英语三年级下册Module 5 单元测试卷

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英语三年级下册Module 5 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . We_. ( )Alisten and singBsinging and actingClisten and speaking2 . Do you like _ fishing? ( )Ato goBgoCgoing3 . Big Ben is in _. ( )ALondonBBeijingCShandong4 . 找出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. easily B. hard C. heavy D. light(_) 2. A. catch B. sports C. hit D. throw(_) 3. A. skin B. bone C. body D. muscle(_) 4. A. pea B. vegetables C. cabbage D. onion(_) 5. A. donut B. hamburger C. sandwich D. hand5 . fl_ _ _ ( )AoorBiruCure6 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1.A.pear B. watermelon C. dog(_)2. A. brother B. boy C. sister(_)3. A. pencil B. bike C. car(_)4. A. fourteen B. twenty C. desk(_)5. A. hand B. leg C. fat根据汉语提示,补全单词7 . c_ _(小汽车 )( )Aa rBe rCo r8 . b_k_(自行车)( )Aa oBi oCi e9 . tr_ _n(火车)( )Ae iBo eCa i10 . _ _ip(轮船)( )As hBc hCt h11 . _ _ane(飞机)( )Ab 1Bp lCt l12 . _aturday ( )ASBTCs13 . He_he can_it. ( )Athink; doBthinks; doCthinks; does给下列单词选择相符的图片。14 . factory ( )AB15 . museum( )AB16 . postcard( )AB17 . ship( )AB18 . crossing( )AB19 . I likevery much.( )Aice-creamBjuice20 . Jack, there some milk in the glass. ( )AisBareCarent21 . The class starts at eight. ( )Oh, we are late. Its a quartereight now.AandBpastCto22 . 选择正确的一项,补全单词。(_)1. h_ll_ A. e; o B. a; o C. e; a(_)2. n_m_ A. e; a B. a; e C. e; e(_)3. m_ _t A. e; e B. a; a C. e; i(_)4. go_dby_ A. o; a B. o; e C. o; u(_)5. n_c_ A. e; o B. i; o C. i; e(_)6. ap_l_ A. p; e B. a; o C. e; e(_)7. c_t A. e B. aC. o23 . Whatthe sign?( )Ais, meanBdo, meanCdoes, mean二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误Shanghai changes a lot in transportation(交通).In the past, there were few cars. Now there are many kinds of cars. There were not any bridges above the Huangpu River. Now there are some bridges on it. There were no tunnels(隧道)under it.There were no undergrounds. Now there are many undergrounds. There were no light rails(轻轨)and maglevs(磁悬浮). Now there are some lights and maglevs.The changes make our lives more convenient(方便). I like the changes.24 . The transportation in Shanghai changes a lot. (_)25 . There were many bridges on Huangpu River in the past. (_)26 . Now there are some light rails and maglevs in Shanghai. (_)27 . The changes in Shanghai are good for our lives. (_)28 . I dont like the changes. (_)三、连词成句连词成句29 . library, the, to, go, lets_30 . think, I, book, good, this, is_31 . can, our, computer, use, we, now_32 . is, there, a, in, it, CD - ROM_33 . I, have, library, your, can, card, please_34 . with, easy, a, computer, its_连词成句。35 . go, want, you, to, shanghai, do, to(?)_36 . it, here, is(.)_37 . show, want, I, one of, China, to, Daming, from, presents, the(.)_38 . should, think, I, to, all, go, these, we, places(.)_39 . me, for, its, nice(.)_连词成句。40 . it, what, is, time (?)_41 . bed, to, its, to, time, go (.)_42 . now, its, oclock, ten (.)_43 . playground, lets, to, go, the (.)_44 . ready, your, is, breakfast (.)_45 . 连词成句1.time / our / for / do / something / Its /to / earth (.)_2.you / do/ often/ time/ What/ up / get (?)_3. work / to / should / on / today / I / go / foot(.)_4. at / park / the / gate / Shall / meet / we / the / of(?)_5. grandpa / tea / much / Her /drinks / day /every (.)_连词成句。46 . music, I, and, have, maths, (.)_47 . a, we, three, classes, science, week, have, (.)_48 . school, I, like, new, my, (.)_49 . early, it, too, is, (.)_50 . do, art, you, like, (?)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、任务型阅读1、三、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、


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