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英语三年级上册期末专项训练:单选姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is Miss White. _ a teacher. ( )ASheBShesCHes2 . Its cool and windy. Its _.( )AsummerBspringCautumn3 . Good night, Mum. ( )_AIm fine.BIts OK.CGood night.4 . 选出不同类型的单词(_)1. A. radio B. telephone C. lady(_)2. A. bus B. food C. car(_)3. A. breakfast B. lunch C. blackboard(_)4. A. English B. grandma C. Chinese(_)5. A. wroteB. learnt C. book5 . 当你早晨见到朋友时, 你可以说:_( )AGood morning.BGoodbye.CIm fine.6 . Open the. ( )AlightBfanCwindow7 . -How does she go to school? ( )-.AShe goes to school by bus.BShe goes to school on bus.CYes, she does.8 . Its very hot outside. Please _ your coat. ( )Atry onBput onCtake off9 . _ ( )We have Christmas trees, lights and Santa. AWhat do you do at Christmas?BWhat do you have at Christmas?10 . Of the three foreigners, one is from London, _ are from the USA. ( )A. two othersAthe other twoBanother twoCthe both11 . We should_the rivers clean.( )AkeepBkeepsCkeeping12 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AsunnyBwindyCrainDcool13 . I can see tea. ( )AaBanCa cup of14 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. birdB. badC. good(_) 2. A. redB. duckC. dog(_) 3. A. appleB. eatC. banana(_) 4. A. bedB. motherC. father(_) 5. A. rulerB. carC. bus15 . This is Sam, my classmate. ( )_AHow old are you?BWhats your name?CNice to meet you.16 . The film is _. ( )AinterestBinterestingCinterested17 . 选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. dancerB. driverC. teach(_) 2. A. teachB. learnC. teacher(_) 3. A. wasB. amC. is(_) 4. A. nowB. thenC. at(_) 5. A. mathsB. scienceC. thirty18 . -Can pandas swim? ( )-Yes, they _.AcantBcouldCcan19 . Sarah想向Mr Black道别,她应该说:( )AThank you.BId like some bread.CEat some rice.DGoodbye!20 . _ careful! ( )ABeBAreCIs21 . Nancy likes dancing. Helen likes dancing, _. They _ have the same hobby. ( )Atoo; allBtoo; bothCto; both22 . -Lets play! ( )-_AWelcome!BGuess!CGreat!23 . Would you like some dumplings? ( )ANo, Im not.BYes, please.CYes, it is.24 . -Hello, Im Liu Xin. ( )-AHi, Im John.BGoodbye, John.CBye, John.25 . Its a dog. I like it. ( )_ACool!BWow!CThanks.26 . This is family. ( )AmyBheCshe27 . _ eat the birthday cake.ALet isBLetCLets28 . 选择不同类的单词:( )AisBareCdo找出下列单词中不同类的一项。29 . AstudentBtodayCteacher30 . AboyBgirlCbag31 . AChinaBUKCMike32 . AhiBhelloCboy33 . AwelcomeBfromCplay34 . _ I have some bread, please? ( )AHowBCan35 . Some people _ playing beach ball at the beach.AisBareCam36 . Let _ draw pictures.AhaveBusCyou37 . -Whats _?( )-_ a bird.AThese; ItBthis; TheyreCthis; Its38 . How can I go to the railway station? ( )You can _ Bus No. 58.AplayBmakeCtake39 . are they? ( )Theyre under the chair.AWhereBWhatCWho40 . What would you like _ eat ? ( )No, thanks.AtoB/Cin41 . 两笔写成的小写字母是_. ( )AuBxCv42 . _ has an apple. _ have an apple, too.( )AI, YouBHe, ICYou, The girlDShe, He43 . -Have some_.( )-Thank you.AcakeBbread选择相应的单词补全句子,将其序号填在括号里。