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山东省2019年六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(三)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题看图,选择与图意相符的选项1 . horse ( )AB2 . ( )AMy brother likes pigs. He has a pig.BMy brother likes cats. He has a cat.3 . ( )Aa toy bearBa toy elephantCa toy pig4 . ( )Aplaying basketball Bplaying football5 . ( )AWhat are you doing in the study? Im writing a letter to my mother.BWhat are you doing in the kitchen? Im cooking dinner.6 . ( )Afifteen to five Bnine twenty-five7 . I have got a _ sweater. ( )AredBgreen Cwhite8 . ( )Aten twenty-fiveBten to five9 . 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:ACan you make a bike?BCan you ride a bike?CCan you ride a horse?10 . 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )AboredBcarryCsell11 . -Whatdoing? ( )-She is reading a book.Aare youBis sheCis he12 . 找出划线部分读音不同于其它的单词。 (_)1. A. bendB. friendC. we(_)2. A. swimB. findC. like(_)3. A. niceB. littleC. bike(_)4. A. eggB. sheC. leg(_)5. A. desk B. guess C. me13 . I_thirsty,Mum.( )AisBareCam14 . Read and choose.选出不同类的词,把编号填在括号内。(_) 1. A. important B. invention C. beautifulD. interesting(_) 2. A. food B. dumpling C. fishD. cake(_) 3. A. toothache B. headache C. toothless D. fever(_) 4. A. finally B. first C. thenD after(_) 5. A. newspaperB. magazine C. picture bookD. bookshop(_) 6. A. herB. hersC. hisD. mine15 . I want to _ an e-card _ Mum. ( )Amade, forBmake, forCmake, to16 . There _ a school, two shops and a cinema in the housing estate. ( )AareBisChasDhave选出发音不同的一项。17 . AmouseBgroundCyoung18 . AyoungBaboutCblouse19 . AshortBdoctor Chorse20 . AdearBbearCnear21 . AclassBgrassCas22 . We can visit _ in Beijing. ( )AMogao CavesBthe Great Wall23 . Its going to _.ArainBbe rainCraining24 . There are _ seasons in China. ( )AtwoBthreeCfour25 . 选出单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AbeginBbelieveCnever26 . Kitty and her mother _ at the book shop. ( )AisBareCbe27 . Who _ big nose? ( )AhaveBhas二、阅读选择28 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Tony loved basketball. One afternoon on his way to a basketball game, he was walking anddreaming about playing collegebasketball the next year. Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown threemeters into the air.Tony woke up in ahospitalroom. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken, heknew his college basketball dreams were over. Tony did what the doctors told him, but it didntwork. After he left the hospital, Tony was sent to a health center. A week after he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Sunny used to be a coach. His legs werehurtbadlyin a skating accident. Though he couldnt move his legs, Sunny became a coach of abasketballteam called the Suns. It was an on-wheelchair basketball team, becauseeverybody on theteam played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Tony tojoin the game. Tony played badly,butfor thefirsttime since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself. After becoming a part of the Suns, Tony improved quickly. Basketball was likemedicine forhim. Tony was much better than before. When Tony became sad orangry, Sunny was thereto be with him. The daybefore Tony left the center, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunnyhow he could be so happy, even with his broken legs. Sunnysmiled and said, “Its really quite easy. When you keep your face to the sun, theshadows fall behind.”1. From the passage, we know that _.A. Tony was hit by a bus B. Tony was hit by a carC. Tony was hit by a basketballD. Tony was hit by a football2. Where did Tony meet Sunny? A. At the hospital.B. At the health center.C. At a basketball game. D. In a car accident. 3. How did Sunny help Tony?A. By teaching him how to play basketball. B. By giving him some medicine in the game.C. By having dinner with him in the health center.D. By inviting him to join the Suns and being with him.4. According to the passage, we can know that Sunny was _.A. shy and carefulB. humorous and knowledgeable C. helpful and hopefulD. serious and hardworking三、完形填空29 . 完形填空。Yesterday Lingling and Amy_1_to the park. They were very hungry and _2_. So they _3_ some cakes and some water. The _4_ them to a table. They _5_ them for lunch(午饭). Then they_6_in the park. But Lingling fell_7_the swing(秋千). She _8_ her head,and she had a _9_. So they went home_10_ bus. ( ) 1. A. go B. went C. walk( ) 2. A. thirsty B. happy C. sad( ) 3. A. bought B. buy C. buys( ) 4. A. carry B. take C. carried( ) 5. A. had B. drink C. have( ) 6. A. play B. played C. plays( ) 7. A. off B. of C. up( ) 8. A. bumped B. bump C. bumps( ) 9. A. stomach ache B. headache C. toothache(牙疼)( ) 10. A. take B. on C. by四、填空题用on/at/in填空。30 . I usually go to bed _ 22:00.31 . What will you do _ September?32 . What do you do _ the weekend?33 . The party will start _ 7:30.34 . The weather is cold and snowy _ winter.五、排序题35 . 给下列句子排序,组成一段对话。(_) They are ducks.( 1 ) Wow! Your farm is so big!(_) What are these?(_) How many ducks do you have?(_) Twenty.36 . 给下列句子排序组成一段通顺的对话。(_)Cool(_)Shes my teacher.(_)Where is she from?(_)Whos that woman?(_)Shes from America.六、任务型阅读阅读理解。对的(T)错的(F)Hi! My name is Tom. Im thirteen years old. Im a good boy. I often(经常) play basketball. Im healthy(健康的). I like Chinese food. I like noodles, dumplings, soup and rice. I can(能,会)make dumplings, too. I am very(非常)happy(幸福的).37 . Tom is thirteen years old. (_)38 . Tom often plays football. (_)39 . Tom likes Chinese food. (_)40 . Tom likes milk. (_)41 . Tom can make dumplings. (_)七、填内容补全对话根据课文内容补全对话并大声朗读2遍。Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. After the 42 . , we have 43 . .Zhang peng: 44 . ?Mike: Its 45 . . We have 46 . , too.Zhang peng; 47 . ?Mike: Its 48 . .Zhang peng; Cool!八、匹配题根据课文内容,选择每个月份让Mr. Moon把它当作生日所在月份的理由。A. We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!B. We are cold months. Its fun to play in the snow! C. There is rain, and trees are green in April.D. I am the first.E. Its nice and cool in September and October.F. The weather is warm and sunny in March,G. Childrens Day is fun.H. The Spring Festival often comes in February.I. The flowers are beautiful in May.49 . January(_)50 . February(_)51 . March(_)52 . April(_)53 . May(_)54 . June(_)55 . July and August(_)56 . September and October(_)57 . November and December(_)58 . 读句子,找中文,填序号。(_)1. Whats this?A是的,它是。(_)2. Its an ice cream.B这是一只狗吗?(_)3. Its a bird.C它是一只鸟。(_)4. Is this a dog?D这是什么?(_)5. Yes, it is.E它是一杯冰淇淋。(_)6. Is this a bird?F非常好。(_)7. No, it isnt.G不,它不是。(_)8. Very good.H.这是一只鸟吗?九、书面表达59 . 根据你的实际情况填写下列个人信息Name:Age(年龄): My favourite colour:My favourite fruit:My favourite vegetables(蔬菜): My favourite day:My favourite sport:My favourite subject(课程): I am good at:I want to be aan when I grow up. 第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、排序题1、2、六、任务型阅读1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、2、九、书面表达1、


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