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六年级下册期中达标测试英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出下面每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1. A.see B.watchC.listen D.music(_)2. A.fatherB.allC.motherD.grandma(_)3. A.cardB.films C.sportsD.photos(_)4. A.alwaysB.oftenC.enjoyD.sometimes2 . In my room, I have a mirror, an _, a closet and a bed.Aair-conditionerBkitchenCtrash bin3 . Jack falls off the bike. He _ his leg. ( )AhurtsBhurtingCto hurt选择句中划线部分同类的单词。4 . Hello, Im Helen. ( )AgoodbyeBwhatChi5 . This is my red cap. ( )AyellowBcolourCcap6 . Whats that? ( )ArobotBbrownCthis7 . This pie for you. ( )AcakeBBobbyCcar8 . Look at my new jacket. ( )AT-shirtBgreenCbirthday选出不同类的一项9 . AwestBeastCeasy10 . AsouthBrabbitCmonkey11 . AcatBchocolateCice cream12 . AthousandBmillionCmusic13 . AschoolBzooCwall14 . Its _ABC song. ( )AtheBaCan15 . _the book.Its new. ( )ASeeBRideCLook at16 . _the book. ( )AOpenBTurn onCTurn off17 . There was a cinema _. ( )AbeforeBagoCnow18 . He often plays _ his cat. ( )AwithBonCin选出下列不同类的一项。19 . AmusicBdancingClistening20 . AFebruaryBEnglishCDecember21 . AmineByoursCyour22 . AcleanBmakeCsnowman23 . AsecondBtwoCseventh24 . Sam _ the watermelon _ the bike. ( )Acarrys; inBcarryed; onCcarried; on25 . Sit on the sofa. ( )A坐在书房里。B坐在沙发上。26 . _ is for breakfast? ( )AWhatBHowCWhen二、阅读选择27 . 阅读理解(阅读短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项,把它的编号写在左边的括号里)Hello. I am Jack. I come from America. I like Chinese food very much. I often have mutton, tofu, fish and cabbage in Chinese restaurant. My favourite fruit is apples, because they are sweet. But my brother doesnt like apples. He likes oranges and grapes. I like Chinese class, because my Chinese teacher is very funny. I have four Chinese classes every week. I have many Chinese books on my shelf.(1)Jack is _.A. Chinese B. American.(2)Jack likes_.A. oranges B. apples.(3)Jacks brother doesnt like _.A. grapes B. apples(4)Jacks Chinese teacher is _.A. funny B. active.(5)Jack has _ Chinese classes every week.A. four B.two.三、填空题28 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look! Here_ (come) a bus.2. Let me_(help) you. Im good at English.3. What do you want_(do)?I want to open the door.4. It will_(snow) in Beijing tomorrow.5. The rabbits_(jump) on the grass now.29 . 选词填空。in on to of with at for about from by1.I get up_ six oclock in the morning.2. Hainan is in the south _China. 3.I played basketball_my friends.4. Its a book_animal.5.What did you have_lunch?6. She goes to school_bus.7.She learnt_cook.8. Ive got an email_Lingling.9.Theyre _the wrong place.10.Tom plays table tennis_Sunday.四、任务型阅读阅读理解。判断对错(正确的填T,错误的F)Hello, Im Lisa. Welcome to my home. This is my bedroom. There is a table beside the bed. There is an apple on the table. My room is really nice. There is a big bed. I like my bed. There is a plant and a photo in my room. You can see my computer is on the desk. I like my room very much.30 . This is Lisas living room. (_)31 . There is a table beside the bed.(_)32 . There is an apple on the desk.(_).33 . Lisas bed is very big.(_)34 . The computer is on the table.(_)五、匹配题给下列句子选择对应的图片。A.B.C.D.E.35 . It has a big mouth. It can swim. (_)36 . It has a long nose. Its big. (_)37 . It has two feet. It can fly. (_)38 . Its black and white. It has two black eyes. (_)39 . It has two long ears. It can jump. (_)匹配题。ADont worry. I can teach you.BShe can draw pictures.CYes, they are.DNo, I dont. ESure. Here you are.40 . Can I have an ice cream? (_)41 . What can Su Hai do? (_)42 . I cant play ball games.(_)43 . Do you have any nice balls? (_)44 . Are the birds in the tree? (_)六、连词成句45 . 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1) many, on. there, river, are, boats, the2) England, of, London, capital, is, the3) a, nice, she, is, teacher4) is, the, this, River, Thames5) is , brother , this , big , my第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、2、六、连词成句1、


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