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人教版(PEP)2020版三年级上册期末测试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is this a boat? ( ) _ .AYes, it isBYes, this isCYes, it isnt2 . Imwinner. ( ) AaBanCthe3 . -How many dogs do you? -I see15.AseeBhaveClike4 . I feel happy that you miss _.AIBmeCmy5 . What will you do, Amy? ( )_ cut the paper.AIllBShellCIm6 . - _your art teacher? ( )- Mr. Wang.AWhatsBWhosCWheres7 . _ is drinking water there? ( )Thats Lily!AWhoBWhereCWhat8 . Dinner is ready. ( )_, Dad.AIm hungryBThanksCMe9 . Read and choose.选出不同类的单词。(_) 1. A. litter B. cornC. grass(_) 2. A. horseB. sheep C. desk(_) 3. A. bus B. kite C. robot(_) 4. A. skateB. paint C. card(_) 5. A. sourB. lemon C. sweet10 . Look! Its blue _ red. ( )AandBinCon11 . Peter can help_ on the road. ( )AtheyBthemCtheir二、情景交际12 . 当你想说祝你有愉快的一天, 用英语怎么说? ( )AHave a nice day!BWhen do you come home?13 . 早上刘涛见到苏海,会对苏海说:_( )AGood morning, Su Hai.BGood afternoon, Su Hai.CGoodbye, Su Hai.14 . 当你想问学校在哪儿,应说: ( )AWhere is the school?BWhat is the school?15 . 你和朋友看了一场有趣的电影,你会赞叹说:( )AWhat an interesting film!BHow great!CHow an interesting film!16 . 当别人帮助你时,你应当说:( )AIm sorry.BThank you.17 . 当你指着远处的物品问是什么时,应该说:_( )AWhats that?BWhats this?18 . 你想说你和妈妈一起看电影,应该怎么说?( )AI see a film with my friends.BI see a film with my mom.CI see an film with my mom.19 . 你想说到吃晚饭的时间了,你说:_ ( )AItstimeforbreakfastBItstimeforlunch.CItstimefordinner.20 . 问小朋友喜欢裙子吗?我说:( )AWhat do you need?BDo you like the dress?21 . 你想把你的新夹克衫给朋友看,可以说:( )AThis is my new jacket.BThis is my new skirt.CThis is a cap.三、单词拼写填入单词所缺的字母。22 . 二月 F_bru_ry23 . 四月 Apr_l24 . 十月_ctob_r25 . 旅行 tr_p26 . 国家的 n_t_onal四、排序题27 . 把下列对话按正确的顺序重新排列:(_)Whats that on the desk?(_)Hello, Mike.(_)Its a big pineapple.(_)Do you like pineapples?(_)Hello, Helen.(_)Yes, I do.(_)Great, lets eat it together.(一起)五、任务型阅读阅读判断,判断句子正“T”误“F”。Mike and John are good friends. But they are not in the same classroom. Mikes classroom is on the first floor. Johns classroom is on the second floor. Its 9 oclock. Mike is in the computer room. John is in the art room. Its time for lunch. They are eating noodles in the canteen(食堂). The canteen is very big. Now its four oclock. Its time to go home, but they are playing football on the playground. It is cool and sunny. They are happy.28 . Mike and John are good friends. (_)29 . Its 9 oclock, they are in the same room. (_)30 . The canteen is not small. (_)31 . Its four oclock. They go home on time(按时). (_)32 . Its cool and sunny. (_)六、字母题33 . 根据所给字母,写出对应的大写或小写形式。1. JKLMN_2. bdefh_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、三、单词拼写1、四、排序题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、字母题1、


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