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人教PEP版小升初模拟测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its _ invitation _ Jacks birthday party. ( )Aa, forBan, toCan, at2 . _ can you play table tennis? ( )In the gym.AWhereBWhenCWhat3 . Chinese people speak _. ( )AEnglishBChineseCJapanese4 . _beautifulclothes!( )AWhataBWhatCHow5 . _ is your bed?( )Its blue.AWhatBWhat colourCWhats colour6 . I usually go to school _ bus. ( )AinBbyCtoRead and choose. (读一读, 选择正确的图片。)7 . The woman is under the tree. ( )AB8 . There is a man in front of the car. ( )AB9 . The pen is beside the book. ( )AB10 . The dog is behind the cat. ( )AB11 . There is a pencil, a book and a ruler. ( )AB12 . you come back yesterday? ( )ADoBCanCDid13 . She does her homeworkhalf an hour every day. ( )AinBforC/14 . They have _ lunch at school. ( )AtheyBtheirCthem二、完形填空完形填空There is a big supermarket _my home. It opens _7:30 in the morning to 9:30 in the evening. The shop assistants there are very _. It sells a lot of _, such as fruit and vegetables. We can _buy many other things in it.My mother _a new bicycle. So she goes to the supermarket. She buys a new bicycle. Its cheap and nice. My mother _it very much. Sometimes I buy some pencils, some rubbers or some pens in the supermarket on my way _. Sometimes I _my parents buy some bread and milk in it. The supermarket is near my home. Its convenient (便捷的) _us. So we all like the supermarket.15 . AatBnextCnear16 . AfromBatCto17 . AtallBniceCsmile18 . AthingsBsomethingCeverything19 . AtooBalsoCeither20 . AneedsBlikesCdoes21 . AhasBwantsClikes22 . Ato homeBhomeCfor home23 . AhelpBwantCdo24 . AforBatCof三、情景交际25 . 想知道别人叫什么名字,你会说:_ ( )AHello.BWhats your name?CMy name is Jack.26 . 放学了, 你应该对怀特小姐说什么? ( )ABye, Miss White.BHello, Miss White.27 . 你想表达我们一起上车吧,你会说:_( )ALets go.BLets get on the bus.28 . 当你的朋友夸奖你的衣服很漂亮时,你会说:( )AHow nice!BOh, no.CThank you very much.29 . 母亲节时,你会对妈妈说:_ ( )AHappy birthday!BHappy Mothers Day!CHappy Fathers Day!四、填空题30 . 用is和are 填空。【小题1】There_a boy at the Great Wall.【小题2】There _three books under the apple.【小题3】There_a cat in the box.【小题4】There_some ducks in the boat.【小题5】There_some clothes on the line.五、单词拼写31 . 根据所给音标及汉语提示补全单词。1/eI/c_ke(蛋糕)_ght(八)2/aI/ wh_(为什么) l_ke(喜欢)3/i/ s_(大海) sh_(她)4/k/ _lass(班级) clo_(钟表)5/f/ _one(电话) _i_th(第五)6/a/ c_(奶牛) h_se(房屋)7/ fl_(地板) t_k(谈话)8/s/ _i_ter(姐妹) dre_(连衣裙)六、任务型阅读32 . 阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。I have two good friends. Theyre Lucy and Tom. Lucy is ten years old. Her father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She is a good teacher. Her students like her very much. Tom is eleven years old. His father is a policeman. His mother is a teacher, too. She teaches Chinese. We are in the same school, but we are not in the same class.【小题1】Lucy is a girl. Tom is girl, too.【小题2】Lucys and Toms mothers are teachers.【小题3】Toms father is a policeman.【小题4】Lucy is eleven.【小题5】Were good friends.七、判断题判断下列发音是否相同。33 . old know boating_34 . mouse house flower_35 . clock above onion_36 . wash Saturday watch _37 . read weekend sweet _八、匹配题38 . 从II 栏中选出 I 合适的答句。(_) 1. How much is the meat?AAll right.(_) 2. Lets go and have a look.BTheres some juice.(_) 3. Youre a great cook.CNo, she doesnt.(_)4. Whats in the fridge?DIts ten yuan.(_) 5. Does Yang Ling like apples?EThank you.九、书面表达39 . 书面表达。谈谈在日常生活中你是怎样遵守交通规则的。要求:1,语句通顺,书写工整2.不少于50个单词。参考词汇:违反交通规则againstthetrafficrules_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完形填空1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、七、判断题1、八、匹配题1、九、书面表达1、

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