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辽宁省2019-2020年度六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题从下列每组单词中选出画线部分读音不同的一项。1 . AcakeBgrapeCapple2 . AandBmakeCskate3 . AMathsBtableChat4 . AcatBfatClate5 . AnameBfatherCskate6 . Did she _noodles?( )AcookBcooksCcooked7 . Long long ago, there _ any animals in the forest. ( )AwasBwereCwerent8 . Her hair _ very long. ( )AareBisCwere9 . Dont _ the animals at the zoo. ( )AareBfeedChave10 . 单词辩音。【小题1】AblouseBoutCmouseDyoung【小题2】AnowBbrownCsnowDcow【小题3】AnearBbearChearDyear【小题4】AbirdBskirtCshirtDsister【小题5】AwordBshortCsportDhorse11 . The man is blind. ( )ABC12 . There _ an apple and two bananas on the table ten minutes ago. ( )AisBareCwasDwere在下列选项中选出发音不同的那一项。13 . AplateBmanChappyDrabbit14 . AnoteBstopCcoffeeDhot15 . AkiteBlikeCbikeDfish16 . AcousinBaboutChouseDhow17 . AcomputerBmusicCuseDuncle18 . ApearBthereCwhereDhere19 . AshirtBherCskirtDruler20 . AsweaterBsweetCbreadDbreakfast21 . AgoodBcookCfootballDcool22 . AfineBhillCniceDmine23 . Whose grapes are they? ( )Theyre _.AHelenBHelensCHelens选出每组不同类的单词或词组。24 . AseasonBsummerCspring25 . AweatherBcoldCwarm26 . AgreenBseasonCyellow27 . AjeansBT-shirtChave28 . Ago skiingBgo campingCsummer从下列每组单词中选出画线部分读音不同的一项。29 . ASaturdayBmakeCmatch30 . AcakeBskateCbad31 . AdadBsadCgrape32 . AplayBcatChappy33 . AhaveBbagCtake34 . Is there a shop around here? ( )Yes, _ .Ait isBthere isntCthere is35 . Well visit Tower Bridge in _. ( )ANew YorkBSydneyCShanghaiDLondon36 . There a big house and some sheep on the farm ten years ago. ( )AisBwasCwere37 . A: Im tired. B:_ALets go to the hospital.BShall we go home?CWhy dont you go to bed?DHeres a sweater for you.38 . Lets help our teacher Miss Liu carry the box. ( )_.AThats OK.BThats right.CThats a great idea.DThats all right.二、完形填空39 . 完形填空。(每小题0.5分,共5分)a fine day, an ant was carrying some food home when hea grasshopper.“Hello, Brother Ant! You areso hard . Its a fine day today. Come over here. Lets sing and play together.”“No, Sister Grasshopper , I really havetime to sing and play.” Said the ant. “I must prepare(准备)food for the winter ,and I hope youll do the same.”The grasshopperand,“Winter is still far away . Ill have lots of time tofood later. Life is short. We must enjoy ourselves when we are young.”The ant saw the grasshopper would not listenhim, so he went on his way.Soon the winter. There was snow everywhere. The ant was happy because he had a lot of food. But the grasshopper was cold and. She didnt eat anything for days. Before she died(死了), she said sadly, “Now I know it is best to prepare today for the needs of tomorrow. Dont do the things like me.”(1)A.on B. At C.In(2)A. see B. saw C. sees(3)A. playingB.singing C. working(4)A. lots of B. no C.much(5)A. laugh B. laughs C.laughed(6)A. says B. sayed C. said(7)A. look for B. cook C. buy(8)A. to B. at C.with(9)A. come B. came C. is coming(10)A. thirsty B. tired C. hungry三、单词拼写40 . 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. She will show us the rooms in her h_.2. My mother makes breakfast in the k_.3. My bedroom is on the second f_.4. My brother likes to do his homework in the s_. 5. There is a t_ in the bathroom.四、排序题41 . 排出最佳顺序(_)Its warm today. Lets play football.(_) Are they under the bed?(_)No, they arent.(_)Great!(_)Where are my shoes?42 . 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使之成为一段对话AIs that women your mother?BHe is my father.CYes. She is my mother.DWho is he?EShe is beautiful!FHello, Nancy. Look at my pictures!_五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Mike has a bad tooth. It hurts very much. His mother takes him to see the dentist. The dentist pulls out(拔掉)the bad tooth. Then, he asks Mikes mother for fifty yuan.“Fifty yuan? Why? I should give you only ten yuan for a tooth!” Mikes mother is very angry.“Thats right,” says the dentist, “But when(当时)I pulled out the tooth for your son, he cried(喊叫)too terribly. Four patients(病人)were too afraid and they left(离开), so you should give me forty yuan for that.”43 . Mike has a toothache. (_)44 . Mikes father take him to the hospital. (_)45 . Mike cries when the dentist pulls out his tooth. (_)46 . Mikes mother is very happy. (_)47 . The four patients are too afraid, son they leave. (_)阅读理解。My brother and I look very different. I have brown eyes and he has blue eyes. We both have brown hair, but Im tall and thin. Hes short and heavy. I dont like my brother, but we have the same hobby. I like playing tennis. My brother likes it, too. We both like desserts very much. We are good friends.48 . My brother look likes me. (_)49 . My brother is short and fat. (_)50 . We both like playing tennis. (_)51 . Our hair is brown. (_)52 . I dont like desserts. (_)六、选内容补全对话53 . 补全对话,将正确句子的编号填在横线上。A Whats your sisiters job? B Is your grandma a nurse,tooC What are your parentss job? D How many people are there in your family?E No,she isnt.A:B:Six. My parents,my grandpa,my grandma,my sister and me.A:B:My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse.A:B:Shes a driver.A:B: Shes a student.七、匹配题英汉匹配。A八十分B跑得快C在天空中D第一个迷E跳的真高54 . run fast (_)55 . jump really high (_)56 . eighty points (_)57 . in the sky(_)58 . first fan (_)八、看图题59 . 根据下面图片写出单词。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _九、连线题60 . Read and match.1. He wasnt tall then.A他们那时很年轻。2. They were very young then. B他们那时还不是朋友。3. She is beautiful. C他那时个子不高。4. They werent friends then.D现在她的头发很长。5. Her hair is long now.E她很漂亮。十、书面表达61 . 书面表达六一儿童节快到了!你记忆中的儿童节有哪些愉快的经历呢?根据下面的图片写一篇短文告诉我们吧。_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、完形填空1、三、单词拼写1、四、排序题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、看图题1、九、连线题1、十、书面表达1、

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