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人教PEP六年级下册期末测试英语试卷5姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . ( ) _ old is he ?AHowBWhatCWhere2 . (题文)She _ adreamlastnight.( )AhaveBhasChad3 . -_yourunclegoingtothehospital? ( )-No, _.AIs;sheisntBIs; heisntCAre;sheisnt4 . Whats your? -I like making kites.AlikeBgoingChobby5 . What does DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL mean in Chinese?A清明节B元宵节C重阳节D端午节6 . They are so _AfunBfunnyCfuny7 . 选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. firstB. second C. three( ) 2. A. breadB. meatC. eat( ) 3. A. theB. howC. what( ) 4. A. olderB. tallestC. taller( ) 5. A. lookB. thanC. listen8 . Li Ming will fly _China.AtoBinC/9 . My grandma was born in Tianjin _ February 28th.AinBonCatDofAnext weekendBnext SundayClast weekend根据图片提示,选择正确的单词。11 . This is a _ . ( )AdeskBblackboard12 . Good morning! Im _ Green. ( )AMsBMr13 . It is white and _ . ( )AblackBgreen14 . Im a _ . ( )AsnakeBchameleon15 . Ive got _ email from Lingling. ( )AaBanCthe为下列图片选择正确的句子。16 . ( )AMingming has a stomachache.BMingming has a headache.17 . ( )AWe eat breakfast at 7 oclock.BWe should exercise in the morning.18 . ( )APut some vegetables on the top.BCut some meat.19 . ( )ADo not eat too much junk food.BBrush your teeth every day.20 . ( )AYou should wash hands before eating.BGet enough sleep.21 . WeTV in the living room( )AwatchBwatching22 . She is _to her friend( )AtakingBtalkingCtalk二、阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。One day Tom tells his friends, “Im going to have holidays in Beijing. But I cant speak Chinese, so Im going to have Chinese lessons there for a month.” Soon his holidays come and he goes to China with his parents happily. After he comes back, his friends ask him, “Do you have any trouble with your Chinese when you are in Beijing, Tom?” “No, I dont,” answers Tom, “but the Chinese do!”23 . Tom is going to have holidays in _.A. the UK B. the USA C. China24 . Tom is going to study Chinese _A. for a weekB. for a monthC. for two weeks25 . Who goes to Beijing with Tom?A. Toms friends.B. Tom goes there by himself.C. Toms parents.26 . “But the Chinese do.” means _.A. the Chinese people have trouble with Toms ChineseB. the Chinese people dont understand ChineseC. Toms Chinese is good. People can understand him easily27 . From the story, we can know that_.A. Toms English is not goodB. Toms Chinese is not goodC. Tom is not happy when in Beijing三、情景交际28 . 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( )AYou too.BThe same.CThank you.29 . 当别人跟你说:May I borrow(借)your dictionary?你回答说:( )AOK, here you are.BFine.CI donthink so.30 . 放学后,你想邀请同桌一起去操场,应该说:( )ALets go home together.BLets go to the playground.31 . 你想让你的同学一起看猴子,你可以说:_ ( )ALook at the monkey.BIts a monkey.32 . 早上在校门口碰到张老师,同学们应该对她说:( )AHello.BGood morning, Miss Zhang.四、填空题33 . 看图选词填空第1题图第2题图第3题图第4题图第5题图第6题图第7题图第8题图第9题图第10题图1.I have a (ruler/eraser).2.Open your (pencil box/book).3.Look at me!This is my (ear/mouth).4.I see an(arm/eye).5.Look at the (pig/cat).Its big.6.I like the (bird/tiger).7.Id like some (bread/rice).8.I see(six/three)plates.9.Im (nine/eight)years old.10.Colour the panda (black/brown).五、排序题34 . 排序。(1)wants a to she be teather_(2)going he where tonight is _(3)to learn is swim going he to_(4)doing learn by_(5)eat you mooncakes every day do_六、连线题35 . Read and match.读一读,将前后句连线。(1) Have some fruit.ANo, I dont.(2) Can I have some bananas?BMe, too.(3) Do you like oranges?CThank you.(4) I dont like grapes.DSure! Here you are.(5) I like watermelons.EMe, neither.七、书面表达36 . 书面表达。观察表格,阅读短文,续写有关mother的信息。AgeJobsPlacesTrafficwaysHobbiesPlansfather38teacherschoolby bikewatching TVvisit Beijing next yearmother36nursehospitalby carreading booksstudy English next yearMy ParentsMy father is 38 years old. He is a teacher. He works in a school. He goes to the school by bike. He likes watching TV. He is going to visit Beijing next year._第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、四、填空题1、五、排序题1、六、连线题1、七、书面表达1、

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