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人教精通版四年级上册期中模拟测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . This timetable is your day. ( )AonBatCabout2 . I can playfootball ( )AaBtheC不填3 . This is Mr. Jones.A、这位是琼斯老师。B、这位是怀特老师。4 . That _ my English teacher. ( )AisBareCam5 . Whatcolor _they? ( )AareBisCdo6 . Its ten _.( )AdegreesBdegreeCa degree7 . _people can you see?I can see 6 people. AWhatBWhereCWhoDHow many E. What colour8 . Classes beginseven fifty-five.AinBonCatDfor9 . Do you often read books in this park? ( )AYes, I am.BNo, I do.CNo, I dont.10 . When are you going to school? _.AAt eight oclock. BAt the park.CIn the zoo.11 . ( ) My _ are falling.AbookBbooksCpen12 . 选出不同类的一项。( )(1)A.shy Bclever Cyou ( )(2)A.little Bcute Ccar ( )(3)A.this Bis Cthat( )(4)A.teacher Bpupil Cnaughty( )(5)A.Lingling BMs CSam13 . We often learn Englishchanting, singing and speaking. ( )AbyBatCtoDof14 . 问一问,比一比。(1) A: How tall are you?B: I am metres. A: I am metres. Im taller /shorter than you.(2) A: How heavy are you?B: I am kilograms.A: I am kilograms.B: You are heavier /thinner than me.( ) 1. My feet are bigger than_.A. you B. your C. yours( )2 . How _are you?A. tall B. long C. heavy( ) 3. My shoes are _39.A. years B. size C. long ( ) 4. _ are your shoes?A. How many B. What size C. What about15 . is it ?Its 13 dollars.AHowBWhatCHow much16 . His father goes to work car every day.( )AwithBbyCon17 . Im _ dumplings. ( )AdoingBmakeCmaking18 . It is raining cats and _.( )AcoatsBdogs19 . -Do you have any dolls, Kitty and Alice? ( )-Yes, do.AIBweCthey20 . The shop opens8:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. ( )Afrom, toBat, atCat, to21 . There _ some lions in the picture. ( )AisBareChave二、情景交际22 . 你想给你的同学介绍你们村子附近10年前没有河,应该说:_( )AThere was not river near my village ten years ago.BThere was no river near my village ten years ago.23 . 你会放风筝吗? ( )ACan you fly a kite?BAre you flying a kite?24 . 当你的朋友生日时,你应说:( )AHappy birthday to me!BHappy birthday to you!25 . 当你邀请别人下午一起去电影院,应该说:( )AHowdoyougotothecinema?BLetsgotothecinemathisafternoon.CShallwegotothe cinemathisafternoon?26 . 你不确定这是不是萨姆的叔叔,你可以问他:( )AIs this your uncle?BIs this your aunt?三、填空题27 . 介词、冠词填空。1. We have _ class.2. We have _ English class.3. Im not good _ it.4. Its nice _ you.5. I have _ math class.四、任务型阅读阅读表格,判断正(T)误(F)。NameHeight(cm)Weight(kg)Place to livePlaces around homeHobbiesThings to do at the weekendAnn15038cityshops, a cinema, a libraryreadingread books, see a filmSue14540countrysidehills, rivers,treesriding,runningrun with her dad28 . Ann is taller than Sue but Sue is heavier than Ann.(_)29 . Ann lives in the city and Sue lives in the countryside. (_)30 . There are some shops, rivers and trees around Anns home. (_)31 . Sue likes riding and running.(_)32 . Ann usually reads books at the weekend but she never sees a film.(_)五、匹配题33 . 找朋友,将相应答语的序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1.Whats the time now?( ) 2.What time does your school start?( ) 3.Do you do exercise every morning?( ) 4.Can I ask some questions?( ) 5.What do you do at break (在课间)?AI play with Amy at break.BAt nine oclock in the morning.CYes, of course.DIts nine oclock.ENo, we dont.六、看图题34 . 找到汤姆叔叔的家禽和家畜,然后把这些单词写在横线上。汤姆叔叔的家禽和家畜有:_七、连词成句连词成句。35 . at bedroom look my (. )_36 . four there sofas are new (. )_37 . new there table a is (. )_38 . is kitchen what your in (?)_39 . TV the I living room watch in (. )_40 . 连词成句。(1)your, sister, what, does, do (?)_(2)father, my, a policeman, is (.)_(3)works, at, home, my, mother (.)_(4)an, English, teacher, is, your, brother, too(?)_(5)doctors, sick, people, help (.)_(6)brother, your, has, nice, car, a (.)_41 . 连词成句:you, faces, see, can, how many (?)_42 . 连词成句:play; usually; basketball; the; I; in; park ( . )_43 . 连词成句。1. newwhereshoesaresportsmy (?)_2. bookswereyesterdaytheseinbagthe (. )_3. bluelostImysweater (. )_4. youthewhatsmatterwith (?)_5. busdontschoolruntheon (. )_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、六、看图题1、七、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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