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人教PEP四年级下册期中考试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What are you? ( )_.AI am a teacherBI am MingmingCIm ten2 . He _ English in a primary school. ( )AteachBteachingCteaches3 . Who is smarter, Susan or Jane? ( )AYes, Susan is.BSusan is smarter than Jane.CNo, Jane isnt.4 . I like _ robot. It can walk. Its super. ( )AaBthisCthese5 . How are you now?A、I am not.B、I am all right.C、How are you?6 . _(这儿) you are. ( )AHereBHeresCWhat7 . There is _umbrella on the chair. ( )A/BaCanDthe8 . ( )AcapBhat9 . Where is the library? ( )Its _the second floor.AinBonCat10 . 选出单词中画线部分读音不同的一项:( )AmeetBhenCpen11 . Thats _ bedroom, Dino. ( )AtheirBtheyCwe12 . That building is _ fire. ( )AinBatCon13 . Whats _ matter with you?AtheB/CaDan二、阅读选择根据图片内容选择正确的答案Contents(目录)Chapter(章节) PageOne Goldilocks and the Three Bears1Two Cinderella.4Three The Kings New Clothes7Four The Lion and the Mouse10Five Little Red Riding Hood13Six The Clever Crow16Seven Snow White.19Eight The Little Match Girl.22Nine Two Friends and A Bear28Ten Three Little Pigs3314 . This is a book about. ( )Afairy talesBrhymesCscience15 . There are chapters in this hook. ( )AfiveBtenCthirty-three16 . Mike wants to read a story of a foolish king. He can read Chapter. ( )AThreeBFiveCEight17 . Mike can see Picture in Chapter Four. ( )ABC18 . “It was a cold night. A little girl was walking on the street with some matches(火柴). Her hands were frozen. She was so coldMike can read this story from Page. ( )A13 to 15B22 to 27C28 to 32三、单词拼写19 . 看图回答问题:-Whats this?-This is our _.四、汉译英20 . 汉译英:他10年前在一个办公室上班。_五、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项,补全对话AWhy are you so happy?BDont be sad.CHe is too tired.DGreat! I am so excited.ESo do I.21 . Nice to see you!Nice to see you, too. Our classroom is new and big!_22 . Why do you look so upset?Because my new toy is missing._ Lets look for it.23 . Where is Baobao?He is in bed._24 . _Because my dad buys me a pet. Its a baby dog.25 . I like our new books._六、改错26 . Read and choose the wrong one:She is ten yearold .(_)A B C第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、阅读选择1、三、单词拼写1、四、汉译英1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、改错1、

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