青海省2019年英语六年级下册Module6 单元测试卷B卷

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青海省2019年英语六年级下册Module6 单元测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Would you like some cakes, Allen? ( )Yes, please. And I also want some water. Im so _!AtiredBlazyChungryDthirsty2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AtoyBheavyCfruit3 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ApresentBtreeCcome4 . _ your sister at home last night? ( )AWereBDidCWasDDoes5 . 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。( )1、A. lastB. afternoon C. morning( )2、A. poolB. hospital C. swim( )3、A. wereB. have C. was( )4、A. doctor B. nurse C. train( )5、A. hereB. this C. there6 . _ names are Sam and Amy. ( )ATheyBTheirCIts7 . We _ the moon and eat moon cakes. ( )AwatchBseeClook8 . Its in the north _ Hangzhou. ( )AonBinCof9 . Where _you _ ten years ago? ( )Adid; liveBdid; livedCdo; live10 . I can _ Chinese and English. ( )AtellBsayCspeak二、任务型阅读阅读理解,读短文判断正(T)误(F)。This is a picture. Its a picture of my bedroom. Look at it please. What can you see in the picture? I can see a bed, a desk and a chair. What can you see on the wall? I can see a map and a kite. What map is it? Its a map of China. I can see a light, some books and some flowers on the desk. Where are my coats and trousers? They are in the box. You cant see them.11 . This is a picture of a classroom. (_)12 . I can see a map of China on the wall. (_)13 . The light is in the desk. (_)14 . I can see the coats in the box. (_)15 . I cant see any trousers. (_)三、英译汉16 . 英译汉:trick or treat _17 . Read and translate:My sister is reading a book. (_)四、汉译英汉译英。18 . 衣服;服装_19 . 裤子_20 . 帽子_21 . 连衣裙_22 . 女裙_23 . 外衣_24 . 毛衣_25 . 短袜_翻译。26 . 一年有几个月?十二个月_27 . 今天的天气怎么样?_28 . 今天星期几?_29 . 你喜欢几月?_30 . 你多高?一米五。_翻译下列句子。31 . 你要去看什么?_32 . 我们打算去看狮子和老虎。_33 . 你这周五打算去干什么?_根据中文提示,把句子补充完整。34 . Good _(早上好).35 . Whats your _(名字)?36 . Do you_(喜欢)your drawing class?37 . I am a _(学生).38 . How _ are you? (你几岁了?)39 . She can_(弹钢琴) very well.汉译英。40 . 在圣诞节_41 . 买些礼物_42 . 在树下玩_43 . 看起来伤心_44 . 他怎么了?_45 . 唱圣诞歌_46 . 我是小小翻译家:喝豆浆_根据汉语提示补全句子。47 . _ season do you like best? (你最喜欢哪个季节?)48 . My birthday is on _ 4th. (我的生日在4月4日。)49 . Is she _ water? (她正在喝水吗?)50 . Talk _. (小声讲话。)51 . _ your desk clean. (保持你的课桌干净。)52 . 汉译英。1. 秋天是一年中的第三个季节。_2. 冬天是第四个季节。_3. 天气很冷,而且经常下雪。_4. 摘苹果_5. 收割水稻_6. 堆雪人_7. 扫雪_53 . 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 他将在床上待两天。He is going to _ in bed _ two days.2. 我们打算下周去北京。Were _ to Beijing _ week.3. 刘涛将在家开一个生日聚会。Liu Tao will have a _ at home.4. 这学期什么时候结束?_ this term _ to end?5. 莉莉将为晚会做些什么?_ Lily going to _ at the party?54 . 翻译下列句子1. 有一天,一个农夫在田野上耕作。_2. 突然一只兔子跑得飞快撞上了一棵树。_3. 他把兔子烹饪了,吃了一顿美味大餐。_4. 不要学那个农夫。_五、英汉混合英汉互译。55 . how much _56 . try it on _57 . for sale_58 . of course _59 . just right_60 . 给你_61 . 太大了_62 . 7号尺码的_63 . 我的太阳镜_64 . 那双手套_六、判断题判断下列对话与图片是(T)否(F)一致。65 . Do you often read books in this park?Yes, I do. (_)66 . What would you like to eat?A sandwich, please.(_)67 . Whats she like?She is shy.(_)68 . What do you have on Mondays?We have maths, English and music. (_)69 . What would you like? Id like some pears.(_)看图片,判断正(T)误(F)。70 . Is this coat yours, Sarah? Yes, its mine. (_)71 . Wu Yifans pants are green. (_)72 . I like that dress. (_)73 . 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。( ) 1. My cap is on the desk.( ) 2. They are laughing.( ) 3. The boy is shouting.( ) 4. They are playing baseball.( ) 5. Im hungry.74 . 判断所给句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。( )(1)The bird is flying.( )(2)We are looking at some ducks.( )(3)The sun is shining.( )(4)The birds are singing in the tree.( )(5)Its raining.( )(6)There are some sandwiches.75 . 判断下列句子正(T)误(F):Daming is drawing a picture of a flower. (_)七、选内容补全对话76 . 补全对话(Tom is a bus conductor. A TV journalist is interviewing him. )Journalist: Welcome to our show. Tom: Thank you. Journalist: Whats your job?Tom: 1. _Journalist: Do you like your job?Tom: 2. _Journalist: What does your mother do?Tom: Shes a teacher. Journalist: 3. _Tom: Hes a police officer. Journalist: Could you please tell us about your day? 4. _Tom: At about 4:50. Journalist: 5. _Tom: I sell the tickets, of course. I read news to passengers and give weather reports, too. Journalist: Thank you for coming to our show. AYes, I do.BWhen do you get up every day?CWhat do you do on the bus?DWhat does your father do?EIm a bus conductor.八、连词成句连词成句。77 . picnic on family with often I go a my (.)_78 . grows potatoes brown grandma (.)_79 . like you do summer (?)_80 . I class a always Sundays dancing take on (.)_81 . flowers there everywhere are beautiful (.)_连词成句。82 . your, what, is, name _(?)83 . to, point, chair, the_(.)84 . many, how, black, dogs_(?)85 . down, please, sit_(.)86 . yellow, cap, it, a, is_(.)连词成句。87 . a, I, boy,am,(. )_88 . friend, he,my, is, (. )_89 . is, he,teacher, a, (. )_90 . are,from,where,you, (?)_91 . is, a, student, she, new, (. )_连词成句。92 . your, is, what, sport, favorite_?93 . play, to, you, every day, sports, need_.94 . your, for, sports, health, are, good_.95 . 连词成句。(1)for do What you the can party(?)(2)do wear to go What you swimming(?)(3)than My longer pencil hers is(. )第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、任务型阅读1、三、英译汉1、2、四、汉译英1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、五、英汉混合1、六、判断题1、2、3、4、5、七、选内容补全对话1、八、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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