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人教PEP版六年级下册期末检测英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I want _ a new book. ( )AbuyBto buy2 . _ is the Changjiang River? ( )Its more than six thousand kilometres long.AHow manyBHow bigCHow long3 . _ juice did you buy? ( )AHow manyBHow muchCWhat much4 . ( )AHappy birthday, Miss Li.BOpen your present.5 . Imto hear that you are ill. ( )AsorryBhappyCgood6 . _ in my bag? ( )AWhatsBWhatCHow7 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AnowBusuallyCnot8 . My brothers bed is _ long. ( )A1.8mB160mC1.5cm9 . My bed room messy this morning. It tidy now.( )Ais/wasBwas/isCwas/was10 . Today _Saturday. ( )AisBareCam11 . My bag is_than_. ( )Aheavy; youBheavier; youCheavier; yours二、阅读选择阅读理解Today is August 3rd. Tomorrow (明天) is Peters grandfathers birthday. It is his 73rd birthday. Peters two sisters, Sally and Tina, and Peter buy some things for their grandfather this afternoon. Sally buys a nice birthday card. And she writes(写) “Happy birthday” on it. Tina buys a blue shirt from a clothes store. It is $29. Peter buys some fruits and a set of books. The name of the books is Harry Potter (哈里波特)12 . When is Peters grandfathers birthday?( )AAugust 4thBAugust 3rdCJuly3rd.DAugust 14th13 . How old is Peters grandfather? ( )A70 years oldB73 years oldC74 years oldD75 years old14 . What does Sally buy for her grandfather?( )ASome fruitsBA blue shirtCA birthday card.DSome food15 . How much is the blue shirt? ( )AIts 29 yuanBIts 29 dollarsCIts 39 dollarsDIts 29 dollar16 . Whats the name of the books? ( )AHappy birthdayBHarry PotterCPeterDI dont know三、任务型阅读阅读下列短文,判断文后句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“T”,不符的写“F”.Some students are talking about what they like to do after school.Lucy: I think music is my favourite. I like listening to many beautiful English songs.I need to feel relaxed after a days study.So I often listen to my favourite music after dinner.Kate: I like music too. But I only listen to Chinese songs.I like Jay Chous songs.I also like playing the piano, but I cant play very well.When Im free.I also like reading.Reading makes me clever.Peter: I dont like music or reading.They are a waste of time,I think.I am a good basketball player.I can help our school team win.Dont you think its cool?Jacky: I am not a good basketball player, but I play football well. Playing football makes me strong.I feel great when I am on the football field.I can enjoy the World Cup on TV after the exam.Andy: I am not like most boys. I dont like sports very much.I just think reading is my favourite.I can learn a lot from books.I spend an hour reading books every day.17 . The underlined word“relaxed”means“紧张”in Chinese. (_)18 . Peter thinks listening to music is cool. (_)19 . Andy and Kate like reading books. (_)20 . Jacky enjoys playing football games in the World Cup. (_)21 . These five students didnt talk about their homework. (_)四、选内容补全对话补全对话A. Here you are.B. Its an egg.C. How old are you?D. Have some bread.E. Im nine.A: Hello, Li Lin.B: Hi, Wang Na.A: 22 . B: Im seven. And you?A: 23 . Whats this?B: 24 . A: 25 . B: Thanks. Id like some milk, too.A: 26 . B: Thank you.五、匹配题27 . 根据情景选出正确的答句。(_) (1) Whats that on the table?ANo, I dont think so.(_) (2) Does it live on a farm?BOK. Here you are.(_) (3) Has it got a nose?CIts a schoolbag.(_) (4) Can I have a look?DNo, It lives in the water.(_) (5) Can it fly?EYes, its got a long nose.六、书面表达28 . 写作。寒假(the winter holiday)要来了,我们怎样才能度过一个快乐、健康、有意义的假期呢?请为你的同学提几点建议。要求:1. 以建议的形式书写几句话,表达正确,书写规范。2. 不少于5句。_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、任务型阅读1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、六、书面表达1、

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