44 . Im _. Let me put up the map. ( )AtallBshort45 . _ name is Cindy. Shes friendly. ( )AHisBHer46 . I have some _ in my schoolbag. ( )AtoyBtoys47 . My shoes _brown. ( )AisBare48 . David _short and thin. ( )AisBhas49 . Whats your name? ( )_AIts a cake.BIm Sarah.50 . to my house. ( )AComeBWelcomeCCome in51 . -Whats your name? ( )-_is Chen Jie.AMy nameBMy namesCIm52 . 选出不同类的单词(_)1. A.bigB.smallC.toy(_)2. A.breadB.likeC.egg(_)3. A.waterB.milkC.there(_)4. A.kiteB.coolC.lovely(_)5. A.haveB.biscuitC.bread53 . 找出每组中不同类单词。( ) 1.A. coffee B. Coke C. juice D. chicken( ) 2.A. hot dog B. bread C. dog D. hamburger( ) 3.A. cake B. water C. squired D. French fries( ) 4.A. ear B. arm C. eye D. tea( ) 5.A. bear B. bird C. milk D. pig54 . I have a _ .AcrayonBpenCpencil55 . 找出单词中不同类的词语( )AsixBtenCleg56 . Hi! I _WuYifan.AisBamCare57 . I have a . ( )ArulerBcrayonCpencil58 . -Good night! ( )-Good _!AnightBmorningCafternoon59 . There _an eggplant and two tomatoes in the kitchen.( )AisBamCare二、情景交际60 . 迈克站起来回答完老师的问题后,老师可以说:_ ( )ACome in, Mike.BStand up, Mike.CSit down, Mike.61 . 当你见到林涛想跟他打招呼,你应说:_( )AHello, Lin TaoBThis is Lin Tao.62 . 当你收到别人给你的礼物时, 你应该说:_( )AHere is your present.BThank you.CYoure welcome.63 . 当别人问你:“How many books do you have?时,你应回答:( )AI have one book.BFine, thanks.64 . 别人帮助了你,你应该说:( )AThank you.BNice to meet you.CYes, it is.65 . 别人称赞你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该回应:_( )AThank youBNot at all.66 . 如果你是一个售货员,见到顾客时你应该说:_ ( )ACan I help you?BThank you.67 . 你想向你的同学介绍你的新学校,应这样说:( )AI like my new school.BThis is my new schoolCMy new school is big.68 . 当你和朋友告别时,应该这样说:( )AGood morning.BGoodbye.69 . 当你会在朋友的生日时对他说什么? ( )AHappy birthday!BToday is my birthday70 . 你想让别人打开书,你可以说:( )AOpen your book.BCarry your book.71 . 你想让别人指向那只鸟时,你会说:_ALook! A bird.BPoint to the bird.72 . 你看见一只猫正在跑,你说:_ ( )AA cat is sleeping.BA cat is running.73 . 你想让别人看我们的水果沙拉,可以说:_( )ALook at our fruit salad.BDo you have any oranges?CI like our fruit salad.74 . 你的书掉到同桌的凳子下面了,你想让他站起来捡应怎么说:A、Sit down, Amy!B、Stand up, please.75 . 当你生病时,不应该做什么?_.( )AGo swimming.BHave some rest.CSee a doctor.76 . 我可以喝点可乐吗?ACan I have some coke?BPass me the coke!CShow me the cokDEI like Coke.77 . 你想问你爷爷看到多少只鸭子时,可以问:( )AHow many ducks do you have?BHow many ducks do you see?CHow old are you?78 . 假如你是玲玲,自我介绍时说:_( )AIm Lingling.BHi, Lingling.79 . 当看到同学在图书馆睡觉时,你可以说:( )ADont sleep!BDont shout!CDont run!80 . Mike和Sarah初次见面时应该说:( )AGoodbye!BNice to meet you, too!CNice to meet you!81 . 你与同学见面打招呼,应该这样说:( )AWho are you?BHow are you?82 . 今天是你的生日,好朋友们都来了,每个人都说“Happy birthday!”你应该说?( )AGreat!BThank you.CIm ten.83 . 当你的同学Amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:( )ALets clean the blackboard.BLets clean the classroom.CLet me clean the classroom.84 . 当你想告诉大家我们的新老师又高又瘦时,说:_ ( )AOur new teacher is tall and thin.BOur teacher is tall and thin.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、


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