needs of the work and the ability performance of Party B. Party B also has the right to report the personal opinions. 第三条经双方协商后,乙方应按照甲方确定的岗位责任,按时、按质、接量完成工作。 Article 3: After through the negotiation of the both parties, Party B shall finish the work according to the responsibility of the post, with the quality and quantity defined by Party A 三、工作条件 Working conditions 第四条甲方需为乙方提供符合国家规定的安全卫生的工作环境,保证乙方在人身安全及人体不受危害的环境条件下从事工作。 Article 4: Party A shall provide the safety and health working environment which accord with the national regulation for Party B, ensure Party B working in environmental condition of safety and the human body not being damaged. 第五条甲方提供乙方必要之设备及场所进行工作。工作时间、工作内容、工作质量要求悉由甲方指派与规定。 Article 5: The necessary equipment,working time, working content, working quality requirements that Party A provides for Party B shall be assigned and stipulated by Party A 第六条乙方愿全力为甲方效力,不再兼职于其他企业或单位,亦不以亘接或间接的方式损害甲方或损害甲方的人事、财务、信用、资讯、知识产权等。任职期间与职务相联系的或利用公司其他资源条件的所为研究、发明、制作、设计、改良、生产等全属甲方公司所有因而获得之专利权/著作权亦完全归属甲方所有。Article 6: Party B is willing to do the best to work for Party B, and shall not do the part-time job in the other enterprises or units, and also not indirect or indirect damage Party A or damage the personnel, finance, credit, information, intellectual property rights and etc of Party A. During the tenure, all the research, invention, production, design, improvement, production and etc made relating to the position or by using the company or other resource condition shall all belong to the property of Party A, and the patent/copyright obtained from it are all belonging to Party B. 四、劳动报酬 Payment of labor 第七条甲方每月25 日以货币形式支付乙方工资,月工资为税前人民币主8,000.元。甲方将根据公司的经营状况,地方的物价指数,员工个人及工作小组的表现,每年对乙方的工资作适当的调整。此外,乙方每年将获得一次双薪。 Article 7: In 25 every month, Party A shall pay the salary to Party B in the monetary form. The monthly salary is pre-tax RMB 8000 Yuan. Party A shall be according to company performance, local price index, and the performance of staff personal and work group, make the appropriate adjustment for the salary. In addition, Party B shall get double pay once yearly. 第8条保险福利待遇甲乙双方按国家和北京市的规定参加社会保险。甲方为乙方缴纳国家规定的社会统筹保险和住房公积金。 Article 8: Insurance welfare and remuneration: Both parties shall participate in the social insurance in accordance with the regulations of the state and of Beijing. Party A shall pay social insurance and housing fund prescribed by the state for Party B 第九条甲方为乙方办理有关社会保险手续。 Article 9: Party A shall handle the relevant social insurance formalities for Party B th欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档精选资料


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