英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday!练习卷

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英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday!练习卷_第1页
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英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday!练习卷_第2页
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英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 Let's have fun this Saturday!练习卷_第3页
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英语四年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 Lets have fun this Saturday!练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题给句子选择相应的译文。1 . 有多少支钢笔?( )AThere are two pens.BHow many pens are there?2 . 请数一数尺子。( )APlease count the rulers.BI like rulers.3 . 有十七支铅笔。( )AThere are seventeen pencils.BHow many pencils?4 . 有多少颗星星?( )AFourteen stars.BHow many stars are there?5 . 它有强壮的鱼鳍。( )AI have fifteen books.BIt has strong fins.6 . Lets _ a dance party this Sunday! ( )AhaveBhavingCto have7 . We can _ to music after class. ( )AlisteningBto listenClisten8 . The lost child was at last _ sent to his parents by a kind man. ( )AsecureBsecurelyCsafeDsafety9 . _ paint a picture. ( )ALetBLetsCLets10 . Li Ming is getting ready _home next week.( )AgoBto goCgoes11 . What happenedyour head?( )AinBtoCat12 . Lets _TV! ( )AwatchBwatchesCwatched13 . - What _ you do in summer vacation? ( )- Ill go swimming.AwouldBwillCcan二、填空题14 . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Would you like _(some) pears? Yes ,please.2. How many _( toy) do you have ?3. Can you _(play) football? Yes , I can .4. What about _(some) cakes? No , thanks.三、单词拼写15 . 看图写词1. There _ a _ room. 2. She likes _. 3. His father is a _. 4. You are so _. 16 . What are they doing? Theyre _(正在划龙舟).17 . 根据情景写短语。Tom是个好学生,每天六点就 (起床) (1) _。(按时) (2) _ 校不 (迟到) (3) _ 放学之后 (做作业) (4) _ 九点之前 (上床睡觉) (5) _,早睡早起身体好。18 . 单词拼写。【小题1】Tom can _.19 . _(Eat/Drink)some rice .20 . He is good at _ (唱歌).21 . I will _ (买) some fruit in the shop.按要求写词。22 . does not(缩写形式)_23 . noodle(复数)_24 . eat(动名词)_25 . health(形容词)_26 . vegetable(复数)_27 . have(第三人称单数形式)_28 . sweet(复数)_29 . a lot of(同义词)_30 . like(第三人称单数形式)_31 . egg(复数)_32 . 根据图片,补全短语:_ the paper33 . 写单词。1.风扇_2.电灯_3.明亮的_4.关上(门窗等)_5.关掉(电灯等)_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的打写“F”。Dingding will be 10 years old. His parents are going to have a birthday party for him this Saturday. Lets go and join the birthday party. The party will begin at 11 oclock in the morning. Well have lunch in his house. We can play games, watch movies and play cards etc. Dingdings house is at 56 North Street. It is close to the Garden Supermarket. Lets meet at the supermarket at 10:50.34 . Dingding is going to have a birthday party this Saturday. (_)35 . Children will go to the park. (_)36 . Children will meet at Dingdings home. (_)五、汉译英37 . 汉语翻译成英语1.银行在图书馆的旁边。_2.我们将在上午10点到那儿。_3.在那里见!_4.我们可以在公园的东边踢足球。_38 . 让我们一起画张画吧! _ a picture together!六、改错39 . Choose and correct:The boy will writesan English report.(_)_A B C40 . 看图修改错误,将正确的写在横线上。(1) (2) (3)This is a girl. This is a teacher. This is a boy._ _ _41 . Choose and correct:Whatdo you do tomorrow? (_)_A B C42 . 找出错误并在横线上改正:We cansingon the west of the park.(_)_A B C43 . 找出下列句中的错误并改正。1. Can I speak to Miss Liu?_2. I has a bad cold._3. My mum takes me to see a doctor._4. Dont worry your lessons._44 . Read, think and circle the wrong word: Stand on, Linda.七、看图题根据图片及上下文,写出问句或答句。45 . What did Amy do yesterday? _46 . What does your uncle do?_47 . Whats your hobby? _48 . _? We went to Harbin by air.49 . _ last weekend? I went hiking with my friends.50 . 看图片,回答问题。1 .-Whats wrong with him?- He drinks too much _2 .-Whats wrong with him?-_.3 .-Whats wrong with him?-_.4 .-Whats good for her?-_.5 .-Whats wrong with them?-They dont have _.根据图片内容写相应的动词短语。51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . 看图, 填写单词,完成对话。1. A: Look! How many apples?B: _.2. A: I have a new bag.B: _?A: Its twenty yuan.3. A: Is this a shirt?B: No, _. Its a vest.A: What color is it?B: _.八、连词成句连词成句。把每小题所给的单词连成语意正确的句子。56 . what, you, weekend, did, do, last (?)_57 . is, me, thinner, John, than (.)_58 . was, your, holiday, how, summer, (?)_59 . go, you, where, did, Sunday, last(?)_60 . fishing, I, father, my, went, with (.)_61 . 连词成句。(1)your, sister, what, does, do (?)_(2)father, my, a policeman, is (.)_(3)works, at, home, my, mother (.)_(4)an, English, teacher, is, your, brother, too(?)_(5)doctors, sick, people, help (.)_(6)brother, your, has, nice, car, a (.)_62 . 连词成句:one older year you I am than (.)_九、连线题63 . 将下列图片选择合适的对话相连。(1) AShow me one blue pencil, please. Sure.(2) BWhats this? Its a tiger.(3) CWhat colour is it? Its yellow.(4) DThe bird is red.(5) E. What colour is it? Its black.(6) F. How many are there? Four.64 . 连一连搭配组合。1. Its time for rest, children.A喝点水吧。2. Have a drink.B孩子,休息时间到了!3. Great !Im thirsty.C我喜欢喝水。4. What do you like?D我喜欢喝葡萄汁。5. I like water.E好的!我口渴了。6. I like grape juice.F你喜欢喝什么呢?65 . Read and match.1. There is a shop next to our school.A我们学校见!2. Lets meet at school.B我们可以在那儿游泳。3. Look at our Chinese newspaper.C我们学校旁边有一个商店。4. We can have a swim there.D看我们的中文报。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、填空题1、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、2、六、改错1、2、3、4、5、6、七、看图题1、2、3、4、八、连词成句1、2、3、九、连线题1、2、3、

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