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英语五年级下册小升初专项训练:情景交际姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . 当你想表达最喜欢吃冰淇淋时,你应该说:_AMy favourite food is ice cream.BWhat about ice cream?CWhat would you like to eat?8. potatoes 9. classes 10. bananas2 . 你想询问“这些是胡萝卜吗”,应该这样问:( )AAre these carrots?BAre they carrots?3 . 当你的橡皮不见了,你想找的时候,你会说:“_” ( )ALook at my eraser.BLook after my eraser.CLook for my eraser.4 . 情景交际。1.如果你想问Qiqi正在做什么,你应该说:_2.如果你想知道她喜欢打篮球吗,你应该说:_5 . 你看见一只红色的狗时,会说: _( )AIts a black dog.BIts a red dog.6 . 晚饭已经做好了,妈妈应该说:( )ADinner is good.BDinner is ready.7 . 你想告诉好友你们有一间新教室,可以说:( )AWe have a new classroom.BWe have a big classroom.8 . 奶奶问你将怎样去北京,她应说:_( )AHow will you go to Beijing?BHow is the weather in Beijing?9 . 当你想问妈妈买了多少奶酪,你会说:( )AHow much cheese did you buy?BHow many cheese did you buy?10 . 你想知道这是谁的玩具,应该这样问:( )A Which toy is it?B Whose toy is it?11 . 怎么询问对方想不想喝牛奶? ( )AWould you like some tea?BDo you like some milk?CWould you like some milk?12 . 你告诉朋友你以前的个子很矮时,你可以这样对他说:_ ( )AI am very short.BI was very short.CI am shorter.13 . “黑色长发”用英文表达,应该说:“_”。 ( )Along black hairBblack long hairCblack and long hair14 . 你想说“厨房里有一张桌子”你应这样说:( )AThere is a table in the kitchen.BThere is a desk in the bathroom15 . 当你想让别人看这张图片时,你说:ALook the picture.BLook at the picture.CSee the picture.16 . 你想告诉朋友马正在跳舞,应说:_ ( )AThe horse is dancing.BThe elephant is singing.17 . 如果你要告诉你的朋友你住在北京,你可以说:_( )AI live in Beijing.BBeijing is a big city.18 . 当你想知道那是谁时,你应这样问: _ ( )AWho is that?BWho are these?19 . 要表达“看那只长颈鹿”,你应该说;( )ALook at the giraffe.BIts a giraffe.CThis is a giraffe.DLook at that giraffe.20 . Can I try them on?_(OK,here,are)21 . 你向别人提供帮助,你会说:ACan I help you?BCan you help me?CWait and see.22 . 墙壁上有很多图片。AThere are many pictures on the wall.BThere is a picture behind the wall.23 . 上课了,老师请同学们坐下,该如何表达?( )APlease stand up.BPlease sit down.CDont sit down.24 . 吃些鱼肉吧。你怎么说:_AHere are fishBHave some fish.25 . 你想买一个书包,应该怎样问价钱?( )AHere is the money.BHow much is the pencil?CHow much is the schoolbag?26 . 怎么询问对方想不想喝茶? ( )AWould you like some tea?BDo you like some tea?CWould you like some water?27 . 当你想说挥动手臂时,你会说:( )AClap your arms.BWave your arms.CTouch your arms.28 . 当看到同学在图书馆睡觉时,你可以说:( )ADont sleep!BDont shout!CDont run!29 . 你告诉同学你想要一杯水,应说:_( )AI want some water.BI dont want water.30 . 你递香蕉给别人时说:( )ALook at the bananas.BHere you are.CThank you.31 . 你想知道同学周末干什么,该怎样问?AWhat day is it today?BWhat do you do on the weekend?CWhat does he do?32 . 爸爸问迈克晚饭想吃什么,迈克告诉他想吃牛肉和面条,迈克该怎么回答:( )AId like some beef and noodles.BWheres my dinner?CWhat would you like for dinner?33 . 跺跺你的脚,用英语怎么表达_.( )AStamp your feet.BStamp your foot.CStand up.34 . 情境选择( ) 1.上课了,想要叫同学们起立,老师对大家说:A.Stand up. B.Sit down.( ) 2.天气有点热,妈妈对你说:A.Please open the window. B.Please close the door.( )3.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:A. This isnt my book. B.This is your book.( )4.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:A.That is yout pen. B. Is that your pen?( )5.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:A.Whats that? B.Wheres my rubber?( )6.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A.This is for you. B.Thank you.( )7.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:A.Wheres my car? B.Its over there.( )8. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说:A.Look at my skirt. B.Look at my new skirt.( )9.远处的那些是什么,你会问:AWhats that? B.What are those?( )10.别人问你的年龄,你回答:AIts ten oclock. B.Im ten.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、

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